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undred guns be fired on Boston Common, at twelve, meridian, on Tuesday, Jan. 8th inst., and a national salute be fired, at the same time, for the same purposes, in Charlestown, Lexington, Concord, Waltham, Roxbury, Marblehead, Newburyport, Salem, Groton, Lynn, Worcester, Greenfield, Northampton, Fall River, and Lowell. By command of His Excellency John A. Andrew, Governor and Commander-in-chief. William Schouler, Adjutant-General. The purpose of firing these salutes was to revive old pa. On the same day, Feb. 5, the Governor, with the consent of the Council, appointed the following named gentlemen as commissioners:— Hon. John Z. Goodrich, of Stockbridge. Hon. Charles Allen, of Worcester. Hon. George S. Boutwell, of Groton. Hon. Francis B. Crowninshield, of Boston. Theophilus P. Chandler, Esq., of Brookline. John M. Forbes, Esq., of Milton. Richard P. Waters, Esq., of Beverly. These gentleman immediately proceeded to Washington, and took part in the
f Lowell, adjutant; James Monroe, of Cambridge, quartermaster; Charles Babbidge, of Pepperell, chaplain; Norman Smith, of Groton, surgeon; Jansen T. Paine, of Charlestown, surgeon's mate; Rufus L. Plaisted, of Lowell, paymaster; Samuel D. Shattuck, of Groton, sergeant-major; Church Howe, of Worcester, quartermaster-sergeant; John Dupee, of Boston, commissary-sergeant; Frederick Stafford, of Lowell, drum-major; William H. Gray, of Acton, hospital steward. The Sixth had a full staff and regiment A. Sawtell, captain; Andrew J. Johnson and Andrew C. Wright, lieutenants,—all of Lowell. Company B, Groton Artillery, Groton. Officers: Eusebius S. Clark, captain; George F. Shattuck and Samuel G. Blood, lieutenants,—all of Groton. Company C,Groton. Company C, Mechanics' Phalanx, Lowell. Officers: Albert S. Follansbee, captain; Samuel D. Shipley and John C. Jepson, lieutenants,—all of Lowell. Company D, City Guards, Lowell. Officers: James W. Hart, captain; Charles E. Jones and Samuel C. Pinney, Llewe<
writes to Commodore Hudson, Navy Yard, Charlestown, John M. Forbes is acting as agent for the Commonwealth in hitting up and preparing the Cambridge as an armed steamer for coast defence, and for the benefit of the common cause. Will you be good enough to oblige us with furnishing him with guns, armament, and ammunition he may need from the navy yard? Any aid you may give will serve the great object nearest the hearts of us all, and receive my lasting gratitude. To George S. Boutwell, Groton, Mass.: We need your information, influence, and acquaintance with the Cabinet, and knowledge of Eastern public sentiment, to leave immediately for Washington. Hope you will proceed at once, and open and preserve communication between you and myself. To Montgomery Blair, Postmaster-General: Hon. Dwight Foster, our Attorney-General, will hand you this note, with my full commendations. Mr. Foster is a gentleman with whom you can take counsel, finding him full of the fire and hard-working zeal
R. Sprague, who had served as captain in the Rifle Battalion, in the three months service, was colonel of this regiment. The Fifty-second Regiment was recruited at Camp Miller, at Greenfield. Henry S. Greenleaf, was commissioned colonel. It left Massachusetts on the nineteenth day of November, for New York, where it embarked for New Orleans, with orders to report to Major-General Banks, commanding the Department of the Gulf. The Fifty-third Regiment was recruited at Camp Stevens, at Groton. It left Massachusetts on the eighteenth day of November, for New York, under command of LieutenantColo-nel Barrett, with orders to report to Major-General Banks at New Orleans. John W. Kimball, who had served with distinction as major of the Fifteenth Regiment, three years service, was commissioned colonel of the Fifty-third. Before he could get home from the front, and take command, the regiment had left the State. He joined it, however, at New York, and went with it to Louisiana. T