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Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 3, Chapter 10: the Rynders Mob.—1850. (search)
qual resolution to be the chief magistrate of the whole country, with at least equal independence of party. His course justified Stephen A. Douglas's warning that his election boded no good to the Ante, p. 238. Slave Power's schemes of expansion, for which, nevertheless, as a soldier, he had fought the war with Mexico. His Ante, p. 274; Lib. 20.114. attitude towards the grasping designs of Texas on New Mexico, and repression of the Southern filibustering Lib. 19.14, 136; 20.114. against Cuba; his recommendation that California be Lib. 20.116. admitted a free State without conditions—dismayed the Southern extremists, and caused the anti-slavery North to regard his death as a calamity. It is incredible, however, that Taylor would not have signed the Fugitive Slave Bill. All we can say is, that he was fated not to have the opportunity, and that Douglas's prophecy again came true in the case of his successor, when the North (nominally) got the man, and the South Ante, p. 238. g