Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Denmark, Madison co., Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) or search for Denmark, Madison co., Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) in all documents.

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ty of our pickets along the line of the railroad, but being driven from Medon and the line of the railroad, and closely pursued, he retired on the road leading to Denmark. When about six miles from Denmark, on the following morning, the enemy's advance was met by the advance forces of Col. Dennis's command, eight hundred strong.Denmark, on the following morning, the enemy's advance was met by the advance forces of Col. Dennis's command, eight hundred strong. Both parties prepared for action. Col. Dennis, selecting a strong position for resisting a cavalry charge, awaited the attack. The forces of the enemy numbered some six thousand. The engagement resulted in a victory to our arms, the most brilliant of the war. The enemy left one hundred and seventy-nine on the field dead; wound from me directing him to march for Medon Station, to intercept the enemy near that point. Colonel Dennis countermarched his command, arriving in the vicinity of Denmark that night. About ten o'clock A. M., on the first of September, his advance-guard reported the enemy in stong force at Britton's lane, near the junction of the D