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John A. Gilchrist, jaw, Lunenburg; Charles H. Stratton, leg shattered, Winchendon; Geo. W. Rice, leg, Fitchburgh.
Co. G, Christian Class, leg, Clinton; Christopher Lenhandt, hand, do.; Baptist Reno, breast, Douglas; Ferdinand Swan, hand, Clinton; Geo. Vetter, arm and breast, do.; Daniel Williams, left arm shot away, Milford.
Co. H, Second Lieut. N. H. Foster, left elbow, N. Brookfield; Corporal Randall Mann, supposed mortally, Leicester; George E. Kent, do.; H. H. Ware; W. H. Endith, Princeton.
Co. I, John S. Brown, head, Orange; W. L. Wheeler, do., Royalton; S. F. Jillson, thigh; A. N. Cobleigh, leg.
Co. K, Samuel Thurston, leg, Worcester; Edwin F. Pratt, leg, Holden; Frank S. Sibley, leg, Auburn.
Co. A, George F. Robinson, Worcester.
Co. B, D. H. Eames, Hopkinton.
Co. C, Corporal Samuel Healy, Boston; W. C. Hemmenway, West--Boyleston; W. C. Hardy, Worcester; Horace Merriam, Warren; Lewis Wright, do.
Co. E, Jas. Gordon, Worcester; Frank Smith, do.;