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had been concluded,--just as the minister was about to announce his text,--orders were received to move at once. This was announced from the pulpit, with the request that all would remain until the benediction should be pronounced. It was a great scene, and one impressive to every man. The blessing of God was invoked upon each and every one present, and we started out on an expedition, from which some will never return. The movement was necessary to counteract one of the enemy towards Weldon. It is stated that two corps of the enemy had started on such an expedition. This I think very probable from the movements of our troops; yet I have no certain information to that effect. About 4 o'clock yesterday evening, a part of A. P. Hill's corps and General Gordon's command — composed of his division and that of General Pegram--sallied from our works at a point about two miles below Burgess's mill, towards Petersburg, and advanced rapidly towards the enemy's works. About s
t is the opinion of good judges, who have examined the ship, that her armor will not resist the projectile thrown by the fifteen-inch guns in use in our navy. It is very probable that point will soon be brought to the test. Our correspondent informs us that the destination of these vessels is this city. It is the place at which, perhaps, they could strike their most effective blow. They might go up the James to strike at Grant; but the ease with which he could open a new line by the Weldon road would then nullify their efforts in that quarter. They could not re-open Wilmington any more than Porter alone could close it with better ships. They will, doubtless, therefore, try a more desperate game. By this means they hope to make a great scare at the North, and also, no doubt, to revive the drooping spirits of the South. But the remedy is in our own hands, and it is for the Navy Department to use it properly. The timely and judicious distribution of our large iron-clad n
was a report on the street Saturday evening that our troops had fallen back from Wilmington. The report was without foundation. Colonel Hatch, one of our commissioners of exchange, has gone to Wilmington, at which place he will, during this week, exchange ten thousand prisoners. We may remark here that the exchange of prisoners on James river will, at the same time, go on uninterruptedly. It was reported in Kinston on the 13th that the enemy were preparing to make a heavy movement on Weldon, up the Roanoke river. There are now ten gunboats at Newbern. The Richmond and Petersburg lines. The quiet of the lines in front of Richmond and Petersburg remains unbroken. The mud effectually prevents any movement on the part of either army, should they be ever so much disposed for active operations. The Commissary-General. Colonel St. John has entered upon the discharge of the duties of Commissary General. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas G. Williams, an officer of great exper
The Daily Dispatch: February 28, 1865., [Electronic resource], Proclamation by the President, appointing a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer, with thanksgiving. (search)
ited artillery duel, of two hours duration, ensued. Grant is believed to have the whole of the Army of the Potomac, except the Ninth corps, massed in the neighborhood of Hatcher's run, ready for another dash at the Southside railroad. The miry condition of the roads is thought to have delayed an attack which he contemplated making on Saturday. On Friday night he moved a considerable force of artillery to his left. The Ninth corps alone are now said to be holding the lines between the Weldon road and the Appomattox. General Joseph E. Johnston Resumes command of the Army of Tennessee. General Johnston, on assuming the command of our forces in the South, issued the following order: "Charlotte, North Carolina,"February 25, 1865. "General Orders, No. 1. "In obedience to the orders of the General-in-Chief, the under signed has assumed the command of the Army of Tennessee and all the troops in the Departments of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. He takes this
papers bring us some scanty particulars of the fight at Averysboro' on the 15th and 16th instant. They argue that the battle was a desperate one for the size of the force engaged. The Raleigh Progress says: "We have conversed with several wounded and other soldiers engaged in the fight, and they all agree that it was a desperate one. Most of them our entire loss was about one thousand, while they say that of the enemy must have been four thousand or five thousand.--A gentleman, just from Weldon on Saturday last, informs us that he saw an official dispatch from General Johnston, which placed our loss at three hundred and fifty, and the supposed loss of the enemy at five thousand. "The following is what we think, probably, approaching a true account, though among so many rumors we cannot vouch for the absolute truth of any: It seems that the fight commenced about noon on Wednesday, the 15th, and continued briskly until night. Considerable skirmishing was carried on all night,
ant. From Raleigh, the Gaston railroad runs northeast a distance of eighty-five miles. At Ridgeway, fifty-four miles from Raleigh, it intersects the Roanoke Valley road, which sweeps in a curve from Hicksford junction, on the Petersburg and Weldon road, westward to Clarkesville, a distance of twenty-two miles. This point is on the south bank of the Roanoke, near the junction of the Dan and Staunton rivers, and but a short distance from Boston, on the Richmond and Danville road, thirty-one Sherman has to move from Raleigh to Clarkesville, when he will be twenty-two miles from Hicksford junction, the nearest point of railroad communication with General Grant's left wing. The distance from Stony Creek station, on the Petersburg and Weldon road, which is within General Grant's lines, to Hicksford junction, is only twenty-one miles, so that Sherman's right and Grant's left would only be forty-three miles, by rail, apart. There are numerous indications that the grand battle-fiel
highways of the hostile armies, the following tables of distances will be found convenient for reference by the students of the situation: Wilmington and Weldon. From Wilmington toMiles.From Wilmington toMiles. Northeast10Magnolia49 Marlboro'12Warsaw56 Rocky Point15Bowden60 Burgaw23Faison64 South Washington30Mount Ogh toFrom Raleigh toMiles. Huntsville10Warrenton58 Forrestville16Macon62 Franklinton25Littleton73 Kitrell's35Summit79 Henderson42Gaston82 Ridgeway Junction55Weldon94 Roanoke Valley. From Ridgeway Junction toMiles.From Ridgeway Junction toMiles. Townesville10Clarksville22 Richmond and Danville. From RichmonWilson's27Franklin's87 Wellville31Appomattox99 Blacks and Whites37Spout Spring105 Nottoway Courthouse42Concord110 Burkesville52Lynchburg123 Rice's61 Petersburg and Weldom. From Petersburg toMiles.From Petersburg toMiles. Reama's10Hicksford Junction43 Stony Creek22Pleasant Hill50 Jarrett's30Weldon64 Bellfield40
The Situation in North Carolina. The North Carolina papers bring us very little news concerning military operations in that State. The Raleigh Progress of Monday says: "Sherman is reported to be somewhere in the vicinity of Goldsboro', with the intention, no doubt, to try to make his way to Virginia via Weldon. Of the movements of our army, it is not proper for us to speak, but it will be in the right place at the right time. "We are impressed with the belief that Sherman intended, when he left Fayetteville, to pay Raleigh a visit, but General Johnston persuaded him that the journey would be unwholesome to himself and his troops; and he was thoroughly convinced of the fact at an interview near Bentonsville, and changed his course in accordance with the impressive advice of General Johnston. "We learn that since General Johnston's restoration to the command, thousands of the soldiers of the Army of Tennessee, long 'absent without leave,' have returned to their old
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