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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—--the Mississippi. (search)
safest route was not that which passes south of the railroad, striking the latter at Bolton, but the route called the Brownsville road, which passes round the right bank of Baker's Creek and follows the railroad track north for a certain distance. nearly his whole army was then at Edwards' Station; he could have put it in motion during the day for Clinton by the Brownsville road, which passes about four miles north of Bolton; by marching from seven to nine miles on that day his heads of cod, having no knowledge of the battle which had just been fought at Champion's Hill, had started on the 17th of May for Brownsville, in the hope of meeting Pemberton on the road from Edwards' Station to Clinton, north of the railroad; and on receivinor Big Black River on the 29th of June at the head of twenty-six thousand men, and encamped on the 1st of July between Brownsville and that stream. He was still in hope of being able to make a diversion which should enable Pemberton to make his es