Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Port Royal (South Carolina, United States) or search for Port Royal (South Carolina, United States) in all documents.

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en made, they were driven into it, or slaughtered on the bank. National loss: Killed, one hundred and fifty; wounded, one hundred and fifty; prisoners, five hundred.--(Docs. 35, 99.) The gunboat Conestoga having made a reconnoissance up the Tennessee River as far as the State line, returned to Cairo, Ill., this evening with two barges of flour that were seized on the way to the rebels.--N. Y. World, Oct. 22. The land forces destined to cooperate with the naval expedition against Port Royal sailed from Annapolis.--N. Y. Times, Oct. 24. A private letter published in the Boston Transcript, shows that Mr. Albert Pilsbury, for eight years American Consul at Halifax, is now acting as agent for the Confederates, purchasing vessels which he loads with assorted cargoes of warlike munitions, and then despatches to try and run the blockade. One of his ventures, the Argyle, sailed from Halifax a few days since, with a cargo valued at one hundred thousand dollars, and another is ab
s silenced had been opened on the 30th ult., and by its command of the only road by which Gen. Rosecrans' position could be reached from Gauley Bridge, it had maintained a siege ever since, and supply trains previously run at all hours had been run only at night. By its silence the siege thus established was raised.--(Doc. 136.) The United States fleet, under command of Commodore S. F. Dupont, achieved a great victory to-day on the coast of South Carolina. The expedition arrived off Port Royal harbor, S. C., last Sunday evening, Nov. 3. The next morning, the Vixen and Mercury, with several gunboats, entered the harbor to take soundings, and were attacked by the rebel battery on Bay Point, known as Fort Beauregard, assisted by five rebel steamers, under command of Commodore Josiah Tatnall. A skirmish ensued, lasting till darkness came on. The following morning, Nov. 5, the whole National fleet went inside, and seven gunboats went up to make a reconnoissance and discover the loc
egraphic offices throughout the day until late at night. Families commenced packing up, and large numbers of females and children were sent from the city by the night train to the up-country. The efflux will probably continue, and upon the whole we think this portion of the population should not be present to embarrass the defensive preparations.--Savannah Republican, Nov. 9. It having been reported that there were sundry rebel batteries near Beaufort, which is about ten miles above Port Royal, the gun-boats Seneca, Ottawa, and Pembina were detailed to go up and clear the way, if they, perchance, should find any thing to clear. They, however, ran the whole distance without encountering any opposition, or seeing any thing to lead to the belief that there were any masked guns along the river. They found the village entirely deserted by white people, the only man remaining being too drunk to get away. There were a number of negroes remaining, however, who stated that the inhab
, we trust that they will find that the example of Jackson is not lost upon the fathers, husbands, sons, and brothers of our city. In pursuance of the Government's intention to establish a permanent depot for naval and military purposes at Port Royal, S. C., orders were this day given for the preparation of lumber for the construction of buildings for a depot at Port Royal, for the manufacture of all kinds of machinery for naval and other purposes, also to despatch at once storeships, whichPort Royal, for the manufacture of all kinds of machinery for naval and other purposes, also to despatch at once storeships, which are to be permanently stationed at that point.--N. Y. Herald, Nov. 15. There was a skirmish in Loudon County, opposite Point of Rocks, Maryland. Colonel Geary had received information of the intention of the rebels to erect fortifications in that neighborhood. He crossed the river with Captain Chapman and twenty-five picked men of the Pennsylvania regiment, reconnoitred the vicinity, and found a force of rebels upon whom he quietly closed and surprised with a volley of shots. After firi
scated the flour, and took some of the machinery of the mill to prevent its being of any use to the rebels, and returned to Paducah.--Louisville Journal, November 23. Flour, in Vicksburg, Mississippi, is held at twenty dollars per barrel. The Vicksburg Sun hopes it will be taken, its owners paid a fair market valuation for it, and receive a strong hint to leave the country. --(Doc. 167.) Salutes were fired at various places in the loyal States, in commemoration of the victory at Port Royal, South Carolina. This morning a foraging party, consisting of fifty-seven of the Thirtieth N. V. Volunteers, attached to Gen. Keyes' Brigade in the army of the Potomac, went out to Doolin and Brush's Farm, three miles and a half west of Upton's Hill, Va., to draw away the forage which they had collected and left a day or two before. They took with them five four-horse wagons, and after loading up, Doolin, one of the owners of the farm, invited the men in to dinner. The soldiers foo
November 17. This morning a detachment under Col. Alcorn stationed at Calhoun, attacked Hawkins' regiment at Cypress Bridge, three miles back of Rumsey, in McLean County, Ky., and completely routed the rebels, killing a great number, taking twenty-five prisoners, three hundred horses, and a number of guns, blankets, etc. The national loss was ten killed and fifteen wounded. A Panio prevailed at Charleston, which a week before the battle of Port Royal was regarded as absolutely impregnable. In explanation of the panic it is said: The entire fighting population of Charleston and Savannah as well as the intervening and adjacent country is on active duty. The exempts are very few in number, being confined to those who are engaged in expediting the preparations for the war, or are detained by other occupations which the public interest requires not to be suspended. Thus the community of Charleston and that of Savannah, alike shorn of the young and vigorous men, who give buoya
rtion of the Fourteenth regiment N. Y. S. M., from Brooklyn, while on picket duty about a mile and a half west of Fall's Church, Va., were attacked by rebel cavalry and forced to fall back, with one man wounded. They were subsequently reinforced by a considerable body of troops, when the rebels retired, with a loss of several killed and wounded.--N. Y. Times, November 19. Gov. Buckingham, of Connecticut, in a general order, congratulated the soldiers from that State who went with the Port Royal naval expedition, for having been the first to land upon the traitorous soil of South Carolina.--N. Y. Times, November 19. The Massachusetts Twenty-sixth regiment, under command of Col. Jones, and the Connecticut Ninth, commanded by Col. Cahill, embarked from Boston this afternoon on beard the steamship Constitution. Both regiments were enthusiastically cheered on their march through the city. They were reviewed on the common by Gen. Butler previous to embarking. They were splendid
sufficient number of volunteers shall have tendered their services to fill the requisition made upon him by General A. S. Johnson of the Confederate States Army.--(Doc. 177.) Warsaw, the capital of Benton County, Missouri, was burned. The flames broke out at six P. M., and all the business portion of the town was laid in ashes. G. Wallace Ewer, son of Captain John Ewer, of New Bedford, Massachusetts, was promoted from a Master's Mate to Acting Master, for gallant conduct at the Port Royal fight. He served on board the Mohican. His father was in the same action on board the Sabine. Major-General H. W. Halleck, U. S. A., assumed command of the department of the Missouri, Major-General Hunter having been assigned to the Department of Kansas. Gen. Halleck issued an order establishing his Headquarters at St. Louis. This morning, about ten o'clock, Company A, of the First Delaware regiment, left Camp Hamilton, near Fortress Monroe, on a scouting expedition. The corps
November 20. An extensive display of flags was made throughout New York City in honor of the Port Royal victory, and Mr. James E. Ayliffe, the chimer, rang the following airs on the bells of Trinity Church: ringing the changes on eight bells, Hail Columbia, Yankee Doodle, airs from Child of the Regiment, Home Sweet Home, Last Rose of Summer, Evening Bells, Star-Spangled Banner, ringing the changes on eight bells, airs by De Beriot, airs from Fra Diavolo, Columbia the Gem of the Ocean, Haing rocks, etc.--Louisville Journal, November 20. In pursuance of a resolution of the Common Council, salutes of thirty-four guns each were fired in New York City, and the bells were rung as a token of rejoicing for the brilliant victory at Port Royal.--N. Y. Commercial Journal, November 20. The Congress of the Confederate States has passed an act to remove the capital from Richmond to Nashville, Tennessee.--Richmond Enquirer, November 20. The rebel Gen. Floyd suddenly broke up his
arrison, one man named Adams mortally wounded, and another, named Gallupe, slightly wounded. Colonel Moore took possession of Lancaster to-night.--St. Louis Republican, November 30. At night Capt. Moreau's Cavalry, accompanied by Gen. McCook's body guard, went to the traitor Buckner's farm, situated on Green River, a few miles above Munfordsville, Kentucky, and took possession of the stock, a large amount of grain, wheat, corn, &c.--N. Y. Times, November 30. William H. Carroll, Brig.-Gen. of Confederate forces at Camp Lookout, East Tennessee, annulled the proclamation of martial law made by his predecessor.--(Doc. 188.) United States gunboats Flag, Augusta, Pocahontas, and Seneca went from Port Royal in S. C., to Tybee Island at the mouth of the Savannah River, and threw in a few shells which drew no response from the rebel works; a body of marines was then landed, and the fortifications found to be deserted. Formal possession was then taken of the island.--(Doc. 189.)