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the names of Motte and Pinckney figured in the next despatches of the governor. Moultrie was desired to devise a banner; and as the uniform of the colony was blue, and the first and second regiments wore on the front of their caps a silver crescent, he gave directions for a large blue flag with a crescent in the right-hand corner. A schooner was stationed between Fort Johnson and the town, to intercept the manof-war's boats. A post was established at Haddrell's Point, and a fort on Sullivan's Island was proposed. The tents on James Island contained at least five hun- Chap. XLVI.} 1775. July to Oct. dred men well armed and clad, soldier-like in theirdeportment, and strictly disciplined. They were taught not merely the use of the musket but the ex-to ercise of the great guns. The king's arsenal supplied cannon and balls. New gun carriages were soon constructed, for the mechanics, almost to a man, were hearty in the cause. Hundreds of negro laborers were brought in from the co
teenth, began to act as senior officer of the army. Measures of defence were vigorously pursued, companies of militia called down to Charleston, and the military forces augmented by two regiments of riflemen. In the early part of the year Sullivan's Island was a wilderness; near the present fort, the wet ground was thickly covered with myrtle, live oak, and palmettos; there, on the second of March, William Moultrie was ordered to Mar. take the command, and complete a fort large enough to holChesapeake, which would bring him nearer New York; but Lord William Campbell earnestly urged upon Sir Peter Parker an attack on Charleston; and as intelligence was received, that Chap. LXII.} 1776. May. the works erected by the rebels on Sullivan's Island which was the key to the harbor, were in an imperfect and unfinished state, Clinton was induced to acquiesce in the proposal of the commodore to attempt the reduction of that fortress by a sudden attack, to be followed up by such other imme
lis on the best means of gaining possession of Sullivan's Island; and both agreed that they could not more effeand, which was represented to communicate with Sullivan's Island at low water by a ford, and with the main by aamining its fortifications, he crossed over to Sullivan's Island, where he found a good stock of powder; a fort yet Lee proposed to Rutledge to withdraw from Sullivan's Island and abandon it without a blow. Had he acted i Lee, being told that a bridge of retreat from Sullivan's Island to Haddrell's Point was impossible, and not beon his arrangement for taking the batteries on Sullivan's Island; and on the sixteenth he communicated it to Clt Clinton intended only to occupy and garrison Sullivan's Island. For that end, consulting with Cornwallis, hertainly rise on their officers; the battery on Sullivan's Island would not discharge two rounds. This opinion voice, spontaneously decreed that the post on Sullivan's Island should, for all future time, be known as Fort