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rred to know whether or not the shipments are made in a legitimate manner, and can supply the Treasury Department with such evidence, in some cases, as ought to prevent the transmission of special instructions to clear the vessels. The register at the British Consulate in this city shows that within a fortnight a large number of vessels have changed hands from American to British owners. Almost all of these vessels engage at once in the provision transportation business, and sail for St. Johns, Halifax, Nora Scotia, and the West India Islands. To-day about eighteen hundred barrels of flour, besides meal, pork and beef, cleared for Now Brunswick, and another large cargo of provisions cleared for Turks Island, all in British vessels. Our colonial friends are in danger of being over-fed this season. Brownlow on the war. It seems that Brownlow's Knoxville Whig had not been discontinued or suspended. We have received a copy of the paper of Saturday last, from which we copy
should he attempt further encroachments. There being great anxiety to ascertain who was injured in the battle, a steamer went over yesterday under a flag of truce, and returned to-night about 8 P. M., and reports 7 killed and 26 wounded on our side, and the balance, except a few who escaped, were sent away prisoners of war — it is supposed to Old Point. The wounded were also carried off. Of the military movements of our forces I am not at liberty to speak. The Alliance and St. Johns, the two British ships which "ran the blockade," are discharging their cargoes at Morehead city. The Alliance was warned by the blockading fleet at Charleston, on the 27th May, but patiently waited an opportunity, and slipped in unperceived by the Hessian fleet. Their cargoes are indeed most valuable, containing, besides "munitions of war," 5,000 sacks of salt. September 2d, 1861. I learn from one of the citizens who went down on the steamer with the flag of truce, that the Fed