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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 50: Second attack on Fort Fisher. (search)
at had occupied Charleston, Savannah, Augusta, Wilmington and other points along the coast, had united, and did all that was possible to impede Sherman's march; but, although the Confederate forces had swelled to a considerable army, they could not withstand the Federal advance, and from desertions and other causes they soon began to melt away. Still Sherman was not master of the situation until he had driven Johnston's army, from which he had experienced the strongest resistance, back to Smithfield. The junction of Schofield with Sherman's army was made next day, the 23d of March, 1865, at Goldsborough, and General Johnston and his forces were held as in a vise until the final surrender. These movements had changed the whole state of affairs in North Carolina. The Confederate troops along the various rivers, including the Roanoke, had either joined General Johnston or had moved off to Richmond, and Admiral Porter, taking advantage of the situation, had directed Commander Macomb
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 54: capture of Richmond.--the destruction of the Confederate fleet in the James River, etc. (search)
between the Cape Fear and the Black River, but was able to effect very little, retreating as night came on towards Smithfield, N. C. On the 18th, the Federal Army moved on Goldboroa in two columns, the 15th and 17th Corps on the direct road from Fah General Sherman's whole army confronted the Confederates; before daybreak, on the 22d, General Johnston moved towards Smithfield, leaving many of his wounded on the field. His loss in the three days fighting, according to Confederate accounts, wass, clothing, and even ammunition. At one time it was thought that General Johnston would endeavor to break away from Smithfield and effect a junction with General Lee. In the light of subsequent events, this is seen to have been impossible. Againeral Johnston, ston, and he graphically illustrated, with the aid of a map. the condition of affairs at Goldsboroa and Smithfield. All I want. said General Sherman, is two weeks time in which to clothe my soldiers I will then be ready to march o