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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Captain Wilkes's seizure of Mason and Slidell. (search)
ard said: If I decide this case in favor of my own Government, I must disavow its most cherished principles, and reverse and forever abandon its essential policy. The country cannot afford the sacrifice. If I maintain those principles, and adhere to that policy, I must surrender the case itself. It will be seen, therefore, that this Government could not deny the justice of the claim presented to us in this respect upon its merits. We are asked to do the British nation just what we have always insisted all nations ought to do to us. Accordingly, on the 1st of January, 1862, the commissioners and their secretaries were placed on board the English vessel Rinaldo, at Province-town, Mass., which had been designated by Lord Lyons to receive them. After a voyage of unusual rigor, during which they were compelled by storms to alter the first plan of going by way of Halifax and to run to Bermuda, the commissioners arrived at Southampton, England, on the 29th of January.--Editors.
o get into Margaret's Bay, and the ship being so light that we could do but little in the gale which was blowing, and our coal being nearly exhausted, we ran into Halifax. Arrived at the coal wharf at half past 5 P. M., and left at eleven P. M. (having taken in one hundred and thirty-six tons coal) for LaHave, N. S., where the Cheews that she was at Lunenberg, (twenty-five miles distant,) and we immediately started for that port, where we arrived at half past 6 P. M. Telegraphed at once to Halifax for news of her whereabouts, which we received, stating that the Chesapeake entered Mud Cove, Sambro Harbor, that evening. We immediately got under way, and ran n. He then asked, Did you catch the pirates? I replied, I had but three. He then told me to repair on board. I went on board, when he ordered me to proceed to Halifax with the prize for adjudication; at which port we arrived and dropped anchor at quarter before four P. M. I immediately telegraphed to Commandant Montgomery of my
ate Fox. Afterwards, when the Hancock and Fox were retaken by the British off Halifax, he was carried there as prisoner of war, but was soon released. He had not meting-house, No. 16, not leased. Of the estate belonging to one Clewly, in Halifax, left in the hands of Ichabod Jones, of Boston, his trustee: two pieces of lannd, through very fear, he started for he knew not where. He arrived safely in Halifax, and there wrote his friend, Dr. Tufts, May, 1775, urging him to become his agare of his property. This the doctor declined, but afterwards accepted. From Halifax, Colonel Royal wrote to Dr. Tufts, under date of March 12, 1776, concerning ceich prevailed in Boston, made him afraid to stay there; accordingly he went to Halifax, and from thence retired back into the country, and afterwards went to Englandtion, until the cannonading at Lexington drove him to Newburyport, and then to Halifax; and, after living some time in retirement, he embarked for Europe. He was a
River with a deck-load of wood and bark. A custom-house officer from Boston took possession of her as a suspected smuggler. The captain invited the officer to take supper with him in the cabin. They sat and ate together; and the captain asked to be excused a moment while he gave an order to his men. No sooner had he arrived on deck than he turned and fastened the cabin door. Extempore Indians were ready to unload the hold of the schooner, which was full of English goods, wire, &c., from Halifax. During half the night, horse-wagons were passing to Boston from the old wharf, owned by Francis Shed, below the ship-yard. Some teams went to Malden, and some to West Cambridge. The amounts were very large, and the goods of the costliest kinds. The planting of that night produced a rich harvest. The goods were never discovered; but the vessel was condemned and confiscated. How soundly the officer slept is not known. Manufactures. Of these Medford has never had many, in the mode
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official correspondence of Confederate State Department. (search)
e warfare. Although at the period of your departure from Richmond we had no reason to doubt the statements made, it was considered imprudent to act on them without further inquiry, and your instructions were therefore closed with the following sentences: Before closing these instructions it is proper to add that they are based on the statement of facts which precedes them, but our sources of information are not perfect enough to permit entire reliance. You will be able on arrival at Halifax to ascertain whether there be any important divergence between the facts as they really occurred and those assumed in this dispatch. In such event you will exercise a prudent discretion in your action, and be at liberty to modify your conduct, or even to abstain altogether from any interference with the matter. While desirous of upholding to the full extent the rights and interests of our country, we wish particularly to avoid the presentation of demands not entirely justified by the prin
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Engagement at Sappony church-report of General Wade Hampton. (search)
ground. They were followed closely for two miles, when, finding they had taken the route to Reams' station, I moved by Stony Creek depot, in order to get on the Halifax road to intercept them, should they attempt to cross below Reams'. Butler's brigade was sent to Malone's crossing, two miles south of Reams' station, and the other brigades were ordered to occupy the roads leading into the Halifax road. I moved up with Chambliss' brigade, following Butler, and soon after crossing Rowanty creek we met an advance of the enemy who had struck the Halifax road between Butler and Chambliss. These were charged and scattered, when another party were reported comiHalifax road between Butler and Chambliss. These were charged and scattered, when another party were reported coming into the same road at Perkins' house. I took a portion of the Thirteenth Virginia, and meeting them, drove them back, and Lieutenant-Colonel Phillips pushed on, getting possession of the bridge over the Rowanty. Finding that a portion of the force which had crossed the creek had taken a road leading east, I sent Colonel Beale
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Blockade. (search)
chrane to destroy the seaport towns and devastate the country. At Wareham, on Buzzard's Bay, they destroyed stroyed vessels and other property valued at $40. 000. In the same month fifty armed men in five large barges entered the Saco River, Maine, and destroyed property to the amount of about $20,000 New Bedford, and Fair Haven opposite, were threatened by British cruisers. Eastport and Castine, in Maine, were captured by the British. In July, 1814/un>, Sir Thomas M. Hardly sailed from Halifax with a considerable land and naval force. to execute the order of Cochrane. The country from Passamaquoddy Bay to the Penobscot River speedily passed under British rule, and remained so until the close of the war. After capturing Eastport, Hardy sailed westward, and threatened Portsmouth and other places. An attack on Boston was confidently expected. It was almost defenceless, and offered a rich prize for plunder. There slips were built for the war: but when real danger appeared, the i
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Chesapeake, (search)
n't give up the ship, became the battle-cry of the Americans, and the formula of an encouraging maxim in morals for those who are struggling in life's contests. Broke's boarders now swarmed upon the deck of the Chesapeake, and Lieutenant Ludlow, the second in command, was mortally wounded by a sabre cut. After a severe struggle, in which the Americans lost, in killed and wounded, 146 men, vietory remained with the Shannon. The British lost eighty-four men. Broke sailed immediately for Halifax with his prize, and the day before his arrival there (June 7) Lawrence expired, wrapped in the flag of the Chesapeake. England rang with shouts of exultation because of this victory. An American writer remarked: Never did any victory —not even of Wellington in Spain, nor those of Nelson—call forth such expressions of joy on the part of the British ; a proof that our naval character had risen in their estimation. Lawrence fought under great disadvantages. He had been Chesney, in comman
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Essex, the, (search)
. On June 26, 1812, under command of Capt. David Porter, she left Sandy Hook, N. J., on a cruise, with a flag at her masthead bearing the significant words, free-trade and sailors' rights. He soon captured several English merchant vesels, making trophy bonfires of most of them on the ocean, and their crews his prisoners. After cruising southward several weeks in disguise, capturing a prize now and then, he turned northward, and chased a fleet of English transports bearing 1,000 troops to Halifax, convoyed by a frigate and a bomb-vessel. He captured one of the transports, and a few days afterwards (Aug. 13) fell in with the British armed ship Alert, Capt. T. L. P. Langhorne, mounting twenty 18-pounder carronades and six smaller guns. the Essex was disguised as a merchantman. the Alert followed her for some time, and at length opened fire with three cheers from her people. Porter caused his ports to be knocked out in an instant, when his guns responded with terrible effect. It w
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Oliver, Thomas 1734-1815 (search)
Oliver, Thomas 1734-1815 Royal governor; born in Dorchester, Mass., Jan. 5, 1734; graduated at Harvard in 1753; succeeded Lieut.-Gov. Andrew Oliver (of another family) in March, 1774, and in September following was compelled by the people of Boston to resign. He took refuge with the British troops in Boston, and fled with them to Halifax in 1776, and thence to England. He died in Bristol, England, Nov. 29, 1815.