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r Oaks; Peach Orchard; Savage Station; White Oak Swamp; Fredericksburg (1863); Ream's Station; Farmville; Sailor's Creek; Appomattox. notes.--Organized at Lynnfield, Mass., and arrived at Washington August 30, 1861. It was stationed in Maryland, along the Upper Potomac, until March, 1862, when it was assigned to Dana's (3d) Br 1 Rappahannock Station, Va. 1 Siege of Petersburg 6 Present, also, at Hanover C. H.; Manassas; Antietam; Mine Run; Cold Harbor. notes.--Organized at Lynnfield by the efforts of the Hon. Henry Wilson, who afterwards became vice-president of the United States. The regiment arrived at Hall's Hill, Va., on October 13, 186, Dec. 27, ‘64 1 Present, also, at Campbell's Station, Tenn.; Wilderness, Va.; Cold Harbor, Va.; Hatcher's Run; Fall of Petersburg. notes.--Organized at Lynnfield, and left the State August 22, 1862. Both Colonel Wild and Lieutenant Colonel Carruth had seen service in the First Massachusetts. After a short stay on Arling