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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The famous fight at Cedar creek. (search)
llows: Merritt's on the left (east) of the infantry, picketing the line of the North fork Shenandoah river; Custer's on the right of the infantry, picketing a line five or six miles in length, and extending to the western boundary of the Valley; Powell's West Virginia Division in the vicinity of Front Royal, at the foot of the Blue Ridge, and connecting with Merritt's left. On the 12th, our scouts reported that Early's reorganized infantry force had advanced to Fisher's Hill, their old Gibraltar, six miles south of our position at Cedar creek, which unexpected intelligence caused Sheridan to halt the Sixth Corps near Front Royal to await developments. At this juncture, Lieutenant General Grant recommended that a part of Sheridan's force should establish a strong position in the vicinity of Manassas gap, from which a fresh campaign against Gordonsville and Charlottesville could be executed. To this Sheridan demurred, and, on the 13th of October, he was summoned to Washington, by
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The career of General A. P. Hill. (search)
ortant than cooperation, and Hill's brave division is again launched forth alone to contend with half of McClellan's army, sent in with admirable vigor, the troops pass the abattis, leap the ravine, rush over the intermediate lines upon the slope, and scramble breathless into the very mouths of the guns that crown the ridge. For two mortal hours of agony this fearful work continues. Again and again these superb troops clamber up and dash themselves against the sides of this artificial Gibraltar, and each time they recoil with shattered ranks from the determined fire of the enemy.--Hill's single division fought, says General Lee, with the impetuous courage for which that officer and his troops are distinguished. Still the incessant shower of missiles from the forts on the eminence, still the crash and bustle of the enfilading batteries across the stream. The slaughter has been terrific; some of Hill's brigades were broken; and at four o'clock, though Longstreet had thrown his f
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 12: Gettysburg. (search)
ft center held by the Second Corps, exposing by the move their right flank to an enfilade fire from the batteries near and on little Round Top. In an instant the masses in their front were preparing for the shock of battle. Here they come! Here they come! Here comes the infantry! was heard on every side. At an average of eleven hundred yards the Union batteries began to open, and solid shot first tore through their ranks, but with no more effect than firing a pistol at the rock of Gibraltar. The skirmish lines, composed of the Sixteenth Vermont and One Hundred and Sixty-sixth Pennsylvania, and parts of Hall's brigade, were next encountered and brushed from their front, as the hurricane sweeps the breast of the mountain. Screaming shells broke in front, rear, on both sides, and among them; but the devoted band, with their objective point steadily in view, kept step to their music. The space between them and the Federal lines grew rapidly less, and soon they were in the m
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 24: the called session of Congress.--foreign relations.--benevolent organizations.--the opposing armies. (search)
Mr. Adams to Earl Russell, the Foreign Secretary, May 20, 1865. that it made a most unfavorable impression upon right-minded statesmen and philanthropic Christians everywhere. Two months before, the astute Count de Gasparin, observing the unfriendly tone of English leaders of opinion, and aware of the seductive character of the bribe of free trade in cotton, which the agents of the conspirators were offering, said :--Let England beware! It were better for her to lose Malta, Corfu, and Gibraltar, than the glorious position which her struggle against Slavery and the Slave-trade has secured her in the esteem of nations. Even in our age of armed frigates and rifled cannon, the chief of all powers, thank God! is moral power. Wo to the nation that disregards it, and consents to immolate its principles to its interests! From the beginning of the present conflict, the enemies of England, and they are numerous, have predicted that the cause of cotton will weigh heavier in her scales t
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 9: events at Nashville, Columbus, New Madrid, Island number10, and Pea Ridge. (search)
to General McClellan from St. Louis, March 4. Columbus, the Gibraltar of the West, is ours, and Kentucky is free, thanks to the brilliant strategy of the campaign by which the enemy's center was pierced at Forts Henry and Donelson, his wings isolated from each other and turned, compelling thus the evacuation of his stronghold of Bowling Green first, and now Columbus. The history of the latter event may be told in few words. When it was evident to the conspirators at Richmond that the Gibraltar was untenable, the so-called Secretary of War instructed Polk, through Beauregard, to evacuate Columbus, and select a defensive position below. Polk chose that section of the Mississippi and its shores which embraces Island Number10, the main land in Madrid Bend on the Kentucky shore, and New Madrid, Defensive works had been thrown up at the two latter places during the preceding autumn, and now measures were immediately taken for strongly fortifying Island Number10. So early as the 25
a comparative ignorance of the channel, which is exceedingly intricate and difficult of passage, we were obliged to proceed very slowly. About four miles above Mayport, on St. John's bluffs, (the site of the old Spanish fort, Caroline) bold highlands that rise perpendicularly thirty feet from the water, the rebels had cleared away a considerable space, and commenced to erect a battery and barracks for troops. The location is a splendid one, and could readily be converted into a miniature Gibraltar, but their force was insufficient for the work, and it was abandoned after mounting a gun or two, and partially completing the quarters. Four guns were brought hither by the Darlington, (rebel steamer captured near Fernandina,) on the second inst., from Fort Clinch. Some are said to have been submerged at the foot of the bluff. How true it is, we know not. Passing this point, we continued on up the stream, and were everywhere greeted with cheers or waving of handkerchiefs. Men, women,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), France, early relations with. (search)
vasion of England, in which the Americans were considered and concerned. By its terms France bound herself to undertake the invasion of Great Britain and Ireland; and, if the British could be driven from Newfoundland, the fisheries were to be shared with Spain. France promised to use every effort to recover for Spain Minorca, Pensacola, and Mobile, the Bay of Honduras, and the coast of Campeachy; and the two courts agreed not to grant peace nor truce, nor suspension of hostilities, until Gibraltar should be restored to Spain. Spain was left free to exact from the United States, as the price of her friendship, a renunciation of every part of the basin of the St. Lawrence and the Lakes, of the navigation of the Mississippi, and of all the territory between that river and the Alleghany Mountains. This modification of the treaty of France with the United States gave the latter the right to make peace whenever Great Britain should recognize their independence. So these two Bourbon dyn
next ship. It was blowing half a gale of wind, with a thick atmosphere, and rain-squalls. We were lying to, under topsails, when she was reported. As in the case of the Manchester, we had only to await her approach, for we were still in the beaten track of these lone travellers upon the sea. She came along quite fast, before the gale, and when within reach, we hove her to, with the accustomed gun. She proved, upon being boarded, to be the bark Lamplighter, of Boston, from New York, for Gibraltar, with a cargo of tobacco. There was no attempt to cover the cargo, and when we had removed the crew to the Alabama, we burned her. From the frequent mention which has been made of uncovered cargoes, the reader will see how careless the enemy's merchants were, and how little they dreamed of disaster. They had not yet heard of the Alabama, except only that she had escaped from Liverpool, as the 290. They looked upon her, yet, as a mere myth, which it was not necessary to take any preca
cal fact has been lately ascertained through the investigations of Mons. Grimaud de Caux. The entire width of the isthmus at that point amounts to about 18,799 feet, so that it would seem the canal was more than half cut through. A canal across the Isthmus of Corinth would shorten the route from Trieste to Athens forty-one hours for sailing-vessels, and fifteen hours for steamers; from Marseilles to Athens fourteen hours for sailing-vessels and five hours for steamers; and, finally, from Gibraltar to Athens six hours for the former and two and a half for the latter. A large ship-canal to connect the Baltic and North Seas. There are now two small ones across the Isthmus of Holstein, — the Streckenitz Canal, 1390 – 98, between the Elbe and the Trave; and the Schleswick Holstein, or Eyder Canal, 1777 — 84, between Kiel, on the Baltic, and Rendsburg, on the Eyder. Ca-nal — boat. A large boat, generally decked, and towed by horses; they vary in capacity, according to the widt
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.), Index (search)
ly, 305 South Carolina (University), 184, 342, 433 Southern cross, the, 495 Southern Literary Messenger, 301, 305, 553 n. Southern platform, 343 Southern quarterly Review, 301, 304 Southey, 454, 456 South Sea idyls, 156 South side view of slavery, 345 South since the War, the, 352 Southworth, Mrs. E. D. E. N., 69 Souvenirs of My time, 152 Sower, Christopher. See Saur, Christopher Spain in America, 188 Spangenberg, 577 Spanish cities with glimpses of Gibraltar and Tangier, 164 Spanish conquest of New Mexico, the, 132 Spanish idyls and legends, 53 Spanish literature (Ticknor), 468 Sparks, Jared, 173, 176, 178, 183 Spaulding, E. G., 264 Spaulding, Solomon, 520 Specimens (Joaquin Miller), 54 Spectator, the, 110 Speed, Joshua F., 371 Spelling Book (Murray), 401 Spelling Book (Webster), 475 Spencer, 180, 181, 192, 229, 229 n., 230, 231, 234, 237, 240 n., 245, 251, 285, 540 n. Spenser, 484, 559 n. Spindler, G.