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February 25. General Henry Heth and staff have arrived at Lewisburgh, Va. He takes command of the forces of Kanawha. He was greeted with great applause by the troops, many of whom were in his old command, and all knew him by reputation. Great confidence is felt in this young and talented officer, and no one could have been sent who gives so universal satisfaction.--Richmond Dispatch, February 28. The Savannah Republican of this date says: A reconnoissance by the steamer Savannah, yesterday, brought to light all the movements of the enemy in our river. They have erected three batteries, which effectually cut off all communication with the Fort--one of four guns, on Venus's Point, one of the same number of guns on a small marsh, just above Long Island, and commanding the south channel, and the third on boats moored in Mud River. The three are located in the form of a triangle, and could not be passed by any vessel in our service. The guns are all of a heavy calibre, most
rs, was obliged to retreat to Fort Craig with the loss of three wounded.--Denver Herald. Portions of the army of the Potomac crossed the Chickahominy River in two places, at the Railroad Bridge and at Bottom's Bridge. The battle of Lewisburgh, Va., was fought this day. The rebel Colonel Heath attacked Col. Crook with three thousand infantry and cavalry, and six cannon. After a spirited fight of an hour, the rebels were put to flight in utter confusion, and their flight soon became a ond which they could not be pursued. Crook's victory was won only by hard fighting against greatly superior forces. The Nationals lost fourteen killed, sixty wounded, and five pickets captured. Some of the wounded were shot in the streets of Lewisburgh, as they were returning to the hospital, by the citizens of the town.--(Doc. 44.) The town of Grand Gulf, Miss., was shelled by the Union gunboats Richmond and Hartford. Considerable damage was done to the town, but no person was injured.
e made by the troops of General Howard, up a steep and difficult hill, over two hundred feet high, completely routing the enemy, and driving him from his barricades on its top, and the repulse by General Geary's command of greatly superior numbers, who attempted to surprise him, will rank among the most distinguished feats of arms of this war. --A sharp fight occurred at Stevensburgh, Virginia, between General Kilpatrick's cavalry and a party of rebels, who were defeated. The battles of Rappahannock Station and Kelly's Ford, Virginia, were fought this day, resulting in the retreat of the rebels across the Rappahannock River.--(Doc. 10.) General Duffie, in command of the National forces, occupied Lewisburgh, Virginia, this morning; the rebels had passed through in their retreat from General Averill, just previous to his arrival. General Duffie captured the rebel camp, tents, provisions, and one cannon, many prisoners and one hundred head of cattle.--General Kelley's Despatch.
December 12. General Scammon attacked General Echols at Lewisburgh, Va., routing him effectually, killing and wounding quite a number of the rebels, and capturing many prisoners. General Kelley's Despatch.
te at Richmond, Va., a resolution was passed approving the action of the government with regard to the outlawry of General Butler, and the determination of the rebel authorities to hold no communication with him.--A party of rebel guerrillas made their appearance on the bank of the river opposite Memphis, Tenn., but were driven off by a gunboat, without effecting any damage.--Lieutenant-Colonel Fuller, of the Third Arkansas cavalry, received the following from the major of his regiment, at Lewisburgh: Captain Hamilton has had a fight with a portion of Wells's command, and killed six, and wounded as many more. Hamilton lost six, and but one or two killed; the balance missing. The command opposing him were under Captain Thompson, numbering nearly one hundred. Hamilton killed Thompson, and brought his horse, equipments, revolvers, and papers in with him. The rebels were dressed in Federal uniforms. Hamilton is here with me. --Newmarket, Tenn., was occupied by the rebels belongin
forces of Imboden and Jackson to prevent our return, but without success. We have brought in over thirty prisoners, including a Major and two or three Lieutenants; also a large number of cattle, horses, etc. Your Aid-de-Camp, Lieutenant J. R. Meigs, who accompanied me, is safe. I am, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Wm. W. Averill, Brigadier-General. Wheeling Intelligencer account. August 26, 1863. Expect to visit the White Sulphur Springs, and camp near Lewisburgh at night. The writer pushed on to the front of the regiment for time to view the celebrated place; but to our great discomfiture, at eleven o'clock A. M., two miles this side of the Springs, on Antee Creek, the enemy opened their artillery upon us, calling us to a sudden halt. Our forces moved up in great haste, and planted their artillery. The fight soon became general and terrific — balls, shells, grape, and shot flying with fearful havoc in all directions, doing their work of death.
The First Kentucky Mounted Rifles (rebel)out of eight captains lost six killed. Among the latter was captain William Bowan, of Bardstown. I did not see him, but was informed so by a prisoner of his regiment, named Thomas, a son of Mr. Grisby Thomas, of Nelson County, Kentucky. The First brigade arrived during the night. It was past noon when they left their camp. The march next day (October eighth) to Pulaski, thirty-five miles, was completed with a solitary halt of half an hour at Lewisburgh. During the night we had been reenforced by the Third brigade, Colonel Low commanding. From the hill overlooking the town of Pulaski, the rear of the rebel column was seen passing out the far side, on the Lamb's Ferry road. The sun had set: a long and fatiguing march had been made during the day, and rest for man and horse was necessary, and the command went into camp on Richland Creek. Colonel Low's command had the advance next day, October ninth, and the Second brigade the rear;
Remarkable phenomenon. A writer in the Staunton Spectator, dating at Lewisburgh, Greenbrier County, Virginia, September fifteenth, writes to that paper a description of a remarkable atmospheric phenomenon witnessed in that town. It was seen by our pickets, a few miles from the town. The same scene has been described in several respectable papers, the editors of which all vouch for the reliability of their informants. The writer says: A remarkable phenomenon was witnessed, a few miles west of this place, at the house of Mrs. Pearcy, on the first day of this month, at about three o'clock P. M, by Mr. Moses Dwyer, her neighbor, who happened to be seated in her porch at the time, as well as by others at or near the house. The weather was quite hot and dry; not a cloud could be seen; no wind even ruffled the foliage on the surrounding trees. All things being propitious, the grand panorama began to move. Just over and through the tops of the trees, on the adjacent hills
he cliffs on the opposite shore. Colonel McCook brought up a small detachment from the Ninth Ohio, and poured a volley into the rocks, which scattered the bushwhackers. Our dragoons had one man wounded in the leg, and one rebel was knocked over. From thence, not a bridle-path, ravine, or neighboring cliff was passed, without a thorough examination in advance. At about one o'clock the column halted at forks of the road--one branch leading to Cross Lanes and Gauley Bridge, the other to Lewisburgh via Carnifex Ferry. An hour before halting here, the commander-in-chief had no knowledge of the geographical position of Floyd; but an intelligent mountaineer lad, who had been in the rebel camp, opportunely made his appearance to enlighten him. Most of us had labored under an erroneous supposition that the enemy was fortified below Cross Lanes, and it was confirmed by ignorant or treacherous inhabitants; but the lad relieved us of our anxious embarrassment. From him we learned that Floy
to rejoice over. The Richmond Enquirer, of the 30th of October, says that a letter from Jackson's River to a gentleman in that city, written on Saturday evening, the 26th, says a report had reached that place to the effect that Gen. Floyd had attacked the Federal forces at the mouth of the Coal River, killing some five or six hundred of them, and taking a number of prisoners. Floyd is said to have lost three hundred in killed and wounded. The writer of the letter referred to does not vouch for the truth of the report, or any part of it, but says it was credited in the main at Jackson's River on Saturday. The same letter speaks of the passage of Loring's command through Lewisburgh on Wednesday, upon a forced march, to reinforce Gen. Jackson at Green briar River. This is said to have been in consequence of a despatch received by Gen. Lee from Gen. Jackson, giving an account of the movements of the enemy in the locality of the latter. --Louisville-Nashville Courier, Nov. 1.
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