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Epictetus, Works (ed. George Long) 2 0 Browse Search
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Epictetus, Discourses (ed. George Long), book 1 (search)
mother Arria, the wife of Caecina Paetus, in the time of the Emperor Claudius, heroically showed her husband the way to die (Plinius, Letters, iii. 16.) Martial has immortalised the elder Arria in a famous epigram (i. 14):— When Arria to her Paetus gave the sword, Which her own hand from her chaste bosom drew, 'This wound,' she said, 'believe me, gives no pain, But that will pain me which thy hand will do.' used to say, I would rather be killed to-day than banished to-morrow. What then did RufusC. Musonius Rufus, a Tuscan by birth, of equestrian rank, a philosopher and Stoic (Tacit. Hist. iii. 81). say to him? If you choose death as the heavier misfortune, how great is the folly of your choice? But if, as the lighter, who has given you the choice? Will you not study to be content with that which has been given to you? What then did AgrippinusPaconius Agrippinus was condemned in Nero's time. The charge against him was that he inherited his father's hatred of the head of the Roman sta