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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Canaan, N. H. (New Hampshire, United States) or search for Canaan, N. H. (New Hampshire, United States) in all documents.
Your search returned 26 results in 2 document sections:
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 53 (search)
happy land of Canaan. by one of the Fifty-Seventh Ohio. Now we are in Camp Chase, and that to rout He will send them to the happy land of Canaan. Chorus — Ho, ho, ho, fal-de-ral-de-da, etc. ty, dirty devils) Right into the happy land of Canaan. Chorus — Ho, ho,ho, fal-de-ral-de-da, etc. B rs are, He will send them to the happy land of Canaan. Chorus — Ho, ho, ho, fal-de-ral-de-da, etc. lag come down, Or send it to the happy land of Canaan. Chorus,--Ho, ho, ho, fal-de-ral-de-da, etc. . . . They will send them to the happy land of Canaan. Chorus — Ho, ho, ho, fal-de-ral-de-da, etc. em all----, And send them to the happy land of Canaan. Chorus — Ho, ho, ho, fal-de-ral-de-da, etc. steed, They will send him to the happy land of Canaan. Chorus — Ho, ho, ho, fal-de-ral-de-da, etc. ts to kill, And send them to the happy land of Canaan. Chorus — Ho, ho, ho, fal-de-ral-de-da, etc. ong the niggers, ‘Way down in the happy land of Canaan. Chorus — Ho, ho, ho, fal-de-ral-de-da, etc.
single man, To drive them to the happy Land of Canaan. Oh!
oh! oh! Confeds, don't you know A good t fight, And we'll blow you to the happy land of Canaan The rebels soon will find That the Yankees ar long, Until we send them to the happy land of Canaan. Oh!
oh! oh! Ye rebels, don't you know That t ls run, Or we'll blow you to the happy land of Canaan. Jeff Davis, he is wise, At least in rebel ey all sin, And send him with the rebels down to Canaan. Oh!
oh! oh! Ye rebels, don't you know A good re the boys To drive them to the happy land of Canaan. It makes the rebs look sad To think that Lin rebel van, And start them to the happy land of Canaan. Oh!
oh! oh! Ye rebels, don't you know A good face about, And march you to the happy land of Canaan. The happy time has come, And the rebels are out Since they started from the happy Land of Canaan Oh!
oh! oh! Ye rebels, don't you know A good g? We will show you how to fight, And put you all to flight, En route for the happy land of Canaan.
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 101 (search)
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