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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—--the Mississippi. (search)
to attack him on the 29th, but Grierson succeeded in getting away from him. In order to make him believe that his object was to gain Grand Gulf, which Porter was storming on that very day, he made a feint in the direction of Fayette village, near Rodney on the Mississippi; then, suddenly turning southward, he reached Brookhaven Station along the railroad, where he surprised a drilling-camp and took two hundred prisoners, whom he released on parole. Following the track, he continued his work of nding, and they could not go far in search of it without stretching immeasurably the line which connected the Federal army with its base of operations. Below Grand Gulf the hills become separated from the river, and they only draw near again at Rodney, about nine or ten miles lower down: the marginal lowlands throughout this distance were so much submerged that Grant was afraid of not being able to find a landing-place. But on the morning of the 30th, just as the transports were about to star