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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Vicksburg during the siege. (search)
ntimated his purpose to the numerous Virginians in the city, and to other friends, and received from these a great budget of letters, which was all his load. Waiting for a stormy night, he laid himself flat in the bottom of a dug-out, just large enough to hold him, and was pushed out to take the chances of the Mississippi's arrowy current. He drifted, bygood luck, between the gunboats and the guard-boats around them, and late next day was swept by a turn of the stream to the east bank near Rodney, and struggled through swamps and across bayous to terra firma. Borrowing somebody's mule (on what terms history is silent), he made his way painfully across the country to the nearest station on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, whence he took cars for Mobile. His letters were mailed, and a six weeks brain fever was the penalty paid for his hardihood. Not many letters have seemed to come so nearly out of the grave as did these missives to their astonished recipients. Other people went and
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Attack on Grand Gulf-operations below Vicksburg (search)
It may be that the enemy will occupy positions back from the city, out of range of the gunboats, so as to make it desirable to run past Grand Gulf and land at Rodney. In case this should prove the plan, a signal will be arranged and you duly informed, when the transports are to start with this view. Or, it may be expedient fan army across but for a levee. I had had this explored before, as well as the east bank below to ascertain if there was a possible point of debarkation north of Rodney. It was found that the top of the levee afforded a good road to march upon. Porter, as was always the case with him, not only acquiesced in the plan, but volbout nine miles below, to find a landing; but that night a colored man came in who informed me that a good landing would be found at Bruinsburg, a few miles above Rodney, from which point there was a good road leading to Port Gibson some twelve miles in the interior. The information was found correct, and our landing was effected
egiments as are reduced below a certain complement. He pays a glowing tribute to the heroism, endurance, and unfaltering devotion of the soldier, and of the lamented dead who yielded their lives as sacrifices upon the altar of liberty, and closes by saying that our very reverses, showing a united and determined endurance of every thing for independence, must convince the enemy of the futility of his efforts to subdue us.--Richmond Examiner. The steamboat Brazil, while passing below Rodney, Miss., was fired upon by rebels on shore. Three women and one man were killed. Robert Ould, the rebel Commissioner of Exchange, addressed the following official letter to Brigadier-General Meredith, the agent of the National Government: As the assent of the confederate government to the transmission, by your authorities and people, of food and clothing to the prisoners at Richmond and elsewhere, has been the subject of so much misconstruction and misrepresentation, and has been made the
December 22. A fight occurred at Fayette, sixteen miles from Rodney, Miss., between a party of Nationals, belonging to General Ellet's Marine Brigade, under the command of Colonel Curry, and about an equal number of rebels, attached to the forces under General Wirt Adams. After a brief skirmish, the rebels fled, leaving ten of their number in the hands of the Nationals.--the bark Saxon arrived at New York last night, in charge of Acting Master E. S. Keyser. She was captured by the gunboat Vanderbilt, on the twenty-ninth of October, on the west coast of Africa, four hundred miles north of the Cape of Good Hope, and had on board part of the cargo of the bark Conrad which vessel was captured by the pirate Alabama, and afterward converted into the pirate Tuscaloosa.--Brigadier-General Averill, arrived at Edray, Va., having successfully accomplished his expedition to cut the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad.--(Doc. 25.) A squad of forty men, under Major White, of the First reg
nboats were within pistol-shot of the enemy's batteries. It soon became evident that the guns of the enemy were too elevated and their fortifications too strong to be taken from the water-side. The whole range of hills on that side were known to be lined with rifle-pits; besides,the field-artillery could be moved to any position where it could be made useful in case of an attempt at landing. This determined me to again run the enemy's batteries, turn his position by effecting a landing at Rodney, or at Bruinsburgh, between Grand Gulf and Rodney. Accordingly, orders were immediately given for the troops to debark at Hard Times, La., and march across to the plain immediately below Grand Gulf. At dark the gunboats again engaged the batteries, and all the transports ran by, receiving but two or three shots in the passage, and these without injury. I had some time previously ordered a reconnoissance to a point opposite Bruinsburgh, to ascertain, if possible, from persons in the neighb
ghty-seventh Indiana, and the opening toward the enemy. The Second Minnesota and Eighty-seventh Indiana lay on the ground, and were apparently unobserved by the enemy, who moved upon the left of my line, delivering and receiving a direct fire, Church opening with all his guns, and Smith with one section. He advanced rapidly, my left giving way slowly, until his flank was brought opposite my right wing, when a murdering and enfilading fire was poured into his ranks by the infantry, and by Rodney's section, shotted with canister. Notwithstanding this, he moved up his second and third lines. Having observed his great force as well as the persistency of his attack, I had sent messenger after messenger to bring up the Ninth Ohio, which had not yet returned from its charge made from my original right. At last, however, and when it seemed impossible for my brave men longer to withstand the impetuous advance of the enemy, the Ninth came gallantly up, in time to take part in the final st
racies. Major Kiernan (formerly surgeon of the Sixty-ninth New-York and Third regiment M. S.M.) has arrived here and gives the following particulars: Colonel Clark Wright, Sixth Missouri cavalry, was ordered out with three hundred men of the regiment, and four mounted howitzers, to recover them. He started on the sixth of May from Rock Spring, and passing through Port Gibson, reached on the same evening the place where the ambulances had been captured, which was at Oakland College, near Rodney. It was forty miles from Rock Spring, the startingpoint of the expedition. There they drove in the enemy's pickets and pursued them for some time. But ascertaining that the enemy, in much superior force, were about surrounding them, they immediately took about ten prominent citizens prisoners as hostages and retreated. The prisoners included Dr. William L. Breckinridge, the President of the college, and his two sons. One of these was John Breckinridge, who a few years ago had a duel wit
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 22: the siege of Vicksburg. (search)
cted. The Confederates had field-batteries that were moved from point to point, and the sharp-shooters who filled the rifle-pits on the hill-sides were extremely mischievous to the people on the gun-boats. It was evident that the post. could not be taken; so at a little past, noon Grant ordered a cessation of the battle, and directed Porter to run by the batteries with gun-boats and transports, as he had done at Vicksburg and. Warrenton, while the army should move down to a point opposite Rodney, where it might cross without much opposition. At six o'clock that evening Porter again attacked the batteries, and under cover of the fire all the transports passed by in good condition. Three of Porter's gun-boats, were much injured in the fight and in the passage. of the batteries, and he lost twenty-four men killed and fifty-six, wounded. The injured vessels were soon repaired and made ready for active service. Grierson's raid. Informed by a negro that there was a good road f
lt. After watching the cannonade from a tugboat from 8 A. M. to 1 P. M., Grant decided against its further prosecution; having determined to debark his troops now on shipboard, and march still farther down the Louisiana bank, to a point opposite Rodney; while the gunboats and transports should run the Grand Gulf batteries, as they had run those of Vicksburg and Warrenton, and be ready to cross his army at a point where little resistance was anticipated. Accordingly, at dark, our gunboats againengaged the batteries, while our transports ran by them; receiving but two or three shots, which did them no essential harm. Finally, having learned from a negro that there was a good road from the little hamlet of Bruinsburg, half way down to Rodney, running back to Port Gibson, in the rear of Grand Gulf, the General decided to cross at this point; and, by daylight next morning, April 30. both gunboats and transports were ferrying over the 13th corps; our soldiers, so fast as landed, taki
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Letters. (search)
., on the 30th, Brigadier-General Baldwin, with his brigade of Smith's division, had crossed the Big Black at Hankinson's Ferry. At nine o'clock A. ., May 1st, General Bowen informed me by telegraph, his army being then in position three miles south of Port Gibson, that General Baldwin was entering the latter place. On the same day, General Bowen telegraphed me that prisoners taken reported McClernand in command; that three divisions had landed, one of which took the right-hand road from Rodney, and that the enemy's force was estimated at twenty thousand men. He added, however, I disbelieve the report. At three r. M., the same day, General Bowen advised me that he still held his position, but that he was hard pressed, and concluded by asking when Major-General Loring would arrive. In reply, he was notified by telegram that another brigade from Vicksburg was en route to reinforce him, and would probably reach him before Major-General Loring could arrive from Jackson. At half-past