Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 9, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Lunenburg, Ma. (Massachusetts, United States) or search for Lunenburg, Ma. (Massachusetts, United States) in all documents.

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Gloucester184Harrison52 Goochland155Henrico350 Fluvanna120James City8 Grayson174Jefferson541 Greene189Loudoun177 Halifax366Lewis90 Hancock49Norfolk City239 Isle of Wight225Montgomery31 King and Queen97Nottoway40 Louisa349Petersburg439 Lunenburg21Pittsylvania300 Madison246page109 Marshall115Powhatan96 Marion129Preston55 Mecklenburg249Pulaski28 Nansemond133Rappahannock74 New Kent82Richmond City744 Northampton36Ritchie15 Northumberland40Roanoke53 Nelson20Rockbridge870 Orange95R--Gives Breckinridge a majority of 1,700. Page --Gives Breckinridge 721 majority — Democratic loss 109. Rappahannock --Gives Bell a majority of 120. Culpeper --Official--Gives Bell 411; Breckinridge 410; Douglas 18. Lunenburg --Official--Gives Breckinridge 526; Bell 251; Douglas 32. Pittsylvania --With one precinct to hear from, Bell 1,675; Breckinridge 996; Douglas 156. Hanover --All the precincts except Rockville heard from gives Breckinridge 48