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thousand men were enlisted during the year 1862, assigned to regiments in the field, and forwarded to their several destinations. On the 28th day of May, an order was received from the President of the United States for thirty companies of infantry, twenty of which were to compose two regiments,—the Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth,—six for a battalion to garrison Fort Warren, and four to complete the organization of the Thirty-second Regiment. The Thirty-third regiment was recruited at Lynnfield, and left the State to join the Army of the Potomac, Aug. 14, 1862. The Thirty-fourth Regiment was recruited at Camp John E. Wool, on the Agricultural Fair Grounds in Worcester. It left the State for Washington, Aug. 15, 1862. The other ten companies were recruited in a few weeks, and assigned to duty. The Massachusetts regiments and batteries in the spring of 1862, and previous to the commencement of the campaign in North Carolina under Burnside, and in Virginia under General McClel
veteran, Major-General Wool. To this camp all recruits from the counties of Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire, and Worcester, were sent. The old camp at Lynnfield was continued, and designated Camp Stanton, which served as the general rendezvous of recruits from the counties of Barnstable, Bristol, Dukes, Essex, Middlesex,ke a receipt for him. After he is mustered into the United States service, you shall receive two dollars for each man. The officer will furnish transportation to Lynnfield. Work, work; for we want men badly. To Moses P. Towne, Topsfield,— We require the aid of every man in the State to forward recruiting. You will not need any papers. If you can enlist a man in Topsfield, do it, and I will immediately furnish transportation to Lynnfield. The necessity is urgent. The quota for Topsfield, nineteen men. To A. Potter, Pittsfield,— The terrible pressure of business upon me has prevented my answering your favor of the 4th inst. before. I
nother class of cases was where men had just claims against the Government for labor performed, and articles furnished for the camps. One of them was the claim of Asa Palmer, for payment for hay, wood, and straw, furnished for Camp Stanton, in Lynnfield, which amounted to $1,918.70. His bills were approved by the proper officers; yet he could not get his pay, because no certificates had been received at the office of the Quartermaster-General at Washington, to show in what quarter he will accoere in New York, but where I do not know, and First-Lieutenant Richardson, quartermaster of the Thirty-third Regiment, who is now with his regiment in the Army of the Potomac. Mr. Palmer is a poor man; the money is owed by him to the farmers in Lynnfield and neighborhood, and he is much annoyed because he does not pay them; but he cannot do it until the Government pays him. The money has been due about a year. He has done every thing in his power to have the bills settled; but he cannot make o
John G. B. Adams, Reminiscences of the Nineteenth Massachusetts Regiment, Chapter 1: the call to arms. (search)
eir share, so we put them on. One night we caught a calf and after the officers were asleep we turned him into their tent. We did many things that later would have sent us to the guard-house. About the second week in July we were ordered to Lynnfield to join the 19th regiment. We were the second company in camp, Company C of Rowley arriving about two hours before us. Our tents were a peculiar pattern, neither wall nor A, but between the two, having accommodations for ten men, and each tent had three windows or ventilators. For a time we were under the command of Col. Lyman Dyke, who also commanded the 17th regiment, located near us. At Lynnfield I was promoted to sixth corporal, and my troubles began. I was one day detailed for guard, the 17th and 19th regiments doing guard duty together. When I posted my relief I had one more man than posts, so I made a new post. The officer of the day asked me what I did with the supernumerary. I said that I put him on in rear of the
John G. B. Adams, Reminiscences of the Nineteenth Massachusetts Regiment, Chapter 2: our journey south. (search)
ere read to us by our officers. As I remember them whatever you did you were to be shot, or such other punishment as may be inflicted by courts-martial. At Meridian Hill we had our first Sunday morning inspection; the order was for all men to be in line. This included cooks, teamsters, clerks and all other detailed men. To the regular members of the company it was a grand sight to see these extra duty men in line. Fowler, the wagoner, had not seen his musket since it was given him at Lynnfield and knew nothing of the manual, neither did Uncle Burrill, who was regimental mail carrier. Lieutenant-Colonel Devereaux came down the line and the men threw up their guns for inspection. Fowler had watched the men on his right, and when his turn came threw his gun up in fair shape. The colonel took it, looked at the musket, then at Fowler. What do you mean by bringing such a musket for inspection? It ought to be all right, said Fowler, it is bran new and I have never used it since it
John G. B. Adams, Reminiscences of the Nineteenth Massachusetts Regiment, Chapter 3: battles of ball's Bluff and Edward's Ferry.--experiences at Darnestown and Rockville. (search)
eople can render. The clapping of hands and stamping of feet, all in time, cause a thrill of excitement to run through the coldest veins. With the colored people the effect is such that they are lost to all else but the emotions of the hour. When striving with the spirit it is a strife in reality. One night they held a meeting of unusual interest, and Company A was represented by a large delegation. Among the number was Uncle Ben Falls. Ben had joined the company just before we left Lynnfield. He had been a sailor and his kind heart and ready wit made him a favorite with all. That night Ben was deeply interested. He joined in the hymn, and although his voice might not accord with the rest there was no doubt but what he sang with the same spirit. Soon the excitement reached its height; sobs and groans were heard in all parts of the room, shouts of Glory! went up from every heart. The spirit took possession of a girl named Malinda, who was owned at the hotel where our office
John G. B. Adams, Reminiscences of the Nineteenth Massachusetts Regiment, Chapter 11: battles at Totopotomoy Creek and cold Harbor. (search)
rgeon came but could do nothing, and in a short time he passed away. As the firing ceased for a time, we made a rude coffin and laid him to rest. We nailed a wooden slab on the tree, enclosing the grave with a little fence. Then I must perform the saddest duty of all,--write to his loved ones at home. Captain Mumford and I had been warm friends for more than two years, had shared the same blanket on the march, and while at home had been constantly together. He joined the regiment at Lynnfield, a young boy just out of school; had been promoted from second lieutenant to captain, and had shared every march and battle in which the regiment had been engaged. Kind-hearted, generous and brave, I loved him as a brother. In December, 1865, I went to the place where we laid him and brought the body to Providence, R. I., where it now rests. By the left flank we marched on, arriving at Cold Harbor on the morning of June 2. We were deployed as skirmishers and lay in line until three A
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2, Chapter 6: Essex County. (search)
d dollars, making a total of two thousand dollars. The above does not include what was done in aid of the freedmen. Lynnfield Incorporated July 3, 1782. Population in 1860, 866; in 1865, 725. Valuation in 1860, $558,854; in 1865, $604,617. sharpest practice of the sword; second, That the Union must be preserved at whatever cost; third, That the young men of Lynnfield are expected to do their part in the great work; and fourth, That while we regard it as the first duty of this nation t who is credited to the town. 1863. March 2d, Voted, that one hundred dollars be paid to each of the volunteers from Lynnfield to whom no bounty has been previously paid; also, to give the widows of the soldiers a gratuity of fifty dollars each. Lynnfield furnished seventy-six men for the war, which was a surplus of three over and above all demands. Four were commissioned officers. The whole amount of money appropriated and expended by the town on account of the war, exclusive of Stat
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2, Chapter 10: Middlesex County. (search)
opriated and expended by the town on account of the war, exclusive of State aid, was sixty thousand and eighty-five dollars ($60,085.00). April 28th, 1861. Company K, of the Seventeenth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, attended divine service at Rev. Mr. Reed's church. After the sermon each member was presented with a New Testament. May 26th, They attended Rev. Mr. Greenwood's church, and were presented with a silk banner valued at sixty dollars. Previous to leaving town for camp at Lynnfield, on the 9th of July, religious ceremonies were held in the town hall by the different clergymen of Malden. Each of the commissioned officers was presented with a sword, belt, and a revolver, valued at $123.50. The amount of money raised and expended by the town during the war for State aid to the families of soldiers, and which was repaid by the Commonwealth, was as follows: In 1861, $2,600.00; in 1862, $7,561.20; in 1863, $8,907.13; in 1864, $8,000.00; in 1865, $4,800.00. Total amoun
ale 79 Holden 635 Holland 303 Holliston 410 Holyoke 305 Hopkinton 412 Hubbardston 636 Hull 553 Huntington 348 I. Ipswich 202 K. Kingston 554 L. Lakeville 556 Lancaster 638 Lanesborough 80 Lawrence 202 Lee 81 Leicester 639 Leominster 642 Lenox 84 Leverett 271 Lexington 414 Leyden 272 Littleton 419 Lincoln 416 Longmeadow 307 Lowell 420 Ludlow 308 Lunenburg 644 Lynn 207 Lynnfield 212 M. Malden 425 Manchester 213 Mansfield 139 Marblehead 215 Marlborough 427 Marshfield 557 Marion 557 Mattapoisett 561 Medfield 504 Medford 429 Medway 506 Melrose 431 Mendon 646 Methuen 218 Middleborough 563 Middlefield 350 Middleton 220 Milford 648 Millbury 651 Milton 507 Monroe 274 Monson 310 Montague 275 Monterey 87 Montgomery 311 Mount Washington 88 N. Nahant 222 Nant