Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 19, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Fort Bedford (Pennsylvania, United States) or search for Fort Bedford (Pennsylvania, United States) in all documents.

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killing and wounding only some thirteen or fourteen of our men. We struck the Monitor and Galena again and again; and I think from the manner with which they seemed to recoil at our heavy shot that something about them must have been put out of place. The Galena begin to run first, apparently much crippled, We continued to fire upon them as they retreated, amidst loud cheers from our toys. It is reported here, by our pickets, that the Galena Las since suck. Our men stood to their guns with the greatest bravery and determination. Captains Tucker and Barney, of the Patrick Henry and Jamestown, and Cap's, Drury, Jorden and, Presson, of Chester field, Bedford, and Lynchburg, have commend of the guns here. They have seen something of the enemy's Chiness yongs before, and, I presume, will not be easily driven from their position of the loud noise the enemy can make with his guns. Let the good citizens of Richmond be He do not the enemy to Richmond this May, Faith .
General Assembly of Virginia. extra session. Senate. Friday,May 16th, 1862. Mr. Johnson, of Bedford, in the Chair. Mr. Dickinson, of Grayson, submitted a report from the Joint Committee on the Penitentiary. The report sets forth that the Governor having fully investigated all matters relating to the late mutiny in the Penitentiary, there is no need of any further motion by the Legislature in the premises. A bill in regard to Boards of Exemptions was read a second time; ordered to be laid on the table. Mr. Robertson submitted a report from the Joint Committee in regard to "committees of Safety." The report sets forth that the State and Confederate authorities have ample powers to meet all exigencies that may arise, and discountenance the forming of any such bodies as Vigilance Committees. Mr. Armstrong moved that the injunction of secrecy he removed from the bill a sing a force of ten thousand men. Carried. On motion, the Senate took a recess to 8 o
Evening session. Friday, May 16th. Mr. Johnson, of Bedford, in the Chair. The bill re-organizing Boards of exemption was taken up, and, bring amended so as to make physicians who act as examiners, guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of $500, if they accept a fee for their services as such; and further providing that exemptions granted by confederate surgeons shall not be rendered unit and void, was engrossed and read a third time. The sum of $10 was voted the Sergeant-a-arms for summoning members to attend the present session of the Senate. A message was received from the House, announcing the passages of this entitled "An act to amend and re enact the 63 Ordinance of the Convention, authorizing Banks to charge their places of business, passed 31st March, 1862; and an act entitled "An act to amend and re-enact the 1st section of the act passed 29th March, 1862," entitled "An act to provide a currency of notes of less denomination than five dollars"
Evening session. Mr. Johnson, of Bedford, in the Chair. The bill re-organizing Boards of exemption was taken up, and bung amended so as to make physicians who act as examiners, guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of $500, If they accept a fee for their services as such; and further providing that exemptions granted by confederate surg sons shall not be rendered null and void, was engrossed and read a third time. The sum of $10 was voted the Sergeant-a -arms for summoning members to attend the present session of the Senate. A message was received from the House, announcing the passage of this entitled "An act to amend and re enact the 63 Ordinance of the Convention, authorizing Banks to chat go their places of business, passed 31st March, 1862; and an act entitled "An ace to amend and re-enact the 1st section of the act passed 29th March, 1862," entitled "An act to provide a currency of notes of less denomination than five dollars" Both bills were ta
Evening session. Mr.Johnson, of Bedford, in the Chair. A message was received from the House of Delegates informing the Senate that it had passed an act amending the 7th section, chapter 103, of the Code of Virginia, so as to provide that if tenants for life shall, during the present war, remove slaves out of the State to any one of the Confederate States, for the purpose of preserving such property, the tenant for life shall not be responsible to the remaindering for any loss or damage that may thereby occur. On motion, the Senate concurred in the bill. On motion of Mr.Armstrong, a committee of five, consisting of Messrs Armstrong, Bruce, Newman, Neeson and Hart, were appointed to confer with a committee upon fixing a period for adjournment. The committee subsequently reported, fixing Monday, at 2 P.M, as the time for adjournment, sins dis. The report was concurred in by ayes 19, nays 16, as follows: Ayes--Messrs. Alderson, Bales, Bruce, Carton, Collier, D