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Browsing named entities in Charles A. Nelson , A. M., Waltham, past, present and its industries, with an historical sketch of Watertown from its settlement in 1630 to the incorporation of Waltham, January 15, 1739.. You can also browse the collection for Groton (Massachusetts, United States) or search for Groton (Massachusetts, United States) in all documents.

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Roger Clap, being abroad under a tree, where I have heard Mr. Wilson and Mr. Phillips preach many a good sermon. Mr. Phillips had been minister of Bocksted near Groton in Suffolk Co., England, and Mr. Wilson had formerly been a minister of one of the parishes of Sudbury, in the same county. Zzz. On Nov. 30th, an order was passef Milton, who drove the Indians from their second plundering of Lancaster, was the only one of the company killed. March 2, 1675-6 they began their attack upon Groton, following it up with another on the 9th, and a third and final one on the 13th, when all the town was burned except four garrison houses. Major Willard, with seventy horse and forty foot, from Watertown, went to the relief of the town but arrived too late, the Indians having all fled. It was in this attack upon Groton that John Monoco, or Oneeyed John, the Indian chief in command, whose tribe had their seat at Nashaway, uttered his boast that the next time he would burn Chelmsford, C
r., Henry, first minister at Reading, 46 n. 3. Green Tavern (the) , public dinner at, 89. Grist-mill, the first, 123; child carried under the wheel, 124. Groton attacked by Indians, 61. Groton. Suffolk Co., England, 23 n 1. Guild, Rev. Edward C., pastor of First Parish, 117. Gun, firing of a, after night watches Groton. Suffolk Co., England, 23 n 1. Guild, Rev. Edward C., pastor of First Parish, 117. Gun, firing of a, after night watches punished by whipping, 18; heavy fine for one that should permit an Indian to use a, 23. Hagar: Amos, 85: Benjamin, Isaac, Jonathan, 88; Joseph, 71, 93; Lois, William, 89. Hagar's lane once well settled, 93. Hamlin, Hon., Hannibal, maternal ancestors of, 97 n. 3. Hammond: Ephraim, 95; Jonathan, 90, 95; Deacon Thomas, 71ms: turned into well-built houses, 57; dwellings in place of huts and, 57. Wilderness, this, goes beyond England in food, 57. Willard, Maj., goes to relieve Groton, 61. William the Conqueror, 67. Williams, Rev., Elisha, preaches for Second Religious Society (1812), 109. Williams, Rev., John, of Deerfield, 56 n. 3.