Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 16, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for St. Johns (Michigan, United States) or search for St. Johns (Michigan, United States) in all documents.

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t Washington, a council of war was held, at which it was determined, on the advice of the new Lieutenant General, to make the capture of Richmond the primary object of the spring campaign. To effect this result, the 11th and 12th corps will be brought from Chattanooga to reinforce the Army of the Potomac, and also two corps from the Mississippi river. It is believed that an army of 250,000 men may be concentrated against Richmond at an early day. The decision of the Supreme Court of St. Johns, B., in the case of the captors of the Chesapeake, has been rendered, and the release of the prisoners ordered on the ground--1st That the United States has made no proper requisition for the rendition of the prisoners that it such a requisition had been made, the act was not committed within he jurisdiction of the United States, and was not therefore such an offence, under the extradition treaty, as would require the parties to be be given up; and, finally, because the police magistrate