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John G. B. Adams, Reminiscences of the Nineteenth Massachusetts Regiment, Chapter 1: the call to arms. (search)
Chapter 1: the call to arms. At the breaking out of the war I was a resident of the quiet but patriotic town of Groveland. Sumter had been fired upon and all was excitement. I could not work, and on the 18th of April, 1861, walked to Haverhill with my elder brother and Mark Kimball. We went to the armory of the Hale Guards, who were making active preparations to march, and I returned home that night resolved to go with them if possible. The next day we walked to Haverhill again, and I at once interviewed Captain Messer, but was informed that the company was more than full, so I could not go with it. I had said nothing to my brother or Mark of my intention, but as we were walking home I found that we all had the same desire,--to enlist at once. We talked the matter over and concluded that as Company A of the 1st Battalion of Rifles, an old militia company located in West Newbury, and then under arms, would soon be ordered away, we would join it. That night we walked to We
John G. B. Adams, Reminiscences of the Nineteenth Massachusetts Regiment, Chapter 7: battle of Fredericksburg and Marye's Heights. (search)
ing months came they fished the river for shad, and as they drew their seines would come so near our shore that they could and often did throw fish to our boys. This truce lasted from January to May, 1863, and to both armies was one long, happy holiday. In April I received ten days leave of absence, and visited my old home. I had been promoted first lieutenant after the battle of Fredericksburg, and wore my new uniform for the first time. After two days spent on the road I arrived in Groveland. As in the field, I found death had been busy. My father had been called home, and many others had passed away. The second night after my arrival a delegation of citizens waited upon me and escorted me to the vestry used as a town hall, where I was given a public reception. I do not know what the feelings of General Grant were when he landed at California and was given the grand reception after his trip around the world, but if he felt better than I did he must have been very happy.
John G. B. Adams, Reminiscences of the Nineteenth Massachusetts Regiment, Chapter 8: battles of Chancellorsville, Thoroughfare Gap and Gettysburg.--wounded at Gettysburg and ordered home. (search)
f you please, although it had been turned two minutes before. We arrived at Fall River in the morning. I was placed on my stretcher, carried to the train and taken to Brockton, where I was loaded into an express wagon and driven to the hotel. Here I was placed under the care of Dr. E. E. Dean, and in the afternoon was driven to Sharon, the home of my brother, where I remained three months, attended by Dr. Dean and nursed by my dear mother and sister. From Sharon I was taken home to Groveland, where I remained until December, reporting to the department at Washington and my regiment, by surgeon's certificate, every twenty days. I enjoyed the convalescent period much. Colonel Devereaux, Captain Boyd and Adjutant Hill, with Mark Kimball and several others, had been ordered to Long Island on recruiting service, and I visited them often. I also sat on the platform, with my crutches, at war meetings and was quite a hero. I found quite a change since 1861; then men were very anxio
John G. B. Adams, Reminiscences of the Nineteenth Massachusetts Regiment, Chapter 9: regiment ordered home.--receptions.--my first call upon Governor Andrew.--return to the front. (search)
thirty days were like one long holiday; the towns gave receptions to the men, Company A being received by the town of West Newbury. The time soon came when we must march away, and at the end of thirty days every man reported at Wenham. We mustered five more than we brought home, --three deserters whom we had captured and two recruits. Two boys, Rogers and Fee, who were not old enough, stole away with us and were mustered in the field. I carried a new sword, presented by the citizens of Groveland, and several other officers were remembered in like manner. Great injustice was done to fighting regiments in allowing them to return without being filled to the maximum. While the State was filling its quota it was, as far as active service went, nearly all on paper. Every old regiment had many brave and well-qualified non-commissioned officers who could not be promoted because only two officers were allowed each company, and, besides, we were placed in line to do the duty of a regim
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2, Chapter 6: Essex County. (search)
enerous, and patriotic in behalf of the soldiers, than were the ladies of Gloucester. We regret our inability to obtain a full statement of their good works. Groveland Incorporated March 8, 1850. Population in 1860, 1,448; in 1865, 1,620. Valuation in 1860, $538,123; in 1865, $666,119. The selectmen during the years 186, Nathaniel Ladd, Z. C. Wardwell, C. W. Hopkinson. The town-clerk and town-treasurer during all these years was Morris Spofford. 1861. The first meeting in Groveland, to consider matters connected with the war, was held April 30th, at which E. B. George, Elijah Clarke, John C. Foote, N. H. Griffith, and D. H. Stickney were chen. 1865. February 16th, The selectmen were authorized to enlist men to fill the quota of the town, and to draw upon the treasurer for the necessary funds. Groveland furnished about one hundred and eighty-five men for the war, which was a surplus of seventeen over and above all demands. Seven were commissioned officers. The
ton 336 Easton 127 Edgartown 166 Egremont 71 Enfield 339 Erving 264 Essex 187 F. Fairhaven 130 Falmouth 38 Fall River 133 Fitchburg 625 Florida 73 Foxborough 501 Framingham 405 Franklin 502 Freetown 137 G. Gardner 628 Georgetown 188 Gill 265 Gloucester 191 Goshen 341 Gosnold 168 Grafton 630 Granby 342 Granville 302 Great Barrington 74 Greenfield 266 Greenwich 343 Groton 408 Groveland 194 H. Hadley 345 Halifax 546 Hamilton 196 Hancock 77 Hanover 550 Hanson 547 Hardwick 631 Harvard 633 Harwich 41 Hatfield 346 Hawley 268 Haverhill 198 Heath 269 Hingham 551 Hinsdale 79 Holden 635 Holland 303 Holliston 410 Holyoke 305 Hopkinton 412 Hubbardston 636 Hull 553 Huntington 348 I. Ipswich 202 K. Kingston 554 L. Lakeville 556 Lancaster 638 Lanesborough 80
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 39: capture of the regiment. (search)
of surrender for a moment tolerable to the regiment. If resistance had been at all available, it would have been made. The action in which they were taken was the 32nd action in which this splendid regiment had been engaged since its first organization. Six commissioned officers surrendered with the command, viz,—Major Moncena Dunn, of Boston, commanding, Adjutant William M. Curtis, of Randolph, Lieut. David F. Chubbuck, Capt. Lysander J. Hume, of Calais, Me., Lieut. J. G. B. Adams, of Groveland and Lieut. William A. McGinnis, of Boston. One hundred and sixty enlisted men surrendered with the regiment, seventy of whom were recruits recently received without descriptive rolls. The only complete list of these men was lost upon the person of Adjutant Curtis. For this reason it is impossible to supply a complete list of the men captured. A list as complete as possible will be supplied in a few days. The men who remain here, about 40, have been organized as a company, under com
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Roster of the Nineteenth regiment Massachusetts Volunteers (search)
en B., priv., (C), Aug. 3, ‘63; 22; sub. G. O. Sears; transf. to Co. D; disch. as Sergt. June 5, ‘65 at Columbus Gen. Hosp., Wash., D. C. Dow, Thomas A., priv., (C), July 31, ‘63; 22; sub. Moses Baker; transf. to 20 M. V. Jan. 14, ‘64 Dow, William, priv., (B), July 31, ‘63; 43; sub. Peter H. Crowell; disch. at Boston (no date) by order Gen. Dix. Dowd, John, priv., Aug. 5, ‘61; 18; no service. Downer, Samuel, priv., (C), Feb. 20, ‘62; 32; disch. disa. Jan. 23, ‘63; died May ‘63 at Groveland, Mass. Downey, Peter, priv., (F), July 25, ‘61; 21; disch. disa. Apr. 19, ‘62. Downing, Robert E., priv., Mar. 1, ‘64; 18; rejected Mar. 4, ‘64. Doyle, Edward, priv., (I), July 26, ‘61; 25; wounded May 6, ‘64; M. O. Aug. 28, ‘64 as abs. sick; see V. R.C. Doyle, George, priv., (H), Nov. 21, ‘64; 18; M. O. June 30, ‘65. Doyle, James, priv., (I), Apr. 1, ‘64; 18; wounded May 18, ‘64; abs. pris. since June 28, ‘64; not heard from since. Doyle, Lawrence, pri
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life, VI: in and out of the pulpit (search)
in London. . . . [She sang] a wonderful Bugle Song, the notes dying away in the distance. This last was perfectly incredible—you listen and listen and at last become perfectly bewildered and decide that the notes will never end but go with you always. One of the valuable friendships formed at this period was that with David Wasson, whom Mr. Higginson dubbed the most interesting person I know. This radical young parson had recently been ordained at the neighboring town of Bradford (or Groveland), to Mr. Higginson's surprise, who thought Wasson too heretical for any council to admit. Mr. F. B. Sanborn remembers encountering in that region a country youth who summed up the two independent clergymen thus: Wal, he's [Wasson] a sort of infidel; he says he don't take much stock in th' old saints; Mista Hinkerson [Higginson], daown ta the Port, 's the sweetest saint I ever knew. After attending some of the May anniversary meetings, Mr. Higginson reported that he had spoken his mind
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register, Chapter 16: ecclesiastical History. (search)
name of The Broadway Baptist Church, and he was unanimously elected pastor. The public services of recognition were held in the First Baptist Church, June 25, 1865. Mr. Howe remained pastor until July, 1870, when he resigned; he continues to reside in Cambridge, and performs clerical duties, but without pastoral charge. The present pastor of the church, the Rev. Henry Hinckley, H. C. 1860, was installed Dec. 13, 1870; he had previously been settled at Winchester, and more recently at Groveland, Mass. Deacons. Elected. Held office until Age. Ebenezer HoveyMay, 1865DiedMarch 25, 186665 Josiah SparrowMay, 1865ResignedNov. 1872 Jacob EatonDec. 1867 Simeon TaylorDec. 1867ResignedOct. 1869 Charles L. FessendenNov. 1872 Free Church of St. James.—The Parish of St. James, at North Cambridge, was organized on Christmas day, 1864, and from that time divine service was regularly continued under the charge of Rev. Andrew Croswell, B. U. 1843, who was elected Rector at Easter, 1865,
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