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John D. Billings, The history of the Tenth Massachusetts battery of light artillery in the war of the rebellion 2 0 Browse Search
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e column was put in motion rearward. The trains had all been sent on with the utmost dispatch, and now began the memorable race between the two armies. Our caissons were put in the lead, and our guns to the rear, where the danger was supposed to lie. The Hazel River was again crossed, this time by a pontoon, to facilitate the retreat and prevent the recurrence of such accidents as befell our battery wagon on the advance. The Rappahannock was reached after dark, and crossed by fording at Fox's Mill Ford, This ford is less than two miles below Sulphur Springs. lucky artillerymen riding over, dry shod, on their carriages, whilst the infantry were obliged to wade, and their shouts and halloos at one another's mishaps in crossing were heard far into the night. We were among the first to cross, going immediately into park on a low flat of land next the river, where we passed the coolest night of the season thus far. My division brought up the rear and left. and we crossed the R