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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 36. battle of Port Royal, S. C. Fought November 7, 1861. (search)
Headquarters of the Naval expedition, Port Royal, S. C., Nov. 8, 1861. To the Adjutant-General Uh of Hatteras. It was calculated to reach Port Royal in five days at most, but in consequence of 1st of November, the fleet did not arrive at Port Royal bar until the 4th, and then only in part, fo to join me with the steamer Susquehanna off Port Royal without delay. On Monday, at eight o'clocre securely anchored in the roadstead of Port Royal, S. C. The gunboats almost immediately opened tquadron. flag-ship Wabash, off Hilton head, Port Royal, Nov. 9, 1861. Hon. Gideon Welles: sir: Sf your despatches, announcing the victory at Port Royal, the Department issued the enclosed general ding South Atlantic Blockading Squadron, Port Royal, S. C. General order. The Department annosistant Secretary of the Navy: Wabash, Port Royal, Nov. 9, 1861. my dear Mr. Fox: During th the Wabash's men, and was read by me: Port Royal, November 3, 1861. dear brother: I wrote [9 more...]
never to see such another. We arrived at Port Royal on Sunday evening, Nov. 3d, being some twelveet was about leaving New York, destined for Port Royal. This was dated about the first of the mont and it was found we were ordered to land at Port Royal, near Savannah. We have been running southw seen. We are now but a short distance from Port Royal. Weather fine, and wind off-shore. Eleven o'clock.--Off Port Royal entrance. Thirty-eight of the fleet arrived and in sight, and the Wabashn the rebel boats from, worked up abreast of Port Royal, answering the enemy's shots without much efide of the river's mouth. The guns opposite Port Royal were too weak to do any harm, every shot falweaken their fire considerably. The guns in Port Royal had nearer work of it; but all the shots wenich we had been favored since our arrival at Port Royal. The wind, blowing gently from the northeasnal Intelligencer account. Hilton head, Port Royal entrance, S. C. Friday, November 8, 1861.
Cuba, I can through the Santaren passage, and up the coast from off St. Augustine to Charleston, and regretted being too late to take part in the expedition to Port Royal. I enclose herewith a communication I received from Messrs. Slidell, Mason, Eustis, and McFarland, with my answer. I have the honor to be, very respectfulhe 13th, and we on the 14th of October, in company with the Powhatan. Since leaving St. Thomas, we cruised in the vicinity of the Windward Islands, and visited Port Royal and Kingston, in the Island of Jamaica, the Grand Cayman, Trinidad, Cienfuegos, Key West, Lobos, Sagua la Grande and the Bahamas. Although for twenty months en and South Carolina as far as Charleston; our gallant captain, not satisfied with the important capture, fully determined to take part in the expedition against Port Royal, but, to the regret of all hands on board, we came too late. The Susquehanna and Alabama were off Charleston, and the Florida off Hatteras. After leaving Char
Doc. 166. the capture of the Mabel. Commodore Dupont's report. the following official report from Commodore Dupont describes the capture of the British schooner Mabel: flag-ship Wabash, Port Royal Harbob, November 18, 1861. sir: I have the honor to report that Commander E. M. Yard, of the United States steamer Dale, captured the British schooner Mabel, on the evening of the 15th instant, in lat. 31 deg. 10 min., and lon. 80 deg. 52 min. 30 sec. west, and brought her into this harbor. She purported to be from Havana and bound for New York, but at the time of her capture was heading for St. Catherine's Sound. Her cargo consists of seven bales blankets, four cases cloth, two cases saddles and bridles, three boxes starch, twenty-five boxes tin, one hundred and twenty boxes coffee, twenty barrels potatoes, three hundred and fifty pigs of lead, thirty bags of shot, one box shoes, six bags arrow root, one case pistols, (revolvers,) and two cases of cavalry swords.
Doc. 171. advice to Southerners. The Charleston Mercury published the following soon after the attack on Port Royal, S. C.: Our enemies have invaded South Carolina for two purposes: First, to gratify their hate and revenge; and second, to gratify their avarice. The first we have to meet with fighting; but the last must be defeated by policy, where fighting fails. To defeat their avarice, our policy should be to destroy the objects their avarice proposes to feed on. General plunder is undoubtedly designed; but the special objects of their appropriation will undoubtedly be our slaves and cotton. What shall we do with them? Shall we leave them on our plantations to be appropriated by our invaders? It appears to us, our true policy is, to take off our plantations our slaves, horses and cattle, and to burn up our cotton. To leave our horses to arm them, our cattle to feed them, our slaves to strengthen and our cotton to enrich them, or to run their factories, appears to u
ont to reconnoitre this. point and ascertain the position and strength of the rebels. He did so, and on his return to Port Royal he had the Seneca and this vessel added to his command, and this morning, with a view to feel the enemy, we threw a few Tybee Island may be considered as confirming this report. The panic throughout the Southern coast from our success at Port Royal is intense and all-pervading. Savannah is nearly depopulated, and the trains go loaded with household and every descri I do not think they can get enough rice and cotton on Tybee to pay the cost of the expedition, as they say they did at Port Royal. We have plenty of ammunition and men, and we defy them to come in range of our guns — we will show them the difference between taking Port Royal and Fort Pulaski. Fort Pulaski, November 26. Nothing from the enemy. We can see them constantly communicating with the shore by small boats. There are two propellers and one large side-wheel steamer, which lie off th
Doc. 201. reconnoissance at Port Royal. Commander Drayton's report. United States steamer Pawnee, Port Royal harbor, Nov. 25, 1861. Flag-Officer S. F. Dupont: sir: In obedience to instructions contained in your letter of the 24th instant, I left this harbor at three A. M. of the 25th inst., in company with the Unadilla, Lieutenant Commanding Collins, and the Pembina, Lieutenant Commanding Bankhead, piloted by the Vixen, Captain Boutelle. We crossed this bar at half-past 4, and that of St. Helena at half-past 9--a steamer, supposed to be the General Clinch, being then off the Edisto River, which position she shortly left, and steamed up the river. I soon afterward came in sight of a fort on the point of Otter Island, into which, at the distance of a mile, I threw a few shells, as did the gunboats, to discover if it were occupied. There being no answer, I sent a boat on shore to take possession, and found it to be a regular triangular work, with two faces toward the wa
the same way, and on arriving at the schooner, found her to be, as we supposed, trying to run the blockade, and loaded with cigars, coffee, oranges, wines, olives, and a variety of small stores, which were immediately taken by our forces. I took four boxes of cigars and some oranges, and my friends did the same. This makes one of seven vessels which they have taken at this place within a short time. This finished our tour for Saturday. The soldiers then commenced to reconnoitre the island. All this time we were within gunshot of Fort Pulaski, and yet received no notice from it, and the rebel steamer Gordon was looking on. After lying here all night, we started this morning for Port Royal, and arrived here at nine o'clock A. M. After supper this evening I found Capt. Eldridge on the steamer Atlantic, with Messrs. Eben Bacon and Joseph Balch, President of the Boylston Insurance Office in Boston, and had a long talk with them, and received from them much information from home. H.
ival at St. Thomas. On the day following, in the midst of coaling, a mail steamer arrived, bringing information that the Sumter had just put in on the 9th to Port Royal, Martinique, in want of coals. I had been often led astray by false reports, but this seemed so positive that I instantly ceased coaling, got my engines togety of the port. I did not anchor, but cruised around the harbor within half gunshot of her during the night. In the morning a French man-of-war arrived from Port Royal, the seat of government, only twelve miles distant. The Sumter had been there for the last two days. The government, it is true, had refused to give her any of , rushing down to the southern part of the bay, but nothing was visible on the dark background. A small steamer, apparently one plying between St. Pierre and Port Royal, was off the point making signals, doubtless for the benefit of the Sumter. But we could see nothing of her as we proceeded on, so dark was the shadow thrown b
Doc. 215. movements near Port Royal, S. C. December 4-6, 1861. Reports of Commodore Dupont. flagship Wabash, Port Royal harbor, S. C., December 4, 1861. sir: The apprehension of losing possession of the Bay of St. Helena, so exceedingly valuable for a harbor, for its proximity to Charleston, and for the command it secures of large rivers supplying interior communication with the State of South Carolina, has induced me to despatch a second expedition there, under Commander Drayton, with orders to hold the island until Gen. Sherman is prepared to assume military occupation of it, when he will transfer the fort to his troops. I have also despatched Commander C. R. P. Rogers to make a reconnoissance of Warsaw Inlet, in order to ascertain the position and force of the enemy's battery there — information which the Commanding-General has expressed to me is his desire to obtain before landing troops on Tybee Island. The department will have the goodness to observe that, in