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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—the first autumn. (search)
ntrary to all usages, he was allowed to take all such prizes as were too precious to be burnt, although not legally adjudicated, into neutral ports on the coasts of New Grenada. In the English and French colonies he was permitted, still contrary to international regulations, to provide himself with supplies of coal far beyond what was absolutely necessary to enable him to reach a Confederate port, and he thus found all the resources he needed to continue his depredations. The authorities of Cuba were more scrupulous, it is true, and restored all the prizes, illegally brought into Spanish waters, to their legitimate owners. Many Federal vessels were sent in pursuit of the Sumter, but they rarely met with her, and she always succeeded in getting away from them. Sometimes sailing under one flag, sometimes under another, which, for a vessel of war, was a violation of the rights of those powers whose ensign she borrowed, Semmes employed all the autumn of 1861 in scouring the Atlantic,