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The fight on John's Island. --The affair on John's Island, near Charleston, does not appear to have resulted in much loss to either side. On Tuesday the Yankees crossed from Folly Island to Klawah, and thence to Seabrook's Island, killing and capturing several of our pickets at Hanover At that point Major Jenkins, with 150 mJohn's Island, near Charleston, does not appear to have resulted in much loss to either side. On Tuesday the Yankees crossed from Folly Island to Klawah, and thence to Seabrook's Island, killing and capturing several of our pickets at Hanover At that point Major Jenkins, with 150 men, including a company of the 59th Virginia, under Capt. Jenett, made a stand. Reinforcements were sent for, and Cols. Tabb and Page arrived on the ground. The Mercury says: On Wednesday evening Gen. Wise arrived, finding Page and Jenkins scouting the foe within a mile of the Hanover. The Yankees' strength was estimated aays that the Yankee pickets were at Jenkins's place on Saturday, about a mile from Hanover, while their main body, (stated to be 8,000 strong — an exaggeration, probably,) was still at Hanover — Another report is to the effect that they are evacuating John's Island. Their gunboats have been shelling the island for two days pas
ck. A reconnaissance made shows that the enemy have only one embrasure at battery Gregg opening on Sullivan's Island, and that is believed has been made for two small Parrott guns. At battery Cummings only one embrasure opens on Sullivan's Island, intended for a 100 pounder Parrott, to bear both on Sullivan's Island and Maffitt's Channel.--At battery Wagner five Parrott guns and two Columbiads bear upon Sullivan's Island. The number of tents both on Morris's and Coles's Islands have decreased to a considerable extent.--It is believed that nothing but a small garrison remains on the island. Five Yankee deserters from John's Island came into our lines Saturday morning at daylight, and were brought to the city Sunday evening. They were on picket when they attempted to escape. --The party at first they say consisted of seven, but it is believed two of the party were overtaken.--They stated that they came up the Kiawah river, crossed to our pickets and gave themselves up.
The Daily Dispatch: March 1, 1864., [Electronic resource], Yankee Raids on the Virginia Central railroad--damage thus far Trifling — Exciting rumors of the enemy's movements. (search)
mained were destitute, downcast, despairing of the cause, and ready to abandon it upon the slightest prospect of making good terms for themselves, and that nothing was wanting but a determined advance to reap the full fruits of the victory of November. Such was the case in Florida, where no opposition was expected, and where the additional inducement was held out of converting the State into a Yankee State, prepared to vote for Lincoln next fall. Such was the case with the advance upon John's Island and other points in the South and Southwest. The Yankees, in a word, have been feeling our strength all around, from the Potomac to the Gulf, preparatory to opening their campaign; and although they can hardly have derived much comfort from the experiments thus far made, it is well for us to remember that these movements have been merely premonitory, and that the real campaign is yet to come. That the campaign will be fierce, bloody, and arduous, all indications seem to declare. T
ed raid in Hanover. Nothing transpired yesterday to confirm the report that a force of the enemy had appeared at Yellow Tavern, in Hanover county, and it is believed to have been without foundation. From Charleston. The following official dispatch, received yesterday at the War Department, comprises all the intelligence we have from Charleston: Charleston, July 10, 1864. To Gen. S. Cooper, A. and I. General: Yesterday morning Gen. Robertson attacked the enemy on John's Island, near Stono, and drove them from their first position, with a loss to us of over one hundred killed and wounded. Last night and this morning the enemy fell back to their transports, near Legareville, and passed over to James and Morris Islands. Two monitors and several gunboats are still in the Stone, but have been driven by our batteries beyond effective range. One monitor believed seriously damaged by shot from one of our Brooke guns. Movements this evening indicate a purpose of a ch
our outer line of batteries. We have no doubt that the programme of Gen. Foster has been carefully planned, and includes the capture of the city, but as surely believe he is destined to the same disappointment as his predecessors. The enemy continue to shell the city. Twenty-six shots have been fired since our last report. Only six were thrown on the 4th inst. The Yankees omitted the national salute from their vessels and batteries Monday. Another body of Yankees landed on John's Island Tuesday, but it is believed to be only a small force for the purpose of covering some movements elsewhere. No change of importance in the fleet has been noticed. The Mercury gives some additional particulars of the assault of Sunday morning on Fort Johnson, which will prove interesting to our readers: On Saturday the Yankees had attacked our west lines on James Island, and having, as they supposed, diverted the watchfulness and attention of the commander of the east lines,
From the Southside. There is no news of importance from the lines in front of Petersburg. The usual shelling was kept up yesterday with some vigor, but otherwise all was quiet. Interesting from Charleston. The following dispatch from the officer in command at Charleston was received yesterday: Charleston, July 12th, via Petersburg, July 13th. To Gen. G. T. Beauregard: The enemy attacked Battery Simpkins last night, and were repulsed. We have driven them from John's Island. Their fleet dropped down last night below Battery Island. All the available force of the enemy from Jacksonville has been operating against this place since the 2d instant.--Major General Foster is commanding in person. S. Jones, Maj. Gen. A capture by the enemy. On Tuesday morning, about 4 o'clock, fifty Yankees came ashore at Cox's wharf, on the north side of James river, about thirteen miles below Richmond, and surprised an outpost picket composed of twenty-five men of
fall back, with the loss of two guns. On Saturday they landed a column on John's Island. At the dawn of Sunday the active foe attempted to get possession of Foceeding tide. On the same day, about 9 o'clock, the force at White Point, John's Island, made a timid assault on Gen. Robertson's lines, but were driven back with es's Island on Wednesday. On the morning of that day a fight took place on John's Island, that was conducted on our part by the Marion Artillery and a portion of Coent. The enemy was severely punished. Thursday afternoon the enemy on John's Island assaulted our lines with spirit three several times, but he was buried backketry and the deeper sound of light artillery, betokening a severe fight at John's Island. The result of that battle was a decisive and glorious victory. The soon sitions in our outer harbor, the enemy the night before having retired from John's Island. A short time after nightfall the persistent foe made another attempt
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