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truth of that campaign is that Early was leading a forlorn hope, and that he never fought less than four to one. At Fisher's Hill and Waynesboroa, he fought about eight to one. It is not upon General Early's statements in his recent letter from Havana, that the present writer makes the above allegation, but upon the testimony of officers and citizens of the highest character who are unanimous in their statement to the above effect. From the date of the battle of Winchester, or the Opequon, tontry, leaving the confidence of the Commander-in-Chief in him unimpaired. Iii. In concluding this sketch, an attempt will be made to give the reader some idea of the personal character and appearance of the brave man who, in his letter from Havana, has made that calm and decorous appeal to posterity. General Early, during the war, appeared to be a person of middle age; was nearly six feet in height; and, in spite of severe attacks of rheumatism, could undergo great fatigue. His hair w
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, June, 1863. (search)
direction has evidently been contemplated; and we met a brigade of infantry halfway between Petersburgh and Richmond on its way to garrison the latter place, as the Yankees are reported to be menacing in that neighborhood. The scenery near Richmond is very pretty, and rather English-looking. The view of the James River from the railway bridge is quite beautiful, though the water is rather low at present. The weather was extremely hot and oppressive, and, for the first time since I left Havana, I really suffered from the heat. At 10 A. M., I called on General Cooper, Adjutantgeneral to the Confederate forces, and senior general in the army. He is brother-in-law to Mr. Mason, the Southern Commissioner in London. I then called upon Mr. Benjamin, the Secretary of State, who made an appointment with me to meet him at his house at 7 P. M. The public offices are handsome stone buildings, and seem to be well arranged for business. I found at least as much difficulty in gaining acc
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Chapter 4: up the St. John's. (search)
eared and kindled it. Despite the service rendered by this once brilliant light, there were many wrecks which had been strown upon the beach, victims of the most formidable of the Southern river-bars. As I stood with my foot on the half-buried ribs of one of these vessels,--so distinctly traced that one might almost fancy them human, --the old pilot, my companion, told me the story of the wreck. The vessel had formerly been in the Cuba trade; and her owner, an American merchant residing in Havana, had christened her for his young daughter. I asked the name, and was startled to recognize that of a favorite young cousin of mine, beside the bones of whose representative I was thus strangely standing, upon this lonely shore. It was well to have something to relieve the anxiety naturally felt at the delay of the John Adams,--anxiety both for her safety and for the success of our enterprise. The Rebels had repeatedly threatened to burn the whole of Jacksonville, in case of another a
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 29 (search)
f Virginia. Only about 25 of the enemy's troops are said to be there, merely to guard the wires. In the Revolutionary war, and in the war of 1812, that peninsula escaped the horrors of war, being deemed then, as now, too insignificant to attract the cupidity of the invaders. The Secretary of the Treasury sent an agent a few weeks ago with some $12,000,000 for disbursement in the trans-Mississippi country, but he has returned to this city, being unable to get through. He will now go to Havana, and thence to Texas; and hereafter money (if money it can be called) will be manufactured at Houston, where a paper treasury will be established. Gen. Jos. E. Johnston has recently drawn for $20,000 in gold. A letter from the Commissary-General to Gen. Lee states that we have but 1,800,000 pounds of bacon at Atlanta, and 500,000 pounds in this city, which is less than 30 days rations for Bragg's and Lee's armies. He says all attempts to get bacon from Europe have failed, and he fea
e occupation of the entire region, and affording a military base for both the navy and the army of incalculable advantage in the further reduction of the coast. Another naval exploit, however, almost at the same time, absorbed greater public attention, and for a while created an intense degree of excitement and suspense. Ex-Senators J. M. Mason and John Slidell, having been accredited by the Confederate government as envoys to European courts, had managed to elude the blockade and reach Havana. Captain Charles Wilkes, commanding the San Jacinto, learning that they were to take passage for England on the British mail steamer Trent, intercepted that vessel on November 8 near the coast of Cuba, took the rebel emissaries prisoner by the usual show of force, and brought them to the United States, but allowed the Trent to proceed on her voyage. The incident and alleged insult produced as great excitement in England as in the United States, and the British government began instant and
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1, Chapter 15: resignation from the army.-marriage to Miss Taylor.-Cuban visit.-winter in Washington.-President van Buren.-return to Brierfield, 1837. (search)
Hurricane. He had become so emaciated and had so serious a cough that it was thought best for him to spend the winter in Havana, whither he went as soon as he was able to travel. He sailed for Havana in the autumn of 1835. In those days there wHavana in the autumn of 1835. In those days there were no steamships, and the three weeks sail, with a douche of salt water taken on the deck, in the primitive manner of a bucket of sea-water thrown over him by a sailor, Mr. Davis recuperated enough to enjoy to some extent the soft air and tropical luxuriance of Havana. There was a serious drawback, however, to his recovery. He had no desire for social intercourse, and his only recreation was to go up on the hills and about the fortifications, to sketch. With clinging memory and affection fifty others. I introduced Lieutenant Davis to my friends. He was then on his way to his home in Mississippi from Havana, whither he had gone for his health. He soon won the high esteem and respect of the foremost men in the national capital
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 44: the lack of food and the prices in the Confederacy. (search)
e5.00 Roast beef, per plate3.00 Beefsteak, per dish3.50 Ham and eggs3.50 Boiled eggs2.00 Fried oysters5.00 Raw oysters3.00 Cabbage1.00 Potatoes1.00 Pure coffee, per cup3.00 Pure tea, per cup2.00 Fresh milk1.00 Bread and butter1.00 Wines, per Bottle. Champagne$50.00 Madeira50.00 Port25.00 Claret20.00 Sherry35.00 Liquors, per Drink. French brandy3.00 Rye whiskey2.00 Apple brandy2.00 Malt Liquors, per Bottle. Porter12.00 Ale12.00 Ale, one-half bottle6.00 Cigars. Fine Havana1.00 Game of all kinds in season. Terrapins served up in every style. Bill for a dinner for nine poor Confederates at the Oriental, January 17, 1864. Soup for nine$13 50Brought forward$132 50 Venison steak31 50Apples12 00 Fried potatoes9 005 bottles of Madeira250 00 Seven birds24 006 bottles of claret120 00 Baked potatoes9 00Urn cocktail65 00 Celery13 50Jelly20 00 Bread and butter14 00Cake20 00 Coffee18 001 dozen cigars12 00 $1132 50$631 50 Approximate value of gold and Co
r of the commanding general U. S. A., at Washington, Adams' Express was opened on the 16th inst., and all such matter was stopped. Without mail or express communication with the North, and the carrying of mail matter by individuals being considered in the light of treasonable communication with the enemy, in a few days we shall have but scant opportunity of enriching our columns with interesting intelligence from the other side of the border. We might get an occasional budget by the way of Havana, but we suppose it is intended by the despotic clique at Washington that the blockade shall prevent that. Won't it be queer to read, hereafter, the latest news from way down east, via Paris and London? Well, we suppose we can stand it as well as they can on the other side of the line. Let us see who will first get tired of the embargo. The First Regiment N. Y. Volunteers, Col. Allen, left New York for the seat of war.--(Doc. 196.) Funeral ceremonies over the body of Col. Ell
September 15. The British brig Mystery, of St. Johns, N. B., was seized by the Surveyor of the port of New York, to-day, under suspicion of having run the blockade at Georgetown, S. C. Letters of instruction and the charter party, found on board, clearly show that there was a plan to land a cargo of ice at that rebel port, but the Consular certificate at Havana proves that the Mystery entered the latter port on the 7th of August, with the identical cargo of ice, and two days afterward cleared for Matanzas, where she received a cargo of sugar, and then sailed for the North, coming into the port of New York.--N. Y. Times, September 17. The Second regiment, of Kansas Volunteers, arrived at Leavenworth, from Rolla, Mo.--Ohio Statesman, September 21. Col. F. P. Blair, Jr., was ordered by the Provost-marshal, at St. Louis, Mo., to report himself under arrest on the general charge of using disrespectful language when alluding to superior officers.--Louisville Journal, Sept. 1
e known to exceed our own by many thousands; yet the only murmurs uttered by these hardy sons of the Northwest were at the orders to retire without disputing the ground inch by inch with their adversaries. Slowly and mutteringly they retired to the place of embarkation, picking up and loading themselves down with the knapsacks, canteens, guns, and equipments left there by others who had retired before them.--Baltimore American, Oct. 30. Mr. Charles J. Helm, late United States Consul at Havana, arrived there in the British steamer from St. Thomas, with credentials from the Confederate Government, naming him consul for the Southern Confederation. He presented his papers, asking to be admitted as Consul, but the Captain-General would not do any thing in the matter beyond reporting the case to the Home Government. Other consuls, though the Madrid Government may not have granted the exequatur, are at once admitted to the free exercise of their office before that formality, but this