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r camp under any pretext. Between Tucson and Mesilla we saw the wrecks of two stages which had beed to the river at a point several miles above Mesilla, where was situated the little Mexican villagfields lay about the town. Eight miles below Mesilla was Fort Fillmore, with a strong Federal garr command by the Texans under Colonel Baylor: Mesilla, Arizona, August 7, 1861. My dear wife: Weander, hearing of the condition of affairs at Mesilla, came up, and occupied the place with about 2als Give my love to our dear children. At Mesilla, the party disbanded, most of them taking thes. Ridley says: There was a stage from Mesilla to San Antonio, and some of our party availed lodging. The journey from Los Angeles to Mesilla was 800 miles, and thence to San Antonio, theOne hundred and sixty-five miles to the Rio Grande at Picacho, near Mesilla. July 28.To Mesilla. One hundred and sixty-five miles to the Rio Grande at Picacho, near Mesilla. July 28.To Mesilla.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Recollections of the Twiggs surrender. (search)
gs surrender. Mrs. Caroline Baldwin Darrow. Early in December, 1860, a rumor reached San Antonio, Texas, that Captain John R. Baylor, well known throughout the State, was organizing a company of one thousand men for a buffalo-hunt. August 2d, 1861, John R. Baylor, then Lieutenant-Colonel, commanding the Confederate army in New Mexico, organized that part of the Territory lying south of the thirty-fourth parallel, as the Confederate Territory of Arizona, the seat of government being at Mesilla, and the authority of governor being assumed by him. This action was approved by General Henry H. Sibley, then in command of the Confederate department.--editors. As Captain Baylor's secession sentiments were well known, this was believed to be a mere pretense, and his real design to be to surprise and seize the arsenal in San Antonio, in time to prevent any resistance on the part of the United States, should Texas go out of the Union. The Union citizens, alarmed lest the few soldiers stat
vil and military, vacant and no longer existing, and making provision for the government of the Territory until such time as the Confederate Congress may otherwise provide. Col. Baylor, as Governor of the Territory, has also appointed a Seeretary of the Territory, Attorney-General, and other officers.--Lieut. R. H. Brewer, late of the first regiment of the United States Dragoons, has arrived in New Orleans, and informs the Picayune that on the 5th ultimo, Gen. A. S. Johnston, who arrived from California, was at Picach, about five miles north of Mesilla, in command of the Confederate forces, which command, tendered by Lieut.-Col. Baylor, the General had accepted. The Confederate forces numbered about five hundred men, and had four pieces of artillery. They were awaiting the approach of four companies of Federal troops (two companies of dragoons and two companies of infantry) under command of Lieut. Moore. Forts Breckinridge and Buchanan had been destroyed.--Mesilla Times, August 3.
which recounts in detail the retreats of Wise and Floyd in Western Virginia, subsequent to the battle of Carnifex Ferry, appeared in the Richmond Dispatch. The authorship of the letter is attributed to Colonel Henningsen, the filibuster. Richmond papers consider it too partial to General Wise, and too severe upon General Floyd.--(Doc. 65.) A secessionist camp at Charleston, Mo., was broken up, and forty rebels captured.--By a copy of the Mesilla Times, a secession paper published at Mesilla, Arizona Territory, dated August 10, it appears that a complete secession government has been organized at that place, from governor down to justice of the peace — the governor being the notorious John R. Baylor, well known for his violent pro-slavery feelings. The Times calls for troops, in order to enable the traitors to hold the territory, and apprehends an attack by way of Southern California, and by the regular troops still quartered in the New Mexican department, now on the borders o
on, he threw out sufficient ballast to enable him to rise to a height of three miles, when he fell in with a counter current which carried him back in the direction of Maryland, thus passing over Washington. Commander Alden, of United States steamer South Carolina, reports to Flag-officer McKean, Gulf Squadron, the capture of two schooners off the Southwest Pass of the Mississippi, with from four to five thousand stand of arms.--(Doc. 68.) A party of New Mexican Union volunteers, under Captain Mink, was surprised at Alimosa, thirty-five miles below Fort Craig, by one hundred and ten Texan rebels, and their horses stampeded. Captain Mink proposed to surrender his company; but his men dissented, secured their horses, and retreated to Fort Craig. Subsequently about one hundred United States troops, from Fort Craig, pursued the rebels, overtook them, killed their captain and ten men, wounded about thirty, and killed thirty horses. The balance of the Texans escaped to Mesilla.
ded, two mortally.--(Doc. 98.) The Leavenworth (Kansas) Conservative of this date gives an account of the surrender of Fort Fillmore, New Mexico, as follows:-- On the 5th of July, Major Lynde had command of seven companies of infantry and two of cavalry, in all about seven hundred men. The next officers in rank were Captains Potter and Stevenson and Lieut. McAnnelly. On the 24th of July, at three o'clock P. M., four hundred and eighty men, with four pieces of artillery, started for Mesilla; arrived there at dark; were drawn up in line of battle between two cornfields; there were no flankers and no skirmishers out; the cavalry were within eighty-five yards of the ambuscade laid by the Texans, who numbered less than two hundred, and were poorly armed. Shots were fired out of the cornfield, one of them taking effect on Lieut. McAnnelly, a true Union man. Major Lynde was behind a wagon. A perfect cross fire was opened on the cavalry, and, no officer now being in command of them
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The Confederate invasion of New Mexico and Arizona. (search)
ding to La Mesilla. On the afternoon of the 25th Major Isaac Lynde, 7th U. S. Infantry, who was in command at Fort Fillmore, a post about four miles distant from Mesilla, proceeded against the rebels with about four hundred men,--artillery, cavalry, and infantry,--and after a desultory attack on the town, involving a loss, of thref the Territory of New Mexico lying south of the thirty-fourth parallel of north latitude as the Confederate territory of Arizona, the seat of government being at Mesilla, and the authority of governor being assumed by himself. August 2d, Fort Stanton, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin S. Roberts, 3d U. S. Cavalry, e Sierra de San Mateo, until he reached the dry bed of the Rio Palomas, down which he continued until he reached the Rio Grande, where supplies had been sent from Mesilla to meet him. His command was entirely worn out, and nearly famished. The distance from where he left the Rio Grande until he reached it again was over one hundre
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Sibley's New Mexican campaign.--its objects and the causes of its failure. (search)
ident Davis knew that Colonel John R. Baylor, with less than five hundred troops, had captured large supplies and was in possession of all of Arizona and the lower part of New Mexico; Sibley was to utilize the results of Baylor's successes, make Mesilla the base of operations, and with the enlistment of men from New Mexico, California, Arizona, and Colorado form an army which would effect the ultimate aim of the campaign, for there were scattered all over the Western States and Territories Southern men who were anxiously awaiting an opportunity to join the Confederate army. Upon the arrival of his brigade at Mesilla, Sibley was to open negotiations with the governors of Chihuahua, Sonora, and Lower California, for supplies, etc. The objective aim and design of the campaign was the conquest of California, and as soon as the Confederate army should occupy the Territory of New Mexico, an army of advance would be organized, and On to San Francisco would be the watchword; Califo rnia had
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 7: military operations in Missouri, New Mexico, and Eastern Kentucky--capture of Fort Henry. (search)
e proved treacherous to his country. Loring and Crittenden made their way to Fort Fillmore, not far from El Paso and the Texas border, then commanded by Major Isaac Lynde, of Vermont. They found a greater portion of the officers there ready to engage in the work of treason. Major Lynde professed to be loyal, but, if so, he was too inefficient to be intrusted with command. Late in July, while leading about five hundred of the seven hundred troops under his control toward the village of Mesilla, he fell in with a few Texas insurgents, and, after a slight skirmish, fled back to the fort. He was ordered to evacuate it, and march his command to Albuquerque. Strange to say, the soldiers were allowed to fill their canteens with whisky and drink when they pleased. A large portion of them were drunken before they had marched ten miles, and then, as if by previous arrangement, a Texas force appeared on their flank. July 27, 1861. The soldiers who were not prostrated by intoxication wi
ficers equally traitorous with themselves. But Maj. Lynde appeared to hold out against their solicitations. His forces, however, were so demoralized that, soon afterward, July 24, 1861. when he led 480 of them, out of 700, to the village of Mesilla, some twenty miles distant, he fell into an ambuscade of 200 badly armed Texans, and, after a skirmish, wherein his conduct can only be vindicated from the imputation of cowardice by the presumption of treason, he ordered a retreat to the fort, arlier, a company of New Mexican volunteers, Capt. Mink, were routed and pursued by a party of Texans, who, in their turn, were beaten and chased away, with considerable loss, by about 100 regulars from the fort. The surviving Texans escaped to Mesilla; and Canby occupied the frontier posts so far down as Fort Staunton, leaving Fort Fillmore still in the hands of the Texans. Gen. Sibley, who had hoped to advance in the Autumn of 1861, was still at Fort Bliss, within the limits of Texas, on
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