Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Anderson's Station (Ohio, United States) or search for Anderson's Station (Ohio, United States) in all documents.

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a half, sending, as directed, Lieutenant Grattan, with six men, up to Beaver Dam Station, to ascertain the extent of damage done the railroad, and the position and strength of the enemy's forces at that point. During the night a courier arrived from Lieutenant Grattan, stating that but little injury was done the road, and the enemy had returned, and that the necessary repairs could have been made in a few hours. I started early next morning with the command, and proceeded as far as Anderson's Station, where I halted to feed. I there found a cavalry company encamped, from Bath County, commanded by Captain McChestney, who informed me that he was picketing the Telegraph road, leading to Fredericksburg, and scouting in that direction. I then sent a Lieutenant and nine men from Major Critcher's battalion, down the road, with Captain McChestney's picket, to go in the direction of Bowling Green, by a road running parallel with the Telegraph road, and leading to that place. I then pro