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Historic leaves, volume 7, April, 1908 - January, 1909 2 2 Browse Search
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he trustees and several of the inhabitants of the district. The school appeared very well, notwithstanding many difficulties under which it had labored during the winter. Yorick S. Gordon, the teacher, discharged his duties acceptably. This gentleman, some time after this, was advertised in the papers to keep a private school in Boston. Captain George A. Gordon, of this city, who is authority for anything relating to the Gordon family, informs me that Yorick Sterne Gordon was born at Hancock, N. H., January 9, 1793; the second son of Samuel and Lydia (Ames) Gordon. He died in South Carolina, May 12, 1820, where he was employed as a teacher. He was educated at Dartmouth College, in the class of 1817, but did not graduate. March 25, 1818, the trustees visited School No. 3. Fifty scholars were present out of a total of eighty, and they appeared well in all their performances. Daniel Russell, the teacher, received $115. for his winter's services. The next year, 1819, we read tha
, 15. Gray, P. T., 27. Gray, Rebecca A., 72. Green, Francis, 70. Greenleaf Place, The, 86. Grierson, General, 59. Griffin, General, 2. Grimes, Emmeline May, 22. Grover, General, 54, 55, 59. Guild, Charles H., 76. Guild, Chester, 74. Gurley House, 8, 9. Hadley, Benjamin, 43, 74. Hadley, Eugene B., 8, 15. Hafford, John, 15. Hagan, Patrick, 16. Hale, Edward M., 15. Halifax Road, 7. Hall, Andrew, 62, 63, 64. Hall, Moses, 27 Halle, Germany, 66. Halleck, General, 52. Hancock, N. H., 27. Hanley, John H., 15. Hatcher's Run, 8. Hawkins, Guy C., 31, 32, 33, 36, 37. Hawkins, Nathaniel, 42. Hawkins, Sarah, 31, 35. Hawes, Frank M., 25, 72. Harley, Frances C. Sherman, 69. Harley, James K., 69. Harley, Leonora, 69. Harlow, George R., 4, 15. Harrington, Elbridge, 46. Harvard College, 31, 88. Hartford, The, 52, 60. Hastings, J. P., 68. Hastings, Martha Ella, 68. Hastings, Mary, 68. Hatch, George H., 4, 16. Hatcher's Run, 6. Hayes, Eliza, 48. Hayes, Ezra