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eat into Tennessee. The main body of General Burnside's army was now ordered to concentrate on the Tennessee River, from Loudon, west, so as to connect with General Rosecrans's army, which reached Chattanooga on the ninth. Point Rock Pass into Northhad fallen back to Chattanooga, the enemy pushed forward a column into East-Tennessee, to threaten Burnside's position at Loudon, and to cover a cavalry raid upon Rosecrans's communications. Unfortunately, General Burnside had occupied Philadelphia forces, and captured six guns, fifty wagons, and some six hundred or seven hundred prisoners. The remainder retreated to Loudon, and succeeded in holding the crossing of the river. In the mean time Jones had moved down on the north side of the Holsashington, D. C., September 11. General Burnside telegraphs from Cumberland Gap that he holds all East-Tennessee above Loudon, and also the gaps of the North-Carolina mountains. A cavalry force is moving toward Athens to connect with you. After h
st engagement of any consequence between our forces and those of Longstreet, in the retreat to Knoxville, took place yesterday, at Campbell's Station — a little collection of houses on the Kingston road, where it forms a junction with the road to Loudon. During the night of Sunday, the rebels made three different charges on our position at Lenoir, with the intention of capturing the batteries on the right of our position; but every onset was met and repulsed. In the morning, our troops againncing at Campbell's Station, and flanking either side of the road for a distance of over two miles. Our guns were in position some time before noon, but it was near that hour when the fight became warm. General Ferrero, in falling back on the Loudon road, came in advance of Colonel Hartrauft, and defiling to the right, (it would be to the left as he marched, but facing the enemy, it was the right,) took up his position in line of battle. Colonel Hartrauft, whose flank was now reenforced by
army moved rapidly north toward London, twenty-six miles distant. About eleven A. M., the cavalry passed to the head of the column, and was ordered to push to Loudon, and, if possible, save the pontoon-bridge across the Tennessee, held by a brigade of the enemy, commanded by General Vaughn. The cavalry moved with such rapiditelief of General Burnside's army, but still urged on the work. As soon as the bridge was mended, all the troops moved forward. General Howard had marched from Loudon and had formed a pretty good ford for his wagons and horses at Davis, seven miles from Morgantown, and had made an ingenious bridge of the wagons left by Vaughn at Loudon, on which to pass his men. He marched by Unitia and Louisville. On the night of the fifth, all the heads of columns communicated at Marysville, where I met Major Van Buren, of General Burnside's staff, announcing that Longstreet had the night before retreated on the Rutledge, Rodgersville, and Bristol road, leading to Vi
ringing in our ears. The consciousness that a desperate foe was in fierce contest with our gallant boys within two miles of us; rumors of disaster below, toward Loudon, where our chief, with his veterans of the Ninth army corps, alone interposed between us and the malignant foe, resolved upon our destruction; and the hourly arri our reenforcements. One rumor comes to us that Granger had an engagement with the enemy near Clinton, and captured three guns. A deserter reports a battle near Loudon, between our reenforcements and Longstreet. A party of citizens from Sevierville report no appearance of the enemy in that direction. It is rumored to-day that ery Stearman--In the gorge between Temperance Hill and Mabrey's Hill, in memory of Lieutenant William Stearman, Thirteenth Kentucky volunteers, who fell near Loudon, Tennessee. Fort Stanley--Comprising all the works upon the central hill on the south side of the river, in memory of Captain C. B. Stanley, Forty-fifth Ohio volunte
have fallen into disrepute, and are no longer looked upon as of importance to the army. Our loss in the engagement is variously estimated at from one to ten wounded, all agreeing that none of our gallant men were killed, though one was taken prisoner. To the Fourth Ohio cavalry and Twentieth Missouri mounted infantry belong the honor of this last important achievement, which resulted in securing a connection of the highest importance to the country. Colonel Laibold's letter. Loudon, Tenn., January 1, 1864. sir: Being well aware of the flattering interest you take in my movements, I take pleasure in informing you that I have had an engagement with the rebel General Wheeler, on the twenty-eighth of December, giving him the soundest thrashing he ever received. On the twenty-third of December, I was given command of a detachment of the Fourth army corps, consisting principally of convalescents of the two last battles, camp retainers, etc., and a train of about one hundr
ne o'clock in the night we started on the march for Loudon. Marched till two o'clock and bivouacked till daylndown, when our force turned about and came back to Loudon. Our brigade crossed the river to the camp we leftober twenty-sixth, our brigade crossed the river to Loudon and joined the division and went back to Philadelphnders ordered us to retire. At dark we returned to Loudon as on the twenty-fourth. October twenty-eighth, all our force at Loudon crossed over to the north side of the river, and our brigade out to Lenoir's Station. he river on the pontoon — the same bridge we had at Loudon — marched to Rockford, a small town on Little Riverbout midnight we mounted; moved through town to the Loudon road; had not gone far till we met General Burnsided skirmished some all day; heavy skirmishing on the Loudon road. We lay in line all night; no man allowed to , our brigade moved over to a street leading to the Loudon road. Lay there all day ready to support our force
ere in this village. In fifteen minutes after Major Pratt had received the intelligence the Thirty-fourth was on the double-quick. But the rebels becoming aware of the approach of our infantry, immediately took to the road and fled up the valley, leaving ten of their dead and four of their wounded. Cole's men immediately mounted and pursued the enemy, but I believe they were unable to come up with them. Nearly all of the prisoners taken by the rebels succeeded in making their escape to Loudon Heights, where they concealed themselves among the rocks and cliffs of the mountain. The weather being extremely cold, and the sides of the mountain being covered with snow and ice, the men who thus escaped being barefooted and almost destitute of clothing, suffered severely, and a number had their feet badly frozen; yet, strange to say, nearly all of them came into camp laughing and joking over the adventures of the night. Certainly, never before have I met with such a rough and hardy set