Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 8, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Rodney (Mississippi, United States) or search for Rodney (Mississippi, United States) in all documents.

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A fight in a Church. --The capture of the Captain and a portion of the crew of the U. S. gunboat Rattler, who had gone ashore at Rodney, Miss., to attend church, has been noticed. The Mississippian gives some further particulars of the scene: Lieut. Allen, of Logan's command, having been informed that the crew of the gunboat at Rodney were in the habit of attending church, determined to try an experiment; dressing himself in citizen's garb he leisurely sauntered into town last Sunday, and had the pleasure of finding some twenty-two of the Yankee officers and men dressed in their best toggery, snugly seated in the quiet and unsuspecting congregatr, but not upon, the town. Lieut. Allen addressed the commander a note, stating that his force belonged to the army of the Confederate States; that the people of Rodney were in no wise responsible for what his men had done, and if a solitary shell were thrown into the town he would proceed to hand his prisoners. Capt. Ventress a