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James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 1: the Scotch-Irish of New Hampshire. (search)
ration to New England settlement of Londonderry, New Hampshire the Scotch-Irish introduce the cultws. The colony took root and flourished in Londonderry. In 1689, the year of the immortal siege, t; as early as the year 1748, the linens of Londonderry had so high a reputation in the colonies, ts from being fraudulently sold for those of Londonderry manufacture. A town meeting was held in thattack of Indians. These Scotch-Irish of Londonderry were a very peculiar people. They were Scer the Revolution that a chaise was seen in Londonderry, and even then it excited great wonder, andIt was Pat. Larkin, a Scotch-Irishman, near Londonderry, who, when he was accused of being a Catholrelated as a fact, that the first pastor of Londonderry, being informed one evening that an individup his prisoners, who were escorted back to Londonderry in triumph. There were remarkably few tories in Londonderry. The town was united almost as one man on the side of Independence, and sent, it[14 more...]
James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 3: early childhood. (search)
ace learns to read book up-side down goes to school in Londonderry a district school forty years ago Horace as a young orpent at the house of his grandfather, David Woodburn, in Londonderry, attended the district school there and distinguished hi Horace's reciting this piece before the whole school in Londonderry, before he was old enough to utter the words plainly. Hain in a moment. Horace went to school three terms in Londonderry, spending part of each year at home. I will state as nee muster day, this informant remembers, the clergyman of Londonderry, who had heard glowing accounts of Horace's feats at scheadful noise. On the fourth of July, when the people of Londonderry inflamed their patriotism by a copious consumption of gu beyond the sound of the cannons and pistols. It was at Londonderry, and about his fourth year, that Horace began the habit Another gentleman, who went to school with Horace at Londonderry, writes:— I think I attended school with Horace Gree
James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 5: at Westhaven, Vermont. (search)
d; and so the boy trudged home again. A few months after, he went on another and much longer pedestrian expedition. He started, with seventy-five cents in his pocket and a small bundle of provisions on a stick over his shoulder, to walk to Londonderry, a hundred and twenty miles distant, to see his old friends and relatives. He performed the journey, stayed sevral weeks, and came back with a shilling or two more money than he took with him—owing, we may infer, to the amiable way aunts and ing ludicrously out of proportion to the length and manner of his solitary journey. He was made much of during his stay, and his journey is still spoken of there as a wonderful performance, only exceeded, in fact, by Horace's second return to Londonderry a year or two after, when he drove over the same ground, his aunt and her four children, ill a one—horse wagon, and drove back again, without the slightest accident. As a set-off to these marvels, it must be recorded, that on two other occa
James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 9: from office to office. (search)
edies which he had long wished to see, and that was Hamlet. Soon after writing his letter, the luckless Wiggins, tempted by the prospect of better wages, left the Spirit of the Times, and went back to West's, and worked for some weeks on Prof. Bush's Notes on Genesis, the worst manuscript ever seen in a printing-office. That finished, he returned to the Spirit of the Times, and remained till October, when he went to visit his relatives in New Hampshire. He reached his uncle's farm in Londonderry in the apple-gathering season, and going at once to the orchard found his cousins engaged in that pleasing exercise. Horace jumped over the fence, saluted them in the hearty and unornamental Scotch-Irish style, sprang into a tree, and assisted them till their task for the day was done, and then all the party went frolicking into the woods on a grape-hunt. Horace was a welcome guest. He was full of fun in those days, and kept the boys roaring with his stories, or agape with descriptions
James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 17: the Tribune's second year. (search)
on all the institutions and the social phases of Great Britain—and then write so calmly of this country, with so manifest a freedom from passion and prejudice, as Dick-Ens has done, is to us no slight marvel. That he has done it is infinitely to his credit, and confirms us in the opinion we had long since formed of the soundness of his head and the goodness of his, heart. In the summer of 1842, Mr. Greeley made an extensive tour, visiting Washington, Mount Vernon, Poultney, Westhaven, Londonderry, Niagara, and the home of his parents in Pennsylvania, from all of which he wrote letters to the Tribune. His letters from Washington, entitled Glances at the Senate, gave agreeable sketches of Calhoun, Preston, Benton, Evans, Crittenden, Wright, and others. Silas Wright he thought the keenest logician in the Senate, the Ajax of plausibility, the Talleyrand of the forum. Calhoun he described as the compactest speaker in the Senate; Preston, as the most forcible declaimer; Evans, as th