Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 18, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Windsor Castle (Pennsylvania, United States) or search for Windsor Castle (Pennsylvania, United States) in all documents.

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ince Albert, North American and Kangaroo had arrived safely out. The exciting news from the United States had produced a panic in the Liverpool cotton market, causing it to open at a decline of , but it closed firmer, with more inquiry, which was freely met by holders. The siege of Gaeta still continued. Four heavy batteries had opened fire on the town. The Persia was expected to take out to the United States fully $1,000,000. The Empress Eugenie visited Victoria, at Windsor Castle, on Wednesday. The apprehension of a monetary crisis at Paris had subsided. The Bank of France was largely gaining specie. The Bourse was higher. It is reported that Napoleon has intimated to Francis II. of Naples, the uselessness of further resistance. It is rumored that Cardinal Antonelli has resigned. The Austrian official journal contradicts the rumored negotiations for the cession of Venetia to Italy. Commercial. Liverpool, Dec. 8. --Cotton — Sales for t