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William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2, Chapter 15: Worcester County. (search)
ney paid by the town during the war for State aid to soldiers' families, and repaid by the Commonwealth, was as follows: In 1861, $139.40; in 1862, $1,091.95; in 1863, $1,586.12; in 1864, $1,238.52; in 1865, $704.14. Total amount, $4,760.13. Royalston Incorporated Feb. 16, 1765. Population in 1860, 1,486; in 1865, 1,441. Valuation in 1860, $823,257; in 1865, $711,872. The selectmen in 1861 and 1862 were William W. Clement, Richard Baker, Cyrus B. Reed; in 1863, 1864, and 1865, Williaummer. 1865. The town voted the sum of four thousand nine hundred and sixty-five dollars to refund to those persons who subscribed and paid that amount for the purpose of filling the quota of the town under the last call of the President. Royalston furnished one hundred and forty-eight men for the war, which was a surplus of seven over and above all demands. Eight were commissioned officers. The whole amount of money appropriated and expended for war purposes exclusive of State aid was
660 P. Palmer 313 Paxton 661 Peabody (see South Danvers) 243 Pelham 352 Pembroke 566 Pepperell 440 Peru 95 Petersham 662 Phillipston 664 Pittsfield 96 Plainfield 354 Plymouth 568 Plympton 571 Prescott 354 Princeton 665 Provincetown 46 Q. Quincy 511 R. Randolph 513 Raynham 147 Reading 442 Rehoboth 149 Richmond 98 Rochester 572 Rockport 230 Rowe 282 Rowley 232 Roxbury 515 Royalston 667 Russell 314 Rutland 669 S. Salem 234 Salisbury 239 Sandisfield 99 Sandwich 49 Saugus 241 Savoy 100 Scituate 574 Seekonk 151 Sharon 520 Sheffield 102 Shelburne 283 Sherborn 444 Shirley 446 Shrewsbury 670 Shutesbury 285 Somerville 447 Somerset 154 Southampton 357 Southbridge 675 Southborough 673 South Scituate 576 South Danvers (Peabody) 243 South Hadley 356 South Reading (Wakefield
Occupation. James D. Green.1846-47, 1853, 1860-61.1798.1882.Maiden, Mass. Clergyman. Sidney Willard.1848-49-50.1780.1856.Beverly, Mass. Professor. George Stevens.1851-52.1803.1894.Norway, Maine. Manufacturer. Abraham Edwards.1854.1797.1870.Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Zebina L. Raymond.1855-1864.1804.1872.Shutesbury, Mass. Merchant. John Sargent.1856-57-58-59.1799.1880. Hillsboroa, N. H. Chas. Theo. Russell.1861-621815.1896. Princeton, Mass. Lawyer. Geo. C. Richardson.1863.1808.1886.Royalston, Mass. Merchant. J. Warren Merrill.1865-661.1819.1889.South Hampton, N. H. Merchant. Ezra Parmenter.1867.1823.1883.Boston, Mass. Physician. Chas. H. Saunders.1868-69.1821.Cambridge, Mass. Merchant. Hamlin R. Harding.1870-71.1825.1889.Lunenburg, Mass. Agent. Henry O. Houghton.1872.1823.1895.Sutton, Vermont. Publisher. Isaac Bradford.1873-74-75-76.1834.Boston, Mass. Mathematician. Frank A. Allen.1877.1835.Sanford, Maine. Merchant. Samuel L. Montague.1878-79.1829.Montague, Mass. Merchan
53; Elizabeth Prentice, b. 27 Sept. 1755; Thomas, b. 3 , Jan. 1758; Rebecca and Abigail, twins, b. 4 Feb. 1760. Before 1770 Mr. Eliot removed with his family to Royalston. Elmer, Edward, was here in 1635 and owned several tracts of land; but removed to Hartford before 1639. Ely, Nathaniel (or Elly), in 1635 res. on the westertenatus, b. 15 Oct. 1777; Abel, b. 10 Ap. 1780, very eccentric, d. unm. at Roxbury 7 Feb. 1855; Sarah Warland, bap. 11 Aug. 1783, m. Dr. Stephen Batchelder of Royalston 17 Jan. 1816; Mary, bap. 5 June 1785, d. unm. 24 May 1860; Augustus, bap. 28 June 1789, a merchant in Boston, d. 29 Oct. 1821, leaving widow and one child; Will1792, and removed to Queensbury, N. Y., before 1807; Elizabeth, b. about 1763, m.——Fisk of Barre, where she was living in 1807. Joel the f. was of Lex., rem. to Royalston after 1761, and d. before Feb. 1788. 31. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan (16), m. Sarah Richardson 4 May 1769, and had Abiel, bap. 8 Oct. 1769; Jonathan; Nathan, d.
her, not only to the English at New. Cambridge, but also to the Indians thereabout. Mather. 3. Ebenezer, parentage not ascertained, m. Susanna Soden 2 May 1745, and had Susmanna, b. 19 Mar. 1745-6, m. Aaron Swan 19 Sept. 1765; Hannah, b. 18 Jan. 1747-8; Ebenezer, b. 18 Aug. 1749; Lovisa, b. 20 Aug. 1751; Marqaret, b. 30 June 1753; Elizabeth Prentice, b. 27 Sept. 1755; Thomas, b. 3 , Jan. 1758; Rebecca and Abigail, twins, b. 4 Feb. 1760. Before 1770 Mr. Eliot removed with his family to Royalston. Elmer, Edward, was here in 1635 and owned several tracts of land; but removed to Hartford before 1639. Ely, Nathaniel (or Elly), in 1635 res. on the westerly sidle of Garden Street, nearly opposite to the Botanic Garden. He rem. with the first company to Connecticut, and was one of the purchasers of Norwalk from the Indians in 1651. At Hartford, he was a Constable in 1639. Townsman in 1644, also in 1649, Juror in 1643, was in the division of land in 1639. He was one of the settl
9, m. Prescott Jones of Athol,--Jan. 1798; Hannah, bap. 14 Oct. 1770, d. young; Hannah, b. 4 Mar. 1772, m. Samuel Sweetser of Athol 24 Oct. 1792; Josiah, b. 8 Mar. 1774, entered H. C. but left home soon afterwards and never returned; Seth Hastings, m. and resided in Roxbury, where he died at the age of about 50, leaving a family; Artenatus, b. 15 Oct. 1777; Abel, b. 10 Ap. 1780, very eccentric, d. unm. at Roxbury 7 Feb. 1855; Sarah Warland, bap. 11 Aug. 1783, m. Dr. Stephen Batchelder of Royalston 17 Jan. 1816; Mary, bap. 5 June 1785, d. unm. 24 May 1860; Augustus, bap. 28 June 1789, a merchant in Boston, d. 29 Oct. 1821, leaving widow and one child; William Warland, bap. 24 July 1791, d. young; Ann, b.——, m. Abraham Edwards, Esq., 27 May 1823. Josiah the f. was a carpenter, and res. at the southwesterly corner of the Common, on the estate formerly of Golden Moore. He was elected Deacon of the Church 4 Jan. 1805; Assessor and Overseer of the Poor for many years, and Selectman 181
b. 1762; Edward, b. 15 Oct. 1764; Olive, b. 8 May 1767. Edward the f. res. at Lex., and d. 16 Ap. 1768. 30. Joel, s. of Edward (15), m. Elizabeth Grant 15 Jan. 1755, and had Mary, b. 14 Mar. 1755, m. Thomas Williams (pub. 14 Aug. 1773); Dorcas, b. 2 June 1758, d. unm. 21 July 1807; Joel, b. 1 May 1761, m. Phebe Hill 14 Nov. 1792, and removed to Queensbury, N. Y., before 1807; Elizabeth, b. about 1763, m.——Fisk of Barre, where she was living in 1807. Joel the f. was of Lex., rem. to Royalston after 1761, and d. before Feb. 1788. 31. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan (16), m. Sarah Richardson 4 May 1769, and had Abiel, bap. 8 Oct. 1769; Jonathan; Nathan, d. between 17 Jan. 1818 and 22 Aug. 1820, leaving dau. Lucy; Francis, bap. 1785; Anna Dana, bap. 27 Sept. 1789, m. Augustus Story 7 Sept. 1809, and d. 19 Feb. 1852. Jonathan the f. resided in Brighton District, and d. 13 Oct. 1814; his w. Sarah d. 1 Mar. 1822, a. 73. 32. Amos, s. of Jonathan (16), m. Mary Wyman 20 Oct. 1782, and h
1865. Curtis, James Freeman. Born at Boston, Mass., Dec. 19, 1825. Major, 2d Cal. Infantry, Sept. 2, 1861. Lieut Colonel, 4th Cal. Infantry, June 25, 1863. Colonel, May 20, 1864. Brevet Brig. General, U. S. Volunteers, Mar. 13, 1865. Mustered out, Nov. 30, 1865. Served in recruiting 2d Cal. Volunteers; in command of Post at Fort Collville, Washington Territory and Drum Barracks, Cal.; commanding military district of southern California. Cutler, Lysander. Born at Royalston, Worcester County, Mass., Feb. 16, 1807. Colonel, 6th Wis. Infantry, July 16, 1861. In command of the Iron Brigade, Army of the Potomac. Brig. General, U. S. Volunteers, Nov. 29, 1862. Brevet Maj. General, Aug. 19, 1864. Resigned, June 30, 1865. Died at Milwaukee, Wis., July 30, 1866. Dana, James Jackson. Born at Waltham, Mass., Apr. 9, 1821. Second Lieutenant, 4th U. S. Artillery, June 18, 1855; accepted, June 27, 1855. At Fort Independence, Boston, Mass., to Oct., 1856. In Florida, to Sep
r that there is more manliness and dignity of character about him since he went to war. Henry DENN1S, Jr., Chairman Selectmen. Rowley. As a body their habits are no worse than when they left; some of them have greatly improved in that respect. One man, who was a pest in society, came home at the end of three years a reformed man, with about six hundred dollars saved from his wages and bounty, and has been sober and industrious ever since. E. H. Potter, Chairman Selectmen. Royalston. As good citizens as before they went, and in some cases I think better. William W. Clement, Chairman Selectmen. Sandwich. On the whole, they are better citizens than before their enlistment. H. G. O. Ellis, Chairman Selectmen. Salem. My short experience in the army led me to expect that the discipline which was necessarily enforced there would have a beneficial effect on the men composing the army, and my experience the past year, as marshal, has given me no reason to
uly, 1753; Elizabeth Prentice, b. 27 Sept., bap. 5 Oct. 1755; Thomas, bap. 8 Jan. 1758; Rebecca and Abigail (twins), b. 5, bap. 10 Feb. 1760. The father rem. to Royalston—see Paige, 540. 2. Thomas, of Royalston, s. of Ebenezer (1), m. Sarah Swan of Camb. 26-28 Aug. 1781. Prob. the Thomas Eliot who belonged to the Baptist SociRoyalston, s. of Ebenezer (1), m. Sarah Swan of Camb. 26-28 Aug. 1781. Prob. the Thomas Eliot who belonged to the Baptist Society in Camb. N. W. Pct., 21 July, 1787. See Wyman's Charlestown, 332, 333; also 286, James Deblois. 3. Experience had son, b. 10 Sept. 1757, d. soon. Negro boy at Mr. Elliot's, d. suddenly 6 Nov. 1756, a. 7 mos. The name is usually spelt Elliot. [Eliot, a minister, baptized Mary, dau. of Jeduthun Wellington, here, 25 May, has., 918. 10. Samuel, s. of Samuel (4). m. Sarah Williams, 1 Jan. 1761. He o. c. 23 May, 1762, and had Sarah, b. 13, bap. 23 May, 1762, m. Thomas Elliot, of Royalston, 26 Aug. 1781; Samuel, b. 26, bap. 30 June, 1765, d. of hooping cough, 11 Mar. 1771, a. 6; Thomas, b. 21, bap. 27 Dec. 1767. Samuel the father d. of consumption