Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 16, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for St. Johns (Michigan, United States) or search for St. Johns (Michigan, United States) in all documents.

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ta, with three hundred barrels of flour, bound to Rio de Janeiro. They have armed two vessels taken by them to serve as tenders, and they will pretty well out up the East India and China trade." A correspondent of the New York Tribune at St. Johns, N. B., vindicates the citizens of that town against charges of blockade running, and shows that most of the contraband trade from there is done by Americans who pretend to be loyal. Steamers are sent from Boston and New York to St. Johns, theSt. Johns, their names changed, contraband goods are put on board by Yankees, and the boats clear under a British register for Nassau, the common rendezvous for pirates and thieves of all nations. The movements of Lee's army — his reinforcements. The Washington Chronicle, of the 13th, says: It is positively known that Lee's force is nearly double what it was at the battle of Chancellorsville. His reinforcements have been drawn from the Blackwater and North and South Carolina. A large portion