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The Daily Dispatch: December 14, 1865., [Electronic resource], Southern Representation — the latest news from Washington. (search)
New York, December 13. --The steamship City of Boston, from Liverpool 26th ultimo, and Queenstown 30th, has arrived. Stevens, the Fenian Head-Centre, remains at large. It is believed he will get out of the country. One of the prison wardens is under arrest, and two others have been suspended. The military police are now stationed in the prison. Two war steamers left Queenstown on the 26th with a constabulary force on board. The object of this movement is unknown, but it Queenstown on the 26th with a constabulary force on board. The object of this movement is unknown, but it is asserted that it is connected with the search for Stevens. The special commission for the trial of Fenians opened in Dublin on the 27th. The Morning Herald says that the feeling in the city relative to American affairs is not altogether satisfactory. The Princess Helena, of England, is to be betrothed to Prince Christian, of Augustenburg. Spanish advices regarding the Chilian question say that the British remonstrance was most promptly and satisfactorily met at Madrid, and
European Advices — further by the city of Boston. New York, December 13. --Two war steamers left Queenstown on the 26th November with a constabulary force on board. Their object was unknown, but it was assumed to be connected with the search for Stevens. An influential public meeting was held in Manchester, at which resolutions were passed strongly denouncing the severe proceedings in Jamaica, and a deputation was sent to Earl Russell, who admitted the urgent necessity for an inquiry, and evinced an anxious desire for the vindication of justice. Earl Russell had also received a deputation from Bradford relative to parliamentary reform. He admitted the necessity for the further admission of the working classes to the franchise, but the Government could not bring forward a bill unless fully matured and well grounded. The Morning Herald says the feeling in the city relative to American affairs is not altogether satisfactory. The Princess Helena, of England,