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John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army 3 1 Browse Search
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John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter I (search)
ance with General Winfield Scott character of the West Point training importance of learning how to obey a trip to New York on a wager the West Point Bible class dismissed from the Academy without trial intercession of Stephen A. Douglas restoration to Cadet duty James B. McPherson John B. Hood Robert E. Lee. I was born in the town of Gerry, Chautauqua County, New York, September 29, 1831. My father was the Rev. James Schofield, who was then pastor of the Baptist Church in Sinclairville, and who was from 1843 to 1881 a home missionary engaged in organizing new churches, and building meeting-houses, in Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri. My mother was Caroline McAllister, daughter of John McAllister of Gerry. We removed to Illinois in June, 1843, and, after a short stay in Bristol, my father made a new home for his family in Freeport, where he began his missionary work by founding the First Baptist Church of that place. In all my childhood and youth I had what I regard as
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Index (search)
man, Mrs. W. T., 542 Shiloh, Tenn., attitude of Halleck toward Grant before, 361 Shoal Creek, military movements on, 201 Sierra Nevada, a trip across the, 430 Sigel, Col., Franz, commanding Missouri troops, 37, 38; ordered to Springfield, 37, 38; retreats from Newtonia to Springfield, 38; junction with Lyon and Sturgis, 38; battle of Wilson's Creek, 42, 43, 47; Lyon's confidence in, 43; takes over command from Sturgis, 47; protests against Sturgis's reassuming command, 47 Sinclairville, N. Y., Rev. James Schofield's pastorate in, 1 Sioux Indians, threatened outbreak by, 488; battle of Wounded Knee, 488; enlistment of, 489 Sixteenth Kentucky Infantry, in battle of Franklin, 178-180, 229 Slavery, the question in Missouri, 31, 54, 56-58, 71 et seq., 90, 92, 94, 95, 99; as a factor in the Civil War, 74, 235; troubles on the Kansas-Missouri border, 78 et seq.; abolition of, see emancipation; negroes. Slocum, Maj.-Gen. Henry W., to accompany Sherman to Savannah, 165,