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0 men. General Johnston also arrived, about noon on the 20th, with Jackson's brigade, This brigade reached Manassas Junction the evening par, was Barksdale's Mississippi regiment. Bonham was supported by Jackson's brigade (of General Johnston's forces) placed at even distance itervals as we proceed: In the meantime, about 7 o'clock A. M., Jackson's brigade, with Imboden's and five pieces of Walton's battery, haden engaged, but awaited, unmoved, the attack of the enemy: Look at Jackson's brigade; it stands there like a stone wall—memorable words, that Volunteers—Gartrell's— which I ordered him to post on the left of Jackson's line, in the edge of a belt of pines bordering the southeastern by Bee's and Evans's commands; in the centre by four regiments of Jackson's brigade, with Imbodens' four 6pound-ers, Walton's five guns (twoand vigor. It was a bold one, and such as the exigency required. Jackson's brigade, veteran-like and unwavering, now came up and pierced th<
gstreet's brigade was moved to Fairfax Court-House, and D. R. Jones's to Germantown. Bonham was drawn back from Vienna to Flint Hill, leaving a strong mounted guard at the former place. Cocke was stationed at Centreville; Ewell at Sangster's Crossroads; Early and Hampton at the intersection of the Occoquan with the Wolf Run Shoals road; and the Louisiana brigade at Mitchell's Ford. Elzey's brigade, of General Johnston's forces, was placed in the immediate vicinity of Fairfax Station, and Jackson's, also of General Johnston's forces, held a position near the crossing of Braddock's and the Fairfax Station roads. From these advanced positions, the forces, as above enumerated, could be, at any time, concentrated for offensive or defensive purposes. General Beauregard's desire was, by a bold movement, to capture the exterior lines of the enemy at Annandale, and, should any serious force come out in support, give it battle, with the chances in favor of the Confederates. But this pla
n at Columbus will then become no longer tenable for an army inferior in strength to that of the enemy, and must fall back to some central point, where it can guard the main railroads to Memphis, i. e., from Louisville and from Charleston. Jackson, Tennessee, would probably be the best position for such an object, with strong detachments at Humboldt and Corinth, and with the necessary advance guards. The Memphis and Charleston Railroad, so important on account of its extension through easterracter of the country. At Corinth, on the morning of the 17th, Judge Milton Brown, President of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, arrived with a special train to take him to Columbus; but he felt so extremely unwell that he was compelled to stop at Jackson on the same day. There he became the guest of Judge Brown, from whose family he received the kindest attentions during his illness. On his arrival at Corinth on the 16th, he found waiting for him two telegrams from Nashville—one from General
General Beauregard calls General Polk to Jackson, Tennessee, for conference. opinion of the latter al there, was received by him on the 17th, at Jackson. It is given in full: Nashville, Febrrailroad, including those at Trenton and Jackson, Tennessee; the remaining supplies, to Union City, eet General Beauregard, with General Polk, at Jackson, on the 19th. His reply was that he had orderandum of the 7th, that is, from Columbus via Jackson to Grand Junction, fifty miles west of Corinoubt, be appreciated by the reader: Jackson, Tenn., February 21st, 1862. To his Excellency Thto be as follows: those from Tennessee, at Jackson, Tenn.; from Alabama, at Corinth; from Mississippi, at Grand Junction; from Louisiana, at Jackson, Tenn., if by railroad, and at Columbus, Ky., if byjustify us in transcribing it here: Jackson, Tenn., February 21st, 1862. My dear General,—s of his staff left his headquarters, at Jackson, Tennessee, upon their several missions: Lieutenant[3 more...]
tening intentions, and with a short but impressive letter, urging him to hurry forward his troops by railroad to Corinth. This letter read as follows: Jackson, Tenn., March 2d, 1862. Dear General,—I send you herewith enclosed a slip showing the intended movements of the enemy, no doubt against the troops in western Tennrmined formally to assume command, and, on the 5th of March, issued the following order to the forces under him: Headquarters, army of the Mississippi, Jackson, Tenn., March 5th, 1862. Soldiers,—I assume this day command of the Army of the Mississippi, for the defence of our homes and liberties, and to resist the subjuga into our hands. General Bragg's forces began to arrive at Corinth, from Mobile and Pensacola, on the 6th. He had reported in person to General Beauregard, at Jackson, on the evening of the 2d, and was placed at once in charge of that portion of the forces assembling at Corinth, with definite instructions as to their organizati
Huntington, and Lexington; their fronts and intermediate spaces being well patrolled by scouting parties, to give timely notice of any hostile advance; in case of which, the cavalry, if compelled to fall back, had orders to retire gradually on Bolivar, on the Mississippi Central Railroad, thirty-eight miles northwest of Corinth, keeping up constant communication with the forces at Bethel and Corinth. By the middle of March, less than one month after General Beauregard's arrival at Jackson, Tennessee, he had succeeded in assembling, within easy concentrating distances of Corinth, some twenty-three thousand men of all arms, independently of the fourteen thousand, more or less, he had found in the district under General Polk, on the 17th of February. He hoped to be joined, before the end of March, by General Johnston's command, of about thirteen thousand men—exclusive of cavalry—then arriving at Decatur; and General Van Dorn, at Van Buren, Arkansas, had promised, at that time, his c
he right flank, General Johnston led Chalmers's and Jackson's brigades back across the ravine and southeast thrascertained. Generals Withers's, Chalmers's, and Jackson's Reports, Confederate Reports of Battles, pp. 235, who planted a battery there and shelled his lines, Jackson's brigade opening the conflict under General Johnstabout three quarters of a mile, Withers's division (Jackson's and Chalmers's brigades), of Bragg's corps, carry8. Meanwhile Withers's division (Chalmers's and Jackson's brigades) had been gradually forcing back Stuart'als Breckinridge and Crittenden called earnestly on Jackson and Chalmers for assistance. Report of General Jes, p. 258. and, extending to the Tennessee bottom, Jackson's brigade followed, without ammunition, the bayonetng officer, Colonel Deas, was formed on the left of Jackson's brigade. This latter brigade was led, under a heer's regiments became separated from each other, Jackson's Report, Confederate Reports of Battles, p. 266. a
ets and skirmishers encountered by the advanced line of Nelson's division were those of Forrest's cavalry regiment. They gradually fell back in the direction of Hardee's line, then being formed near and beyond McClernand's old encampments, to the rear of which they retired soon afterwards, to take position on Hardee's right flank. Nelson's advancing line soon encountered Chalmers's brigade and Moore's regiment, added to which was an extemporized command, consisting of the 19th Alabama, of Jackson's brigade; the 21st Alabama, of Gladden's brigade; and, says General Chalmers, in his report, Confederate Reports of Battles, p. 261. the Crescent (Louisiana) regiment; also a Tennessee regiment, under Lieutenant-Colonel Venable; and another Alabama regiment (the 26th), under Lieutenant-Colonel Chadwick, supported by batteries. They not only checked Nelson's force, but compelled it to fall back some distance, when, being supported by the advance of Crittenden's division, it again resumed
I. Generals Johnston and Beauregard have both been censured for not moving sooner and more rapidly from Corinth, to attack the Federals at Pittsburg Landing, so as to anticipate General Buell's junction with General Grant. The causes of this delay, as already given in the preceding chapters, sufficiently absolve the two Confederate commanders from any just blame. The reader will pardon us for briefly reverting to them. General Beauregard, it will be remembered, only arrived at Jackson, Tennessee, on the 17th of February. General Polk, with about fourteen thousand five hundred men of all arms, was in command in that military district. Four days after General Beauregard's arrival, and before he had yet formally assumed command, he despatched five officers of his staff to the governors of Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, to ascertain whether they could send him, at Corinth, the State troops they had available at that time; and he also requested General Johnston, w
al Polk, a few days after his arrival at Jackson, Tennessee, suggested and even urged the evacuationegraphed General Cooper as follows: Jackson, Tenn., March 6th, 1862. For the sake of our cance are given in the Appendix. 1. Jackson, Tenn., March 8th, 1862. Captain M. Lynch, Corps y with sand-bags. G. T. Beauregard. 2. Jackson, Tenn., March 11th, 1862. Brigadier-General Witheosite shore also. G. T. Beauregard. 3. Jackson, Tenn., March 17th, 1862. Major-General L. Polk, ive thousand men? G. T. Beauregard. 4. Jackson, Tenn., March 21st, 1862. Captain D. B. Harris, Ebe too extensive. G. T. Beauregard. 5. Jackson, Tenn., March 21st, 1862. Brigadier-General A. P.s Jordan, Acting Adjutant-General. 6. Jackson, Tenn., March 22d, 1862. Captain J. Adams, Comdg.rtillery service. G. T. Beauregard. 7. Jackson, Tenn., March 24th, 1862. Brigadier-General A. P.d before. Thos. Jordan, A. Adj-Gen. 8. Jackson, Tenn., March 31st, 1862. Brigadier-General J. B.[1 more...]