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Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 15 1 Browse Search
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862., Part II: Correspondence, Orders, and Returns. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott) 14 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 14 4 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 14 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 12 4 Browse Search
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott) 10 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: April 27, 1863., [Electronic resource] 10 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 9 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: August 12, 1862., [Electronic resource] 8 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: September 23, 1862., [Electronic resource] 8 0 Browse Search
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October 3. McMinnville, Tenn., was captured by the rebels under General Wheeler. Major Patterson, who was taken prisoner with a portion of the Fourth Tennessee infantry, relates the following history of the capture: He had with him seven companies, mostly fragments. On the second instant he sent out scouts, who returned and reported no enemy. On the next day he sent Lieutenant Farnsworth with twenty scouts, who were cut off. He then sent out Lieutenant Allen, who passed the pickets a quarter of a mile and returned, reporting the rebels in force. Major Patterson drew up his command, four hundred and four in all, and fifty convalescents from the hospital. Skirmishing followed for an hour and a quarter, during which the rebels were repulsed in three charges. Wheeler then sent in a flag of truce, with a verbal demand for a surrender, which Major Patterson refused, saying he would not surrender until he was compelled to do so. In half an hour Colonel Hodge of the Kentucky brigad
to-day, one killed. We lay in the hollow in the rear of the ditches we had just left, all night. June 17.--We moved this morning, and took our position in the hollow as reserves, in rear of the Third Louisiana, and to the left of the Jackson road, to reenforce, if necessary, what is called Fort Beauregard, which point the enemy are undermining. We made ourselves safe by digging holes in the ground for protection. We hear that three divisions of the Federal army have been defeated at McMinnville. The day pleasant. June 18.--Firing very heavy all day. We lost three men wounded, S. N. Petcher, of our company, among them. Our rations changed: one quarter of a pound of flour, one quarter of a pound of bacon to the man, quite light. No news from the rear. June 19.--C. R. Marion, of our company, was killed this morning, while sharp-shooting. A Minie ball penetrated his right eye; came out at the top of the head. A braver man never fell. The firing was heavy all day. We stil
els as far as supplies and the state of the roads rendered it practicable, took position from McMinnville to Winchester, with advances at Pelham and Stevenson. The latter soon after moved to Bridgep western slopes of the Cumberland, which have just been described. To reach Chattanooga from McMinnville, or north of the Tennessee, it is necessary to turn the head of this valley by Pikeville and tlanta road to Rome and thence to Gadsden, is south-west. From the position of our army at McMinnville, Tullahoma, Decherd, and Winchester, to reach Chattanooga, crossing the Tennessee above it, irst step was to repair the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, to bring forward to Tullahoma, McMinnville, Dechard, and Winchester needful forage and subsistence, which it was impossible to transportnchester by the most practicable route to Dunlop. General Van Cleve with two brigades from McMinnville, the third being left in garrison there, by the most practicable route to Pikeville, the head
ce moved forward the Seventh Pennsylvania on the right of the road and the Fourth regulars on the left. Captain Davis at the same time pushed forward with his skirmishers and relaid the planks which had been torn off a small bridge on the road. Finding that the enemy was now giving way, I brought the Seventh Pennsylvania into the road in columns of fours, and ordered them to charge, which they did most gallantly, led by Lieutenant Thompson (who was honorably mentioned for his conduct at McMinnville, April twenty-first,) and well supported by the Fourth regulars. At this point we made about three hundred prisoners; the Fourth Michigan had one officer and seven men wounded and twenty-one horses killed and wounded, while charging the breast works, and Lieutenant O'Connell of the Fourth regulars, (who distinguished himself so nobly at Middleton,) was thrown from his horse and had his shoulder broken. When within a quarter of a mile of Shelbyville, the rebels opened on us with four
e. Bragg's main army occupied a strong position north of Duck River, the infantry extending from Shelbyville to Wartrace, and their cavalry on their right to McMinnville, and on their left to Columbia and Spring Hill, where Forrest was concentrated and threatening Franklin. The position of Bragg's infantry was covered by a range of high, rough, rocky hills, the principal routes passing southward from Murfreesboro toward Tullahoma and line of the enemy's communications. 1. By McMinnville it is seventy-five miles to Tullahoma. Its length precludes it, while the intermediate by-roads between that and Manchester were so difficult as to be regarded as uBradyville with the other two, and await orders. The cavalry, one brigade under General Turchin, was sent with the Twenty-first army corps to look out toward McMinnville. All the remainder under Major-General Stanley, were to meet General Mitchell coming in from Versailles, and attack the rebel cavalry at Middleton. The head
and the main column through Piketown, and on the mountain toward McMinnville. While feeding our horses at the cross-roads, we heard what we ng of October fourth, Colonel Miller moved out in advance toward McMinnville, twelve miles distant. As we approached the town, citizens told ond brigade, the Third Ohio, which had rejoined the brigade near McMinnville, had the advance; next the Second Kentucky, the Fourth Ohio, and dislodge the enemy who were in possession of the main road from McMinnville to Chattanooga, and which they were stubbornly holding, skirmishk possession of the Gap through which the road passed leading to McMinnville. Being now in possession of the road, the Gap, and a good streaw having the advance, I skirmished with the enemy on the road to McMinnville, driving his rear through the town, which he had sacked, burningg some and bringing off a number of prisoners. Seven miles from McMinnville he again made a stand and offered battle. I at once dismounted
. gave General Wood his orders through one of my staff, who received them in person from Department Headquarters to move his other brigade at once to Gordon's Mills to support Colonel Harker, and at five P. M. my staff-officer reported to me at Ringgold. My entire second and third divisions were then at Ringgold. General Hazen, with his brigade, having crossed the river yesterday, rejoined his division (Palmer's) to-day. Colonel Deck, with second brigade, Van Cleve's division, (left at McMinnville to guard stores,) rejoined his command on the ninth. Your instructions received at this time, and dated a quarter-past nine A. M., were to move with the balance of my corps on the Chickamauga and Pea Vine Valley roads, keeping in view two objects: first to support General Thomas, in case the enemy is in force in the vicinity of Lafayette; or second, to move eastward and southward toward Rome, in case he has continued his retreat. Other verbal instructions received by my staff-officer ur
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Bragg's invasion of Kentucky. (search)
s, running north-east and south-west, separated him from Chattanooga. A railroad, connecting McMinnville and Tullahoma, ran nearly parallel to the north-west slope of these mountain ranges. Already he had located General Thomas at McMinnville with Wood's and Ammen's divisions, while the divisions of Schoepf, McCook, and Thomas L. Crittenden were near the Nashville and Stevenson Railroad within being at Dunlap's in the Sequatchie Valley, he reported these facts to Buell and returned to McMinnville. Crittenden's division halted near Pelham, and Schoepf at Hillsboro‘. McCook pressed on and ts regarding strength, but states that he could not have concentrated more than 31,000 men at McMinnville to strike the Confederate forces as they debouched from the mountains; and the same paper esttreated from that place down the mountain. Neither could he have overtaken Buell's troops at McMinnville, because, fully three days before Bragg could have reached that place, Buell had ordered all
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., East Tennessee and the campaign of Perryville. (search)
so the option of making the advance through McMinnville and Kingston, which I imagined might be fouion had been attracted to the importance of McMinnville as an outpost. It was at the foot of the med a new brigade at Murfreesboro' to occupy McMinnville. On the morning of the 13th Forrest, with diately ordered to occupy Murfreesboro' and McMinnville with his division, himself and one brigade son or Thurman road between Chattanooga and McMinnville crossed the Sequatchie valley, watching andn that road, and gradually fall back toward McMinnville until he joined the remainder of the army. lready been given. Altamont, in advance of McMinnville, was designated as the point of junction, t concentration Thomas went to Altamont from McMinnville with one division, but returned to McMinnviMcMinnville. McCook arrived there a little later and remained unti l the final concentration at Murfreesbosboro' on the 5th of September. Thomas, at McMinnville, was to march on the 2d, and other commands
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 4: campaign of the Army of the Cumberland from Murfreesboro'to Chattanooga. (search)
ding from Shelbyville to Wartrace, his cavalry on his right stretched out to McMinnville, and on his left to Columbia and Spring Hill, on the railway between Nashvil cavalry under Colonel Minty, moved from Murfreesboroa April 20, 1863. upon McMinnville, then occupied by about seven hundred of Morgan's men. The guerrilla's troope Nationals burned a Confederate cotton factory and other public property at McMinnville, destroyed the railway, its buildings, trestle-work, and bridges, and returnrd Shelbyville, Thomas toward Manchester, and Crittenden in the direction of McMinnville. The latter was to march much later than the other two, with Turchin's brig on the high rolling table-land between Winchester, Decherd, Manchester, and McMinnville. On the 5th of July, Van Cleve, who had been left at Murfreesboroa, arrived, and moved with his division to McMinnville. Bragg pushed on over the mountains, The Cumberland range is lofty and rocky, and separate the waters which flow int