Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 3, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Windsor Castle (Pennsylvania, United States) or search for Windsor Castle (Pennsylvania, United States) in all documents.

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Death of the Duchess of Kent. The Queen of England's mother, Maria Louisa Victoria, Duchess of Kent, died on Saturday,March 16th, at her residence, Frogmore, near Windsor Castle. An incurable cancer, which had long preyed upon her, has at last proved fatal. As the mother of the honored lady who fills the British throne, she has always been regarded with interest. Old King George the Third had fifteen sons and daughters, and yet in 1818, after the death of the Princess Charlotte, there were fears that there would be no lineal descendants of his to wear the crown. Only three of his sons were then married. The Prince Regent had lost his only child, and was separated from his wife. The Duke of York was separated from his duchess the Duke of Cumberland was divorced and widowed, and the marriage of the Duke of Sussex being without the royal assent, availed nothing for the succession.--So there was haste made to marry the other surviving royal children, none of whom were young