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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., A bit of partisan service. (search)
s in the village. If there had been the le ast concert among them they could easily have driven us out; but, although we remained there an hour, not a shot was fired; as soon as our presence became known each man tried to save himself. Stoughton did not delay a moment, for he had no idea how few of us there were. A couple of men had been left to hold our horses while we were in the house. One of these, George Whitescarver, surrounded and captured a guard of six men sleeping in a tent. Stoughton's horses all stood at the door as we came out, with saddles and bridles on. Lieutenant Prentiss started, but soon parted company with us. We could not see where he went. When I got to the court-yard I found all my different squads collected there with their prisoners and spoils. No sign of resistance had been shown. The prisoners outnumbered us three or four to one, and each was mounted and leading a horse. The cavalcade started in an opposite direction from where we intended to go, in
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Gridley, Richard 1711-1796 (search)
Gridley, Richard 1711-1796 Military officer; born in Boston, Mass., Jan. 3, 1711; was a skilful engineer and artillerist; and chief engineer in the siege of Louisburg, in 1745. He entered the service, as colonel of infantry, in 1755; was in the expedition to Crown Point, under General Winslow, planned the fortifications at Lake George (Fort George and Fort William Henry); served under Amherst; and was with Wolfe at Quebec. He retired as a British officer on half-pay for life. Espousing the cause of the patriots, he was appointed chief engineer of the army that gathered at Cambridge; planned the works on Bunker Hill and Dorchester Heights; and was in the battle there, in which he was wounded. He was active in planning the fortifications around Boston, and in September, 1775, he was commissioned a major-general in the provincial army of Massachusetts. He was commander of the Continental artillery until superseded by Knox. He died in Stoughton, Mass., June 20, 1796.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Music and musicians in the United States. (search)
ion-book on singing, compiled by Rev. John Tufts, published in New England1712 Organ presented to the Queen's chapel, Boston, by Thomas Brattle, Esq.Aug., 1713 Singing societies established in different parts of New England1720 Beggar's Opera, written by John Gay in 1727 (probably), first produced in New YorkDec. 3, 1750 William Billings, of Boston, publishes a collection of his musical compositions entitled The New England psalm-singer, or American chorister, in 4 and 5 parts1770 Stoughton (Mass.) Musical Society organizedNov. 7, 1786 Oliver Holden, of Charlestown, composer of Coronation, publishes The American harmony, in 3 and 4 parts1792 Mrs. Oldmixon, Nee George, makes her debut in America in Inkle and YaricoDec. 5, 1798 Euterpean Musical Society, New York City1800 Massachusetts Musical Society, Boston.1807 Barber of Seville sung by French artists in New OrleansJuly 12, 1810 Handel and Haydn Society organized in Boston, April 20, 1815; incorporated.Feb. 9, 1816 Clari,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Tupper, Benjamin 1738-1792 (search)
Tupper, Benjamin 1738-1792 Military officer; born in Stoughton, Mass., in August, 1738; was a soldier in the French and Indian War, and afterwards taught school in Easton. He was very active in the siege of Boston, and was colonel of a Massachusetts regiment early in 1776. In August of that year he commanded the gunboats and galleys in the Hudson River; served under Gates in the Northern army in 1777; was in the battle of Monmouth the next year; and before the end of the war was made a brigadier-general. Tupper was one of the originators of the Ohio Land Company, and was appointed surveyor of Ohio lands in 1785. In suppressing Shays's insurrection (q. v.) he was distinguished. He settled at Marietta in 1787, and became judge in 1788. He died in Marietta, O., in June, 1792.
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 8: colorphobia. (search)
The good people of the old Baptist meeting-house, at Hartford, Conn., had evidently no intention of disturbing the heavenly calm of their religious devotions by so much as a thought of believers with black faces; for by boarding up the negro pews in front and leaving only peep-holes for their occupants, they secured themselves from a sight of the obnoxious creatures, while Jehovah, who is no respecter of persons, was in His holy place. Incredible as it may seem, a church in the town of Stoughton, Mass., to rid itself of even a semblance of Christian fellowship and equality with a colored member, did actually cut the floor from under the colored member's pew! These cruel and anti-Christian distinctions in the churches affected Garrison in the most painful manner. He says: I never can look up to these wretched retreats for my colored brethren without feeling my soul overwhelmed with emotions of shame, indignation, and sorrow. He had such an intimate acquaintance with member
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2, Chapter 12: Norfolk County. (search)
thousand two hundred and fifty-two dollars ($17,252.00). The amount of State aid paid to the soldiers' families during the war, and repaid by the Commonwealth, was as follows: In 1861, $492.04; in 1862, $1,669.56; in 1863, $4,006.87; in 1864, $3,446.99; in 1865, $2,487.68. Total amount, $12,103.14. The Ladies' Soldiers-Aid Society was very active during the whole of the war, and furnished the soldiers at the front with many articles which are not provided by the Army Regulations. Stoughton Incorporated Dec. 22, 1765. Population in 1860,4,830; in 1865, 4,859. Valuation in 1860, $1,758,237; in 1865, $1,742,453. The selectmen in 1861, 1862, and 1863 were Jedediah Adams, Samuel Capen, 2d, Clifford Keith; in 1864, Jedediah Adams, Clifford Keith, William H. Tucker; in 1865, Jedediah Adams, Clifford Keith, Samuel Capen, 2d. The town-clerk during all the years of the war was Charles Upham. The town-treasurer in the years 1861, 1862, 1863, and 1864 was Jedediah Adams; in
intree, Mass., Sept. 15, 1833], President Western Reserve College, 1.300; drops Colonization Soc., 299; death, 418. Storrs, George, Rev. [b. Lebanon, N. H., Dec. 13, 1796; d. Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 28, 1879], mobbed, 2.67, 77, opposes enrolment of women, 297. Story, Joseph [1779-1845], professor at Harvard, 1.302; invited to Faneuil Hall meeting, 487; advises non-prosecution of Boston rioters, 2.37; court scene reported by G., 223.—Portrait in Memorial Hist. Of Boston, vol. 4. Stoughton (Mass.), colored pew-owner ejected, 1.253. Stow, Baron, Rev. [1801-1869], at Peace Convention, 2.227, withdraws, 228. Stuart, Charles, exposes Am. Colonization Soc., 1.262; tribute from Cropper, 262; opposes Colon. Soc., 301, 434, and Cresson, 305; on G.'s labors against Cresson, 367; at Exeter Hall, 377; circular for Manual Labor School, 434, 443; arrives in U. S., 422, 434; at Am. A. S. S. anniversary, 446; reproves G.'s language, 457; literary style, 461; mobbed, 2.67, 86, address to
,26Truro, Ma. Jan. 11, 1864 Died May 24, 1864, Baton Rouge, La. Forbes, John A.,34Boston, Ma. July 31, 1861 Aug. 16, 1864, expiration of service. Foster, Edward,32Boston, Ma. Dec. 5, 1863 Deserted, never joined Battery. Foster, Thomas B.,20Stoughton, Ma. July 31, 1861 Feb. 15, 1864, re-enlistment. Foulds, John,19Taunton, Ma. Sept. 2, 1864 June 11, 1865, expiration of service. Foye, William E.,18Braintree, Ma. Sept. 3, 1864 Aug. 11, 1865, expiration of service. French, Loring A.,39Quincy, M, Ma.Sept. 5, 1864Transferred Dec. 23, 1864, to 6th Battery. White, John,40Boston, Ma.Dec. 6, 1862Aug. 16, 1864, expiration of service. Whitney, John H.,21Brookline, Ma.Feb. 12, 1864Aug. 11, 1865, expiration of service. White, Leonard N.,27Stoughton, Ma.July 31, 1861Sept. 10, 1861, disability. Whittemore, Peleg B.,40Taunton, Ma.Sept. 2, 1864June 11, 1865, expiration of service. White, Thomas,35Charlestown, Ma.Sept. 10, 1862Aug. 16, 1864, expiration of service. Wield, John,31Charlestown, Ma
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 1, Chapter 8: the Liberator1831. (search)
ack owner) of a pew on the lower floor to occupy it, and Lib. 1.65; Abdy's Journal of a Residence in U. S., 1.133. Lib. 1.81. actually took possession of it and let it (the deacons being reenforced by a constable), and in all the churches provided negro pews in remote corners of the building. In the old Baptist meeting-house at Hartford, Conn., the negro pews were boarded up in front, so that only peep-holes gave an outlook (Lib. 1.129); truly a human menagerie (Lib. 1.87). In Stoughton, Mass., the floor was cut from under a colored member's pew by the church authorities (Mrs. Child's Oasis, p. 54). I never, says Mr. Garrison, can look up to these Congdon's Reminiscences of a Journalist, p. 38. wretched retreats for my colored brethren without feeling my soul overwhelmed with emotions of shame, indignation, and sorrow; and almost he believes that in Boston we have merely the form of religious worship, without the substance. Even in towns, like the Quaker New Bedford, wher
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died., List of Massachusetts officers and soldiers who died of wounds. (search)
., July 3, 1863.Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863. Pryor, Thomas,18th Mass. Inf.,– –Wilderness, Va., June 10, 1864. Puffer, Charles H.,12th Mass. Inf.,Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862.Alexandria, Va., Feb. 7, 1863. Putnam, James A.,32d Mass. Inf.,Laurel Hill, Va., May 12, 1864.Laurel Hill, Va., May 13, 1864. Putnam, Wallace A. Name and rank.Command.When and Where Wounded.Date and Place of Death. Putnam, Wallace A., Capt.,56th Mass. Inf.,North Anna River, Va., June 7, 1864.Stoughton, Mass.,June 20, 1864. Putnam, William L., 2d Lieut.,20th Mass. Inf.,Ball's Bluff, Va.,Ball's Bluff, Va., Oct. 22, 1861. Quinlan, James,33d Mass. Inf.,– –Chattanooga, Tenn., Nov. 17, 1863. Quinn, John,27th Mass. Inf.,Before Petersburg, Va., June 29, 1864.Point Lookout, Md., July 4, 1864. Rabbit, Patrick, Sergt.,9th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va., May 12, 1864.Spotsylvania, Va., May 12, 1864. Rackliffe, John S.,36th Mass. Inf.,Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864.Bethesda Church, Va., June 3, 1864
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