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every precaution to prevent their obtaining any information of the condition of affairs here, by the employment of experienced scouts, who gave us daily information of their movements. On the night of the 5th these assured us that the troops were coming on, though they much doubted it before. They judged from the disorderly character of their march, and their apparent unconsciousness of danger. The troops were then at Cook's Spring, fifty miles from our camp at the forks of the road to Fort Thorn, fifty miles above here on the river. Our scouts took their position to watch them during the night, and to ascertain in the morning which route they would take. On either there could have been no chance of escape, as, being advised of their taking the route to Thorn, our troops could have reached there first. During the early part of the night Captain Moore received a dispatch from Fort Craig, notifying him of his danger. They immediately destroyed their cannon, burned their train,
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The Confederate invasion of New Mexico and Arizona. (search)
on Canby's district, while in the southern district the Gila River and Chiricahua Apaches were causing trouble for Baylor. During the first week in January, 1862, Sibley commenced the march up the Rio Grande with his command, and arrived at Fort Thorn. On the 7th of February he left Fort Thorn for Fort Craig. On the 16th a reconnoissance in force was made to within two miles of the post, which was met by the dispatch of a force of cavalry, whereupon the Confederates withdrew a short distanFort Thorn for Fort Craig. On the 16th a reconnoissance in force was made to within two miles of the post, which was met by the dispatch of a force of cavalry, whereupon the Confederates withdrew a short distance down the river, and on the 19th crossed over to the eastern bank. On the 20th a considerable force of Union troops left the fort, and, crossing the river, made a feint of attack on the Confederate camp near the river crossing. The Confederates immediately placed all their artillery in Map of the campaign and of Sibley's retreat. Map of Fort Craig and Valverde. battery and commenced firing, whereupon the Union artillery and cavalry returned to the fort, leaving the infantry to watch the
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 7: military operations in Missouri, New Mexico, and Eastern Kentucky--capture of Fort Henry. (search)
ad of a band of insurgents known as Texas Rangers, some of them of the worst sort, was invading the Territory. His force was formidable in numbers (twenty-three hundred) and in experience, many of them having been in successive expedition s against the Indians. Sibley issued a proclamation to the people of New Mexico, in which he denounced the National Government and demanded from the inhabitants aid for and allegiance to his marauders. Confident of success, he moved slowly, by way of Fort Thorn, and found Canby at Fort Craig, on the Rio Grande, Feb. 19, 1862. prepared to meet him. A reconnaissance satisfied him that, with his light field-pieces, an assault on the fort would be foolish. He could not retreat or remain with safety, and his military knowledge warned him that it would be very hazardous to leave a well-garrisoned fort behind him. So he forded the Rio Grande at a point below Fort Craig, and out of reach of its guns, for the purpose of drawing Canby out. In this he was
within the limits of Texas, on the 1st of January, 1862; but moved forward, a few days thereafter, with 2,300 men, many of them trained to efficiency in the Mexican War and in successive expeditions against Apaches and other savages, wherein they had made the name of Texan Rangers a sound of terror to their foes. For Canby's regulars and American volunteers, they had some little respect — for his five or six thousand New Mexicans, none at all. Advancing confidently, but slowly, by way of Fort Thorn, he found Feb. 19, 1862. Canby in force at Fort Craig, which he confronted about the middle of February. A careful reconnoissance convinced him that it was madness, with his light field-guns, to undertake a siege; while his offer of battle in the open plain, just outside the range of the guns of the fort, was wisely declined. He would not retreat, and could not afford to remain, consuming his scanty supplies; while to pass the fort without a contest, leaving a superior force undemoral
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, United States--Regular Army. (search)
23. Duty in the Shenandoah Valley till July, 1865. Regiment lost during service 5 Officers and 73 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 3 Officers and 92 Enlisted men by disease. Total 173. 3rd United States Regiment Cavalry, 1st Mounted Rifles. In New Mexico at outbreak of the Rebellion and duty there till September, 1862. Action at Mesilla July 25, 1861 (Cos. B, F ). Evacuation of Fort Fillmore July 26. San Augustine Springs July 27 (Cos. B, F, I ). Near Fort Thorn September 26 (Cos. C, G, K ). Battle of Valverde February 21, 1862 (Cos. C, D, G, I and K ). Comanche Canon March 3 (Cos. C, K ). Evacuation of Albuqurque and Santa Fe March 2-4 (Co. E ). Apache Canon March 26 (Co. C ). Glorietta or Pigeon Ranch March 28 (Co. E ). Albuqurque April 9. Pursuit of Confederate forces April 13-22. Peralta April 15 (Cos. D, E, G, I. K ). Parejie May 21. Near Fort Craig May 23. Operations in New Mexico till September. M
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, Index. (search)
): Boundaries 163; 164 (U): Boundaries 162; 163 Thibodeaux, La. 135-A; 156, E7; 171 Thomas Station, Ga. 143, G8; 144, C8 Thomasville, Mo. 117, 1; 135-A; 153, C5 Thompson's Creek, La. 155, H6; 156, A6, 156, B6 Thompson's Creek, S. C. 79, 3; 80, 6; 86, 5 Thompson's Cross-Roads, Va. 74, 1; 81, 6; 100, 1 Thompson's Hill, Miss. 31, 6 Battle of, May 1, 1863. See Porl Gibson, Miss. Thompson's Station, Tenn. 30, 2; 117, 1; 149, A6 Fort Thorn, N. Mex. 54, 1; 98, 1; 171 Thornburg, Va. 74, 1; 100, 1 Thorn Hill, Ala. 76, 1; 117, 1; 118, 1; 135-A; 149, F4 Thornton Station, Va. 7, 1; 22, 6; 100, 1 Thoroughfare Gap, Va. 7, 1; 22, 5-22, 7; 23, 2; 74, 1; 100, 1; 137, A6 Thoroughfare Mountain, Va. 22, 5; 74, 1; 85, 3; 100, 1 Tilton, Ga. 24, 3; 57, 1-57, 3; 58, 2; 63, 4; 88, 2; 101, 6, 101, 8; 117, 1; 118, 1; 135-A; 149, E11 Timber Ridge, W. Va. 100, 1; 137, E2 Timberville, Va. 74, 1; 81
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book V:—the first winter. (search)
ains, Forts Union and Staunton. Since the capitulation of Major Lynde's troops, near Fort Fillmore, in July, 1861, the Confederates had been masters of the course of the Rio Grande, in the southern portion of New Mexico, from El Paso to above Fort Thorn, also situated on that river. But they had refrained from disturbing the Federals in their possession of the rest of that territory, and had contented themselves with drawing them into two unimportant engagements in the vicinity of Fort Craig.nd plunder who, under the name of settlers, occupied Texas. When, in the early part of February, he had thus collected a small army of two thousand three hundred men — a considerable force for those regions-he took up his line of march, passed Fort Thorn, and proceeded in the direction of Fort Craig, where Canby, apprised of his movements, had repaired with all the troops at his disposal, about four thousand men, to await his coming. This position, well fortified, and defended by a few guns of
was the only object which prevented our seeing the fortifications. It was certainly a dare, as we had not more than eight hundred men, infantry and cavalry. Col. Cumming commanded the infantry. To-day the vidette are bringing in pieces of spars and wood from the burnt Yankee frigates which drilled ashore. They also report that several dead bodies were found along the Andre. Success of Col. Reily's mission to Chihuahua. The correspondent of the Houston Telegraph, writing from Fort Thorn, Arizona, January 30, says: To cultivate feelings of friendship, Gen. Sibley, several weeks ago, sent Col. Reily on a mission to the Governor of Chihuahua. It was complete success. The Governor, in his reply to the General expressed the warmest feelings of friendship towards the Southern people. He desired to are the people of the South successful in their struggle for freedom and in the maintenance of their institutions. He a so stated "that no order giving the Federate permissi
interest: "We have just received by express, from Fort Graig important news. A battle was fought between the forces of Gen. Sibley and Gen. Canby on the 21st February, which resulted in the complete defeat of the latter with great loss. The particulars, as given by the courier, disclose the fact that this has been the closet contested battle of the war, and perhaps the bloodiest for the numbers engaged. "Gen. Sibley, with his command, numbering, rank and fire, 2,300 men, left Fort Thorn, 56 miles below Fort Craig, about the 18th of February, with the intention of taking the latter place. On arriving in the vicinity of Craig, he learned from some persons captured near the post that Gen. Canby was in command of the Federal forces in the fort; that he had 1,200 regular troops, 200 American volunteers, and 5,000 Mexicans — entire force near 6,400 men. Notwithstanding this superior force he boldly advanced, and on the 19th crossed the river below Craig, and making a detour of