Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: may 16, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for St. Johns (Michigan, United States) or search for St. Johns (Michigan, United States) in all documents.

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Further from Europe.arrival of the Parama. St. Johns, May 14.--The steamer Parama, from Galway May 7th, has arrived. Lord John Russell made an important statement in the House of Commons on Monday, relative to American affairs. As to the Federal Government committing an infringement of international law by collecting dues from foreign ships before breaking bulk, the law officers of the Crown said that so much depended on circumstances that no definite instructions had been sent to British cruisers on the American coast. He believed that the collection of duties as proposed would be impracticable. Relative to the blockade, he said it could only be recognized when effective. Regarding letters of marque issued by the Southern Confederacy, the Government were of opinion that the Southern Confederacy must be recognized as belligerents. Insurances were being effected in London on California gold in transit from Panama to London, the consignments being diverted from New Y