Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 2. You can also browse the collection for Pascagoula (Mississippi, United States) or search for Pascagoula (Mississippi, United States) in all documents.

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Sherman as he emerged from his southern campaign. The Red river disaster, however, prevented the co-operation of Banks, and after Canby took command at the South-West, he also was for a long time unable to act offensively. Still, the original idea was kept steadily in mind by both Grant and Sherman. On the 29th of May, Sherman telegraphed from Dallas: Johnston has in my front every man he can scrape, and Mobile must now be at our mercy, if General Canby and General Banks could send to Pascagoula ten thousand men; and on the 30th, he proposed that A. J. Smith's division should be reinforced and sent to act against Mobile, in concert with Admiral Farragut, according to the original plan. To this Grant replied, on the 3rd of June: If there are any surplus troops West, they could be advantageously used against Mobile, as suggested in Sherman's despatch; and on the 5th, he added, from Cold Harbor: The object of sending troops to Mobile now would be, not so much to assist Sherman again
s to aid Hancock, 505; at Deep Bottom, III., 68, 70; at Fort Harrison, 76; second movement north of James river, 115-122; ordered to New York to preserve order during election, 171; Fort Fisher affair, 225, 229, 235, 246, 307, 323; relieved from command, 329. Cairo, Grant arrives at, i., 11; Grant in command of district of, 25. Campbell's station, fight at, i., 536. Canby, General E. R. S., supersedes Banks, II., 204; ordered to move against Mobile, 346; ordered to send troops to Pascagoula, III., 41; ordered to act against communications of Hood and Beauregard, 175; ordered to destroy factories at Montgomery and Selma, 367; movements on the Mississippi, 388; ordered into Alabama, 390; slowness and disregard of orders, 408, 409; campaign against Mobile, 637. Cape Fear river, geography of, III., 307; capture of defences of, 343; Schofield's movements on, 380. Carolinas, Sherman's campaign in the, III., 421-433. Cassville taken by Sherman, II., 535. Cedar creek, bat