Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Meridian (Mississippi, United States) or search for Meridian (Mississippi, United States) in all documents.

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o employ a portion of Buford's brigade (infantry), then returning to the department, and directed the commanding officer of the First regiment, on his arrival at Meridian, to remain until further orders, to protect the most important points on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, and thereby succeeded in paving the valuable property, macsmallest additional number with which you can. My small cavalry force necessitates the use of infantry to protect importantpoints. Major-General Loring, then at Meridian, was ordered to send two of his regiments across the break on the Southern Railroad, near Chunky River, and Colonels Farrell and Reynolds, who were west of the bcticable. I have the honor to be, General, Your obedient servant, J. C. Pemberton, Lieutenant-General. General Joseph E. Johnston's report. Meridian, Mississippi, November 1, 1863. General S. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector-General: Sir: The following report of my operations in the Department of Mississippi and Ea
affairs, throwing aside all other considerations, subordinating all other operations to this one vital campaign, at a concerted moment we must withdraw from other points a portion of their forces — all, indeed, not absolutely essential for keeping up a show of defence or safety against a coup-de-main--and concentrate in this way every available soldier possible, for operations against General Grant. Such strategic points as Richmond, Weldon, Wilmington, Charleston, Savannah, Mobile, and Meridian, or Jackson, Miss., at the same time, should be fortified, garrisoned, and provisioned, according to their present relative value to the Confederate States, sufficiently to prolong their defence, if attacked or besieged, until troops for their relief could be detached as required from the army in North-western Georgia. I will now state, approximately, what troops may, in my belief, be drawn from the following quarters, and added to the army at or about Dalton, namely: From Alabama and M
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 62.-Hoisting the Black flag — official correspondence and reports. (search)
Black flag — official correspondence and reports. General S. D. Lee to General Cooper. headquarters Department Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, Meridian, June 30, 1864 General: I have the honor to transmit copies of correspondence between General Washburn, U. S. A., General Forrest, and myself, which I considery respectfully yours, C. C. Washburn, Major-General. General Lee to General Washburn. headquarters Department Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisian, Meridian, June 28, 1864. Major-General C, C. Washburn, commanding Federal Forces at Memphis, Tennessee: General: I am in receipt of your letter of the seventeenth instt of West Tennessee, Memphis, Tennessee, July 3, 1864. Lieutenant-General S. D. Lee, commanding Department Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, C. S. A., Meridian, Miss.: General: Your letter of the twenty-eighth ult, in reply to mine of the seventeenth ult., is received. The discourtesy which you profess to discover in