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Browsing named entities in George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 6, 10th edition.. You can also browse the collection for Bedford, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) or search for Bedford, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) in all documents.

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ecombe from an unimportant post. Charles Townshend to Grafton, 2 Nov. 1766, in Grafton's Autobiography; Conway to Chatham, 22 Nov. 1766, Chat. Corr. III. 126. Saunders and Keppel left the Admiralty, and Keppel's place fell to Jenkinson. The Bedford party knew the weakness of the English Ximenes, and scorned to accept his moderate bid for recruits. But the King continually cheered him on to rout out the Grandees of England, now banded together. King to Chatham, 2 Dec. 1766. Their unionsce against the proudest Connection of this country. I hope, cried Richmond, the Nobility will not be browbeaten by an insolent Minister, and Chatham retorted the charge of insolence. Walpole, II. 411, Chat. Correspondence, III. 138; Duke of Bedford's Journal, for 10 Dec. 1766. But it was the last time during his Ministry that he appeared in the House of Lords. His broken health was unequal to the conflict which he had invited. On the eighteenth of December, De Guerchy to Choiseul,
himself to maintain to his last hour, that Taxation and Representation are inseparable, that Taxation without Representation is a robbery, seized the occasion to proclaim as loudly, that his doubt respecting the right of Parliament to tax America, was removed by the declaration of Parliament itself; and that its authority must be Chap. Xxviii} 1767. Feb. maintained. Garth to the Committee of South Carolina, 12 March 1767; Walpole, II. 418. By this time the friends of Grenville, of Bedford and of Rockingham, men the most imbittered against each other by former contests, and the most opposite in character and tendencies, were ready to combine to aim a deadly blow at the existing Ministry, whatever might be the consequence of its destruction. Compare Grenville in his Diary, Papers, IV. 214. During the war, and ever since, the land-tax had been at the nominal rate of four shillings in the pound, in reality at but about nine pence in the pound. On Friday, the twenty-seventh o
ir petitions and memorial, expressed, said Blair, the President of the Council, with modesty and dutiful submission; but under the calmest language, uttering a protest against the right of Parliament to tax America for a revenue. The party of Bedford, and the Duke himself, spoke openly of the necessity of employing force to subdue the inhabitants of Boston, and to make a striking example of the most seditious, in order to inspire the other Colonies with terror. Frances to Choiseul, 29 Julle of Oct. 31–Nov. 7, 1768, p. 427, which must be an extract of a letter from Israel Mauduit to Hutchinson, written after this Cabinet meeting of the 27 of July, as appears from Same to Same, 10 Feb. 1769. All these are friends to the Duke of Bedford: they all agree in one sentiment about America, and the Duke of Grafton professes now to be of the same opinion. Lord Camden will go as far as any one in carrying it [the Act declaratory of the power to tax] into execution. Letter of 1768. T
al relations. The present King found the Whig aristocracy divided; and he readily formed a coalition with that part of it which respected the established forms more than the principles of the Revolution. No combination could rise against this organized conservatism of England, but one which should revive Revolution principles, and insist on a nearer harmony between them and the forms of the Constitution. As yet Rockingham and his adherents avowed the same political creed with the clan of Bedford, and were less friendly to reform than Grenville. When Burke and Wedderburne were allies, the opposition wore the aspect of a selfish struggle of the discontented for place; and the Whig aristocracy, continuing its war against the people as well as against the King, fell more and more into disrepute. A few feeble voices among the Commoners, Chatham and Shelburne and Stanhope among the Peers, cried out for Parliamentary reform; they were opposed by the members of the great Whig connection,