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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 4 (search)
mantic drawback; it is awfully infested with fleas. They are like an Egyptian plague, and keep you wriggling and squirming in a perpetual struggle against the vulgar impulse to scratch. Everybody is talking about the gloomy aspect of affairs. Capt. Greenlaw spent the morning as usual, and the more I see of him the better I like him for his bright, cheery disposition. Among those who called in the evening, was a Mr. Renaud, of New Orleans, whom I liked very much. He has that charming Creole accent which would make it a pleasure to listen to him, even if he were not so nice himself. April 9, Sunday I went to worship with a little band of Episcopalians, mostly refugees, who meet every Sunday in a schoolhouse. It is a rough place, with very uncomfortable benches, but beautifully situated in a grove just at the entrance to Lovers' Lane. The services were conducted by old Mr. George, who used to come out to the Tallassee plantation, as far back as I can remember, and hold m
ur men suffering considerably in retiring. A Louisiana regiment was in the rear, and saw the whole affair. Without waiting for orders, they rushed across the open ground, dashed headlong into the redoubt, and all who escaped over the parapet were shot down or bayoneted by two companies who remained outside for that purpose. In this, as in all other instances I have witnessed of the Louisianians, their recklessness and daring have always astonished me, yet, considering their material, half Creole, half Irish, none need be astonished to find them nonpareils, when fighting for their homes and liberty against a negro-worshipping mixture of Dutch and Yankee. In this, as in all other fights witnessed by me, the cavalry had very little to do — the Yankee horse were always in the rear collecting stragglers, and forcing men to keep their lines. The day before had witnessed slight cavalry skirmishes, resulting in our favor, but nothing of the kind had transpired on Monday--it was entirely a
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Vicksburg during the siege. (search)
Division, from the Bureau at Richmond, and was required to be committed to memory by his men. It may be said, apropos, that we always had the Federal alphabet during the war; and I suppose they had ours. The Confederate signal station on the Devil's Backbone, a high hill running along the river to the north of the city, commanded a Federal signal station on the isthmus, and every motion of its flags and lamps was readily seen by the officer in charge of the former — an alert and intelligent Creole named Mathew H. Asbury. Asbury made the watching of the Federal flags the business of his life, and hardly every missed a communication of those exchanged between General Grant and Admiral Porter. By this means the first intelligence of Banks' attack upon and repulse from the works of Port Hudson was received and communicated to headquarters. A more noticeable feat remained to be achieved by the gallant Louisianian. After Pemberton's last proposition was submitted to Grant, there elapsed
tions of planter and factor a typical brokerage House secure reliance on European recognition and the kingship of cotton yellow Jack and his treatment French town and American hotels of the day home society and the Heathen social Customs Creole women's taste Cuffee and cant early regiments and crack companies judges of wine a champion diner. At a first glimpse, New Orleans of those days was anything but a picturesque city. Built upon marshy flats, below the level of the river an Crescent city had been at the head of commercial importance-and the desideratum of direct trade had been more nearly filled by her enterprising merchants than all others in the South. The very great majority of the wealthy population was either Creole, or French; and their connection with European houses may account in some measure for that fact. The coasting trade at the war was heavy all along the Gulf shore; the trade with the islands a source of large revenue, and there were lines and fre
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 2: birth.-career as officer of Engineers, United States army. (search)
l carry two hundred pounds on their backs, and the mules will carry three hundred on long journeys over the mountains. The ponies are used for riding and cost from ten to fifty dollars, according to their size and quality. I have three horses. Creole is my pet; she is a golden dun, active as a deer, and carries me over all the ditches and gullies that I have met with; nor has she ever yet hesitated at anything I have put her at; she is full-blooded and considered the prettiest thing in the args or shoes. Her plaintive tone of Mille gracias, Signor, as I had the dying man lifted off the boy and both carried to the hospital, still lingers in my ear. After I had broken a way through the chaparral and turned toward Cerro Gordo I mounted Creole, who stepped over the dead men with such care as if she feared to hurt them, but when I started with the dragoons in the pursuit, she was as fierce as possible, and I could hardly hold her. From Cerro Gordo to the capital of Mexico, Captain Le
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
nfederate Congress, 93. Confederate conscription, 350. Confederate currency, 350, 402. Confederate rations, 350, 367, 383, 396. Confederate States, 86, 94. Confederates, large capture of, 335. Cooper, General, Samuel, 59; promoted, 133, 134. Corbin, Letitia, mentioned, 5. Cornwallis, Lord, 136. Cortez, Hernando, 31, 45. Couch, General, 206, 218, 229, 243, 244; succeeds Hooker, 254. Cox, General Jacob D., 116. Crampton's Gap, 205, 206. Crecy, the battle of, 420. Creole, a favorite horse, 34. Cromwell, Oliver, 34, 56. Crook, General, mentioned, 340, 350, 373- Culpeper Court House, 140, 179, 220. Culp's Hill, 274, 277, 284, 299. Cumberland Sound, Ga., 14, 15. Cushing, Lieutenant A. H., at Gettysburg, 296. Custer's cavalry division, 373. Custis, George Washington Parke, mentioned, 25, 65, 84; death of, 71; his will, 237. Custis, John Parke, 71. Custis, Mrs. G. W. P., death of, 51. Custis, Mary A. R., 25, 26. Dahlgren, Colonel, Ulric, d
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 15: in Pennsylvania (search)
ng to camp right out here in the woods, and they are going to have a dance, too! Harry Hayes' Louisiana brigade was passing at the moment, and in the open gate stood the lad's companion, waiting for him — a bowing, smiling, grimacing, shoulder-shrugging Frenchman, who promised, in rather broken English, that he would take the best possible care of him. The mother hesitated, but a glance at her youngest, whose arm had now stolen around my neck, decided her, and off went her eldest with his Creole comrade; and if the brigade did have the dance, then the lad saw what was really worth seeing, for if there was anything Hayes' Creoles did and loved to do better than to fight, it was to dance; and their camp stag dances, sandwiched in between a big march and a big battle, were said to be the most utterly utter performances in the way of faun-like pranks, that grown and sane men ever indulged in. Before I left the old lady asked me if I had ever seen Stonewall Jackson, and upon my respo
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 9: events at Nashville, Columbus, New Madrid, Island number10, and Pea Ridge. (search)
ll sent to New Orleans, where they were found by General Butler, who sent the bells to Boston, to be used for a more peaceful purpose. They were sold at auction there in August following, by Colonel N. A. Thompson, who prefaced the sale by a patriotic speech. Ten days before Beauregard's appeal for bell-metal, his Surgeon-General, Dr. Choppin, whom he had sent to New Orleans, after the fall of Fort Donelson, for the purpose, issued in that city the following characteristic address to his Creole brethren: soldiers of New Orleans: You are aware of the disasters which have befallen our arms in the West. Greater disasters still are staring us in the face. General Beauregard--the man to whom we must look as the saviour of our country — sends me among you to summon you to a great duty and noble deeds — invoking and inspired by the sacred love of country and of priceless liberty, he has taken the deathless resolution de les venger ou de les suivre. And, with the immortal confidence
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), IV. Cold Harbor (search)
e answer was ready, when they would put a white flag on their rifle-pit. This amused me, for I had already seen all that could be seen and knew just where their position was just at that point! I returned whence I came, and waited at a wretched, deserted house. . . . At seven in the evening I got the reply and carried it in. The sum of it was: Have the honor to acknowledge your favor. As to your proposition — Ah, don't see it! It was signed by Beauregard, and was a specimen of his mean Creole blood. He did not know there had been any fight of consequence and should therefore refuse. After any engagement of real moment, he should be glad to extend the courtesies of war! He lied; for he knew full well that there had been heavy fighting and that we at least had lost some thousands. But he wished to show his dirty spite. Lee does not do such things. --Lyman's Journal. And so there was no armistice. Our poor wounded fellows, I believe, we got off that night, all of them, or all
gounTimothy WilliamsBoston224.82 8 BrigGulliverT. Magoun'sT. MagounJoseph Lee, jun.Boston247.80 91807Sch.Eliza & LydiaS. Lapham'sC. Turner & E. BriggsJohn BanisterBoston100.04 10 ShipCommerceS. Lapham'sC. TurnerJohn HollandBoston377.85 11 BrigCreoleT. Magoun'sT. MagounJohn WilliamsBoston147.28 121808BrigReaperT. Magoun'sT. MagounAndrew CabotBoston284.85 131809ShipAriadneS. Lapham'sC. TurnerNathaniel GoddardBoston382.02 14 BrigGilpinT. Magoun'sT. MagounAndrew LeachBoston209.33 15 BrigChar. Magoun'sT. MagounR. RobertsBoston248 88 ShipTopazT. Magoun'sT. MagounBoston & LIV. Importing Co.Boston354 89 ShipEdward NewtonT. Magoun'sT. MagounSamuel G. PerkinsBoston312 90 BrigTalismanS. Lapham's------RogersEnoch SilsbyBoston262 91 BrigCreoleS. Lapham's------RogersHall & WilliamsBoston230 92 BrigNigerGeorge Fuller'sGeorge FullerHenry HoveyBoston205 93 ShipIsraelSprague & James'sSprague & JamesIsrael ThorndikeBoston355 94 ShipLucillaSprague & James'sSprague & JamesD. P. ParkerB
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